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To update version

Edit the pubspec.yaml file with vscode and edit the project build settings in xcode. ie. Major/breaking . newfeatures . bugfixes. Or can find and replace the version number which will edit the file: /ios/Runner.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

For making iphone screenshots open simulator and open these sizes and hit debug in VS code

6.9 iPhone 16 Pro Max 6.5 Xs Max

For making andriod screenshots I am using a Pixel 6 emulator.

For making ipad screenshots

For now we are not doing. 13" 10th gen ipad 12.9" iPad Pro 2nd or 6th gen

Keyboard Shortcuts

stless make a stateless widget stful make a stateful widget Windows: CTRL + SHIFT + R or CTRL + . to wrap a widget. (My keyboard command .) Can comand click something to see its source also.

DART/Flutter Notes

Remember Lists are ordered, maps are unordered

List fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'cherry']; -> fruits[0] Map<String, int> ages = {'Alice': 30, 'Bob': 25, 'Carol': 35}; -> ages['Bob']

Map<String, dynamic> jsonData = json.decode(response.body); List data = json.decode(response.body);

Loops are similar to php

for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { // }


for (String fruit in accounts) { print(fruit); }

Reading data from local storage in a null safe way. (If it doesn't exist, returns null) final int? counter = prefs.getInt('counter');

If need to know if it exists this returns a bool response prefs.containsKey("counter")

To Add a Page (Not in Navigation)

Edit app.dart and scaffold_body.dart.

Navigation and Routing

A sample that shows how to use the Router API to handle common navigation scenarios.


  • Nnavigation scenarios:
    • Parsing path parameters ('/user/:id')
    • Sign in (validation / guards)
    • Nested navigation
  • Teusable implementation of RouterDelegate and RouteInformationParser
  • deep linking
  • Uses the Link widget from package:url_Launcher with the Router API.
  • Can use provider for easier state managment.

How it works

Starts at main.dart to set deep linking and window sizing. Then runs the app. (app.dart is the top level widget.) The top-level widget, Productstore, in app.dart sets up the state for this app and imports navigation, auth and routing. It places three InheritedNotifier widgets in the tree: RouteStateScope, ProductstoreAuthScope, and LibraryScope, which provide the state for the application:

  • RouteState: stores the current route path (/product/1) as a ParsedRoute object (see below).
  • ProductstoreAuthScope: stores a mock authentication API, ProductstoreAuth.
  • LibraryScope: stores the data for the app, Library.

The Productstore widget also uses the MaterialApp.router() constructor to opt-in to the Router API. This constructor requires a RouterDelegate and RouteInformationParser. This app uses the routing.dart library, described below.


This library contains a general-purpose routing solution for medium-sized apps. It implements these classes:

  • SimpleRouterDelegate: Implements RouterDelegate. Updates RouteState when a new route has been pushed to the application by the operating system. Also notifies the Router widget whenever the RouteState changes.
  • TemplateRouteParser: Implements RouteInformationParser. Parses the incoming route path into a ParsedRoute object. A RouteGuard can be provided to guard access to certain routes.
  • ParsedRoute: Contains the current route location ("/user/2"), path parameters ({id: 2}), query parameters ("?search=abc"), and path template ("/user/:id")
  • RouteState: Stores the current ParsedRoute.
  • RouteGuard: Guards access to routes. Can be overridden to redirect the incoming route if a condition isn't met.

App Structure

The SimpleRouterDelegate constructor requires a WidgetBuilder parameter and a navigatorKey. This app uses a ProductstoreNavigator widget, which configures a Navigator with a list of pages, based on the current RouteState.

  routeState: routeState,
  navigatorKey: navigatorKey,
  builder: (context) => ProductstoreNavigator(
    navigatorKey: navigatorKey,

This Navigator is configured to display either the sign-in screen or the ProductstoreScaffold. An additional screen is stacked on top of the ProductstoreScaffold if a product or author is currently selected:

return Navigator(
  key: widget.navigatorKey,
  onPopPage: (route, dynamic result) {
    // ...
  pages: [
    if (routeState.route.pathTemplate == '/signin')
        key: signInKey,
        child: SignInScreen(),
    else ...[
        key: scaffoldKey,
        child: ProductstoreScaffold(),
      if (selectedProduct != null)
          key: productDetailsKey,
          child: ProductDetailsScreen(
            product: selectedProduct,
      else if (selectedAuthor != null)
          key: authorDetailsKey,
          child: AuthorDetailsScreen(
            author: selectedAuthor,

The ProductstoreScaffold widget uses package:adaptive_navigation to build a navigation rail or bottom navigation bar based on the size of the screen. The body of this screen is ProductstoreScaffoldBody, which configures a nested Navigator to display either the AuthorsScreen, SettingsScreen, or ProductsScreen widget.

Linking vs updating RouteState

There are two ways to change the current route, either by updating RouteState, which the RouterDelegate listens to, or use the Link widget from package:url_launcher. The SettingsScreen widget demonstrates both options:

  uri: Uri.parse('/product/0'),
  builder: (context, followLink) {
    return TextButton(
      child: const Text('Go directly to /product/0 (Link)'),
      onPressed: followLink,
  child: const Text('Go directly to /product/0 (RouteState)'),
  onPressed: () {


If you have a general question about the Router API, the best places to go are:

If you run into an issue with the sample itself, please file an issue in the main Flutter repo.