Author: Bauyrzhan Zhakanov, [email protected]
This is the assignment of the course Research Track 2, Robotics Engineering, University of Genoa, Italy.
The assignment is divided into four parts, which are:
Research Track II Documentation was added using Sphinx from the Research Track I task.
Jupyter notebook was added to interact with the simulation on the third assignment:
- To experiment some modalities
- To plot the graphs for the laser scanner data, odometry data and reached / not-reached targets.
Perform a statistical analysis on the first assignment. To compare two code for statistics:
This is part of the Research Track 2 Documentation which is inside in folder rt2_exercises/docs/html
This is part of the Research Track 2 Jupyter
- To launch the Jupyter notebook, type these in two terminals:
$ jupyter notebook --allow-root --ip
$ roslaunch rt2_exercises jupyter.launch
There are three main improvements that I came up with, which are:
- Provide better interface for sequentially setting the goal
- Develop more structured code