- Instructions on how to run the Pathway Analysis pipeline for PNC data
- Nov 9, 2018
- By Shirley Hui
- Permute phenotypes
File: ROOT_DIR/permutePhenos.R
- This file permutes phenotype status in the phenoFile (see code).
- Subjects with status -9 are not included in the permutation
Rscript perumtePhenos.R
- Note: Set variables inside script before running
- Each permutation is written out to a file with the same format as phenoFile
- Note: pemutations are written to files to ensure reproducibility
B) PERFORM GWAS (genome-wide associations)
- Make gwas batch and submit scripts
File: ROOT_DIR/make_plink_assoc_bin_jobfiles.sh
- This script make a txt file that contains the call to run gwas (logistic regression + PC covariates) to compute snp-phenotype associations using plink.
./make_plink_assoc_bin_jobfiles.sh 0 <num_perms>
Example: ./make_plink_assoc_bin_jobfiles.sh volt_svt 0 100 1-5
- a file called ROOT_DIR/jobfiles/plink_assoc__0-<num_perms>-covar-.txt that contains the call to run one permutation of gwas (one call per line)
- a file called ROOT_DIR/run_gwas_bin__0-<num_perms>-covar-.sh that calls the txt file above via parallel
- Compute gene-phenotype associations
- Run ROOT_DIR/run_gwas_bin__0-<num_perms>-covar-.sh script from previous
- The script runs GWAS (runGWAS.R) 0 to <num_perms> times for pheno of interest using logistic regression and 0-n PC covariates supplied by the user
- pvalues for each SNP outputted to a file for each permuation (0 to <num_perms>)
The following assumes the pipeline is running on a high
- Make gsea batch and submit scripts
File: ROOT_DIR/code/src/MakeJobs.java
- This script will make a bunch of .sh files that contain the 8 parallel jobs that will run when it is called.
- If num perm = 100, 13 .sh files will be made. If num perm= 1000, 125 .sh files will be made. Note code doesn't really support num perms not equal to 100 or 1000.
- If you make any code changes, to compile script, run the ./compile.sh at the prompt
module load java java -cp ../out MakeJobs <num_perms> bin
Example: java -cp ../out MakeJobs volt_svt 100 bin 1-5
- a bunch of job files located in ROOT_DIR/job_scripts/gsea/run-gsea---bin-covars.sh
- a master submit script located in ROOT_DIR/submit-gsea--bin-covars.sh
- Run gsea
- Run submit script from previous
- You will get a bunch of warnings (which is ok) about how the submitted job time is the minimum of 15 mins.
- This will create several directories (one for each permutation). In each directory there will be two output files (*gsea.txt - gsea output, *genes.txt - detailed output)
- Move gsea output files into one directory
File: ROOT_DIR/moveFiles.sh
- This will move all output files into ROOT_DIR/gsea/bin/gsea-_covars where:
- gsea.txt files get moved to obs directory,for perm0 or perm directory, for all other permutations
- genes.txt files get moved to genes directory for all perms
moveFiles.sh bin
Example: moveFiles.sh volt_svt bin 1-5 100
- Delete empty directories and run txt and log files:
rm -r Gsea-bin-covars* rm run_gsea_-<batch_num>-bin-covars*
- Normalize ES scores
File: ROOT_DIR/mygseaCalcNES.py
- This script will normalize the enrichment scores from step 2 above.
module load python/2.7.14-anaconda5.1.0 python mygseaCalcNES.py bin
Example: python mygseaCalcNES.py volt_svt bin 1-5 100
- This will create a bunch of nes*.txt in the ROOT_DIR/nes/ directory
- Compute FDR score
File: ROOT_DIR/compareFDR.R
- This script will compute FDR scores using NES from step 4)
module load r/3.4.3-anaconda5.1.0 Rscript computeFDR.R bin
Example: Rscript computeFDR.R volt_svt bin 1-5 8
Output: - This will create a file fdr--bin-covars-.txt in the ROOT_DIR/fdr directory