Better than Wolves CE v2.0.0
Please note that the source code is not accurate for this release. A method for obtaining the new source format will be coming soon.
Thanks to the following people who contributed to this release!
- Dawnraider
- Arminias
- Zhil
- Hiracho
- Sockthing
- Refactored the entire mod in order to make development significantly smoother. Unfortunately, this means all addons will break with this release and will need to be updated. Details of the refactor are expanded upon below.
- Changed BTW to officially use fabric. Fabric loader is now required to install BTW.
- Fixed an issue where the addon finder would not properly locate addons located in the mods folder on linux.
- Fixed an issue where the game wasn't able to properly run on MacOS on Apple Silicon. Note that the experience is still not perfect and will likely need to wait for an update to MC 1.6 to be fully fixed but it is now significantly more playable.
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash on Java versions higher than 8. Now anything 16 and below will work (Java 17 is still not compatible).
-= General =-
- Added the ability for wheat to grow under light blocks.
- Changed nether portals to work in any size from 2x3 all the way up to 21x21 (the same as modern vanilla).
- Changed lily pads to be placeable again, but removed the ability to place other blocks against lily pads. This allows decorative use of lily pads without allowing for the exploits which originally led to them being disabled.
- Changed enchanting tables to be able to detect bookshelves an additional block up or down, for a total of 1 block below the enchanting table to 2 blocks above.
- Fixed an issue where there really was nothing to worry about regarding releasing souls into the environment without being captured.
- Fixed an issue where stone and cobblestone could drop the wrong metadata under certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue where the config for large biomes HCS was not functioning.
- Fixed an issue where ovens and baskets would render with entirely black insides in certain circumstances (for real this time!).
- Fixed an issue where launching a firework rocket would crash the game.
- Fixed an issue where kiln blocks did not count as being mortared for the purpose of sticking loose blocks to them.
- Fixed an issue where the carrot on a stick was still using the old carrot for crafting.
- Fixed an issue where the time would reset on HCS on a server if two people were connected, instead of the intended one person.
-= Beds =-
- Fixed an issue where the player would be treated as being up to 3 blocks tall while in a bedroll, leading to mobs seeing the player over walls.
- Fixed an issue where the player would always face north in a bedroll.
- Fixed an issue where they player could wake up on the other side of a wall from a bed if that wall left open a block next to the corner of the bed.
- Fixed an issue where raytracing to find cursor placement did not function properly while in a bed.
-= Beacons =-
- Added spider eye blocks and slabs, made by packing 16 spider eyes.
- Added the ability to construct a beacon from spider eye blocks to prevent jungle spiders from spawning in the area.
- Changed (increased) the drop rate of spider eyes.
- Fixed an issue where mobs spawned from beacons ignored the updated mob spawning rules in BTW based on material instead of block shape.
-= Pistons =-
- Added the ability to push tile entities with pistons.
- Fixed an issue where lava pillows would leave lava behind when moved by a piston.
-= Snow =-
- Changed (reduced) the amount which snow height affects movement speed when walking through it.
- Fixed an issue where snow on slabs would render with invisible sides, although it does still render darker than intended.
-= Logs =-
- Added separate top textures per log type.
- Added separate chewed log variants per log type.
- Changed work stump conversion to be slightly faster, and to occur in two shorter steps rather than one single long step, in order to help with clarity as it could be difficult to tell if the player was doing the correct thing or not.
-= Wolves =-
- Changed wolves to no longer require food or produce dung while possessed.
- Changed wolves to reset their aggression when fed mystery meat.
- Fixed an issue where wolves would not always update their texture to properly reflect their aggression status.
- Fixed an issue where wolves aggro'd in a group would very quickly lose their aggression state if they could not reach the player.
-= Aesthetics =-
- Added the ability to stick things to the flat face of trapdoors.
- Added the ability to climb trapdoors which are above a ladder and attached to the same face.
- Changed trapdoor placement on flat surfaces to be more intuitive.
- Changed iron spikes and lightning rods to have a slightly larger base when multiple candles are resting on them.
- Changed fence gates to no longer require a block below when placing.
- Changed fences, walls, and panes to connect to any solid surface, not just solid blocks, and improved wall rendering.
- Changed panes to connect to walls.
- Changed mod stone fences to walls.
- Fixed an issue where mod fences rendered differently in inventory from vanilla fences.
/--Creative Mode--/
- Changed torches to no longer go out in inventory when in creative mode.
- Fixed an issue where pick block did not work on candles.
- Fixed an issue where blood wood bark did not appear in the creative menu.
/--Addon API--/
- Fixed an issue where addons still needed to be referenced from a base class. They will now be loaded and initialized automatically.
- Added packet handlers as a more elegant way to handle custom packets. The previous override methods in BTWAddon (formerly FCAddOn) have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
- Added custom entity and custom item entity handlers as a part of the above rework, which have hooks to allow addons to use them as well for custom entities.
- Added an effect handler to manage custom effects. The previous override method for clientAuxFX in BTWAddon has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
- Added a hook to blacklist placing blocks against another block.
- Added hooks for mining charges and explosions to define behavior after the block is set to air.
- Added hooks to define whether a block can connect to fences, walls, or panes towards a specific facing.
- Added a hook to detect when an entity steps through a block.
- Changed command registration to be done through BTWAddon instead of ServerCommandManager, which also fixes an issue where commands were being registered too late on servers.
- Changed beacon effects to be defined dynamically instead of being hardcoded to allow for addition of new effects.
- Added hooks to define new local ambient beacon effects (similar to how looting beacons function).
- Deprecated hooks for block, item, and entity replacement, as fabric mixins replace this behavior in a much more elegant and powerful way. These hooks will be removed in a future release.
- Updated project compliance to Java 8.
- Moved all BTW classes into their own packages separate from Minecraft's.
- Renamed all classes. The FC prefix has been removed (as individual packages make the clarification redundant), and most classes have had their name hierarchy reversed (e.g. from FCBlockStoneRough to RoughStoneBlock).
- Renamed all methods to no longer use a capital letter. In almost all cases this is the only change to methods.
- Renamed all fields to remove hungarian notation. Also changed constants to use CONSTANT_CASE.
- Moved block and item definitions to their own classes, separate from the main BTW class.