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.github/workflows/ci.yaml #110


.github/workflows/ci.yaml #110

Workflow file for this run

pull_request: {}
- cron: '30 11,23 * * *'
# push:
runs-on: [self-hosted]
timeout-minutes: 20
arch: [arm64] # arm, , ppc64le, riscv64, x86_64
toolchain: [clang, llvm] # gcc
config: [release] # debug
rustc: [1.54.0]
output: [src] # [src, build]
install: [rustup] # [rustup, standalone]
sysroot: [common] # [common, custom]
# arm 32-bit gcc not yet supported
- arch: arm
toolchain: gcc
# Exclude `LLVM=1` where not supported.
- arch: ppc64le
toolchain: llvm
- arch: riscv64
toolchain: llvm
# A few independent combinations to avoid exploding the matrix:
# - The other option for `output`.
# - Different releases for `rustc`.
# - The other three (`install`, `sysroot`) combinations
# (they are interrelated, so the cross-product needs to be tested)
# include:
# - arch: arm64
# toolchain: gcc
# config: debug
# rustc: 1.54.0
# output: build
# install: rustup
# sysroot: custom
# - arch: ppc64le
# toolchain: clang
# config: release
# rustc: 1.54.0
# output: build
# install: standalone
# sysroot: common
# - arch: x86_64
# toolchain: llvm
# config: debug
# rustc: 1.54.0
# output: build
# install: standalone
# sysroot: custom
# Setup: checkout
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Setup: Store matrix name
- run: echo 'MATRIX_NAME=${{ matrix.arch }}-${{ matrix.toolchain }}-${{ matrix.config }}' >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Setup: Github cache
- uses: actions/cache@v2
path: ~/.ccache
key: ${{ env.MATRIX_NAME  }}-ccache-${{ github.run_id }}
restore-keys: |
${{ env.MATRIX_NAME  }}-ccache-
# Setup: variables
- if: matrix.arch == 'x86_64'
run: |
echo 'IMAGE_PATH=arch/x86/boot/bzImage' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'QEMU_ARCH=x86_64' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'QEMU_CPU=Cascadelake-Server' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'QEMU_APPEND=console=ttyS0' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- if: matrix.arch == 'arm64'
run: |
echo 'MAKE_ARCH=ARCH=arm64' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'IMAGE_PATH=arch/arm64/boot/Image.gz' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'QEMU_ARCH=aarch64' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'QEMU_CPU=cortex-a72' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- if: matrix.arch == 'ppc64le'
run: |
echo 'MAKE_ARCH=ARCH=powerpc' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'MAKE_CROSS_COMPILE=CROSS_COMPILE=powerpc64le-linux-gnu-' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'IMAGE_PATH=vmlinux' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'QEMU_ARCH=ppc64' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'QEMU_MACHINE=pseries' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- if: matrix.arch == 'arm'
run: |
echo 'IMAGE_PATH=arch/arm/boot/zImage' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'QEMU_ARCH=arm' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'QEMU_CPU=cortex-a7' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- if: matrix.arch == 'riscv64'
run: |
echo 'MAKE_ARCH=ARCH=riscv' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'IMAGE_PATH=arch/riscv/boot/Image' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'QEMU_ARCH=riscv64' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'QEMU_CPU=rv64' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'QEMU_ARGS=-bios /usr/lib/riscv64-linux-gnu/opensbi/generic/fw_jump.elf' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- if: matrix.toolchain == 'clang'
run: echo 'MAKE_TOOLCHAIN=CC=clang-13' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- if: matrix.toolchain == 'llvm'
- if: matrix.output == 'build'
run: |
echo 'MAKE_OUTPUT=O=build' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'BUILD_DIR=build/' >> $GITHUB_ENV
- if: matrix.sysroot == 'custom'
run: |
echo 'RUSTC_SYSROOT=--sysroot=$HOME/sysroot' >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo "MAKE_SYSROOT=KRUSTFLAGS=--sysroot=$HOME/sysroot" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Setup: custom pre-built binaries folder
- run: |
mkdir bin
echo $(pwd)/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
# Setup: LLVM
# - run: curl | apt-key add -
# Retry to be resilient to intermittent network issues
# - run: |
# add-apt-repository 'deb llvm-toolchain-focal-12 main' ||
# add-apt-repository 'deb llvm-toolchain-focal-12 main' ||
# add-apt-repository 'deb llvm-toolchain-focal-12 main'
# - run: apt-get update -y
# - run: apt-get install -y llvm-12 clang-12 lld-12
- run: echo $(llvm-config-13 --bindir) >> $GITHUB_PATH
# Setup: GCC
- if: matrix.arch == 'arm'
run: apt-get install -y gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi lzop
# - if: matrix.arch == 'arm64'
# run: apt-get install -y gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu
- if: matrix.arch == 'ppc64le'
run: apt-get install -y gcc-powerpc64le-linux-gnu
- if: matrix.arch == 'riscv64'
run: apt-get install -y gcc-riscv64-linux-gnu
# Setup OpenSBI
- if: matrix.arch == 'riscv64'
run: apt-get install -y opensbi
# Setup: libelf
# - run: apt-get install -y libelf-dev
# Setup: QEMU
- if: matrix.arch == 'x86_64'
run: apt-get install -y qemu-system-x86
# - if: matrix.arch == 'arm' || matrix.arch == 'arm64'
# run: apt-get install -y qemu-system-arm
- if: matrix.arch == 'ppc64le'
run: apt-get install -y qemu-system-ppc
- if: matrix.arch == 'riscv64'
run: |
curl -o bin/qemu-system-riscv64
chmod u+x bin/qemu-system-riscv64
# Setup: rustc
- if: matrix.install == 'rustup'
run: |
rustup default ${{ matrix.rustc }}
rustup component add rustfmt
- if: matrix.install == 'standalone'
run: |
curl${{ matrix.rustc }}-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz | tar xz
rust-${{ matrix.rustc }}-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/ --without=rust-docs --prefix=$HOME/rustc
echo $HOME/rustc/bin >> $GITHUB_PATH
# Setup: rustc native libs
- if: matrix.sysroot == 'custom'
run: |
mkdir $(rustc ${{ env.RUSTC_SYSROOT }} --print sysroot)
ln -s $(rustc --print sysroot)/lib $(rustc ${{ env.RUSTC_SYSROOT }} --print sysroot)/lib
# Setup: rustc source
- if: matrix.install == 'rustup' && matrix.sysroot == 'common'
run: rustup component add rust-src
- if: matrix.install != 'rustup' || matrix.sysroot != 'common'
run: |
git clone -n $(rustc ${{ env.RUSTC_SYSROOT }} --print sysroot)/lib/rustlib/src/rust
cd $(rustc ${{ env.RUSTC_SYSROOT }} --print sysroot)/lib/rustlib/src/rust
git checkout $(rustc -vV | grep -F 'commit-hash' | awk '{print $2}')
git submodule update --init library
# Setup: clippy
- run: rustup component add clippy
# Setup: bindgen
# - run: |
# curl -o bin/bindgen
# chmod u+x bin/bindgen
# Setup: ccache
- run: |
# apt-get install ccache
echo '/usr/lib/ccache:$PATH' >> $GITHUB_PATH
# Setup: Check existing ccache
- run: ccache -s
# Setup: busybox
# - run: git clone --depth 1 -b 1_30_1
- run: cp -r /busybox ./
- run: mv .github/workflows/busybox.config busybox/.config
- run: cd busybox && make ${{ env.MAKE_CROSS_COMPILE }} -j3
# Setup: module parameters test
- run: |
cp samples/rust/ samples/rust/
cp samples/rust/ samples/rust/
cp samples/rust/ samples/rust/
cp samples/rust/ samples/rust/
sed -i 's:rust_module_parameters:rust_module_parameters_builtin_default:g' samples/rust/
sed -i 's:rust_module_parameters:rust_module_parameters_builtin_custom:g' samples/rust/
sed -i 's:rust_module_parameters:rust_module_parameters_loadable_default:g' samples/rust/
sed -i 's:rust_module_parameters:rust_module_parameters_loadable_custom:g' samples/rust/
echo 'obj-y += rust_module_parameters_builtin_default.o' >> samples/rust/Makefile
echo 'obj-y += rust_module_parameters_builtin_custom.o' >> samples/rust/Makefile
echo 'obj-m += rust_module_parameters_loadable_default.o' >> samples/rust/Makefile
echo 'obj-m += rust_module_parameters_loadable_custom.o' >> samples/rust/Makefile
# Build
- run: mv .github/workflows/kernel-${{ matrix.arch }}-${{ matrix.config }}.config .config
- if: matrix.output == 'build'
run: |
mkdir ${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}
mv .config ${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}.config
sed -i 's:samples/rust/:${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}samples/rust/:' .github/workflows/qemu-initramfs.desc
- run: make ${{ env.MAKE_ARCH }} ${{ env.MAKE_CROSS_COMPILE }} ${{ env.MAKE_TOOLCHAIN }} ${{ env.MAKE_OUTPUT }} ${{ env.MAKE_SYSROOT }} -j30
# Run
- run: ${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}usr/gen_init_cpio .github/workflows/qemu-initramfs.desc > qemu-initramfs.img
- run: |
qemu-system-${{ env.QEMU_ARCH }} \
${{ env.QEMU_ARGS }} \
-kernel ${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}${{ env.IMAGE_PATH }} \
-initrd qemu-initramfs.img \
-M ${{ env.QEMU_MACHINE }} \
-cpu ${{ env.QEMU_CPU }} \
-smp 1 \
-nographic \
-vga none \
-no-reboot \
-append '${{ env.QEMU_APPEND }} \
rust_module_parameters_builtin_custom.my_bool=n \
rust_module_parameters_builtin_custom.my_i32=345543 \
rust_module_parameters_builtin_custom.my_str=🦀mod \
rust_module_parameters_builtin_custom.my_usize=84 \
rust_module_parameters_builtin_custom.my_array=1,2,3 \
' \
| sed s:$'\r'$:: \
| tee qemu-stdout.log
# The kernel should not be generating any warnings
- run: |
! grep -v 'at mm/debug_vm_pgtable.c:' qemu-stdout.log | grep '] WARNING:'
# Check
- run: |
grep '] rust_minimal: Rust minimal sample (init)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_minimal: Am I built-in? false$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_minimal: My message is on the heap!$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_minimal: Rust minimal sample (exit)$' qemu-stdout.log
- run: |
grep '] rust_print: Rust printing macros sample (init)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Emergency message (level 0) without args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Alert message (level 1) without args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Critical message (level 2) without args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Error message (level 3) without args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Warning message (level 4) without args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Notice message (level 5) without args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Info message (level 6) without args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: A line that is continued without args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Emergency message (level 0) with args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Alert message (level 1) with args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Critical message (level 2) with args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Error message (level 3) with args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Warning message (level 4) with args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Notice message (level 5) with args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Info message (level 6) with args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: A line that is continued with args$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_print: Rust printing macros sample (exit)$' qemu-stdout.log
- run: |
grep '] rust_module_parameters_builtin_default: Rust module parameters sample (init)' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_builtin_default: my_bool: true$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_builtin_default: my_i32: 42$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_builtin_default: my_str: default str val$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_builtin_default: my_usize: 42$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_builtin_default: my_array: \[0, 1]$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_builtin_custom: Rust module parameters sample (init)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_builtin_custom: my_bool: false$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_builtin_custom: my_i32: 345543$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_builtin_custom: my_str: 🦀mod$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_builtin_custom: my_usize: 84$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_builtin_custom: my_array: \[1, 2, 3]$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_default: Rust module parameters sample (init)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_default: my_bool: true$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_default: my_i32: 42$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_default: my_str: default str val$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_default: my_usize: 42$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_default: my_array: \[0, 1]$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_default: Rust module parameters sample (exit)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_custom: Rust module parameters sample (init)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_custom: my_bool: false$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_custom: my_i32: 345543$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_custom: my_str: 🦀mod$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_custom: my_usize: 84$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_custom: my_array: \[1, 2, 3]$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters_loadable_custom: Rust module parameters sample (exit)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters: Rust module parameters sample (init)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters: my_bool: true$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters: my_i32: 42$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters: my_str: default str val$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters: my_usize: 42$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters: my_array: \[0, 1]$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_module_parameters: Rust module parameters sample (exit)$' qemu-stdout.log
- run: |
grep '] rust_sync: Rust synchronisation primitives sample (init)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_sync: Value: 10$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_sync: Rust synchronisation primitives sample (exit)$' qemu-stdout.log
- run: |
grep '] rust_chrdev: Rust character device sample (init)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_chrdev: Rust character device sample (exit)$' qemu-stdout.log
- run: |
grep '] rust_miscdev: Rust miscellaneous device sample (init)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_miscdev: Rust miscellaneous device sample (exit)$' qemu-stdout.log
- run: |
grep '] rust_stack_probing: Rust stack probing sample (init)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_stack_probing: Large array has length: 514$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_stack_probing: Rust stack probing sample (exit)$' qemu-stdout.log
- run: |
grep '] rust_semaphore: Rust semaphore sample (init)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_semaphore: Rust semaphore sample (exit)$' qemu-stdout.log
- run: |
grep '] rust_semaphore_c: Rust semaphore sample (in C, for comparison) (init)$' qemu-stdout.log
grep '] rust_semaphore_c: Rust semaphore sample (in C, for comparison) (exit)$' qemu-stdout.log
# Report
- run: |
ls -l \
${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}samples/rust/*.o \
${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}samples/rust/*.ko \
${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}drivers/android/rust_binder.o \
${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}rust/*.o \
${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}vmlinux \
${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}${{ env.IMAGE_PATH }}
size \
${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}samples/rust/*.o \
${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}samples/rust/*.ko \
${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}drivers/android/rust_binder.o \
${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}rust/*.o \
${{ env.BUILD_DIR }}vmlinux
# # Clippy
# - run: make ${{ env.MAKE_ARCH }} ${{ env.MAKE_CROSS_COMPILE }} ${{ env.MAKE_TOOLCHAIN }} ${{ env.MAKE_OUTPUT }} ${{ env.MAKE_SYSROOT }} -j3 CLIPPY=1
# # Docs
# - run: make ${{ env.MAKE_ARCH }} ${{ env.MAKE_CROSS_COMPILE }} ${{ env.MAKE_TOOLCHAIN }} ${{ env.MAKE_OUTPUT }} ${{ env.MAKE_SYSROOT }} -j3 rustdoc
# # Tests
# - run: make ${{ env.MAKE_ARCH }} ${{ env.MAKE_CROSS_COMPILE }} ${{ env.MAKE_TOOLCHAIN }} ${{ env.MAKE_OUTPUT }} ${{ env.MAKE_SYSROOT }} -j3 rusttest
# # Formatting
# - run: make ${{ env.MAKE_ARCH }} ${{ env.MAKE_CROSS_COMPILE }} ${{ env.MAKE_TOOLCHAIN }} ${{ env.MAKE_OUTPUT }} ${{ env.MAKE_SYSROOT }} -j3 rustfmtcheck
# View changes to ccache
- run: ccache -s
group: ${{ github.head_ref || github.ref_name }}
cancel-in-progress: true