Better than Wolves CE v1.3.8
Thanks to the following people who contributed to this release!
- Added a German translation. Thanks to Sockthing for providing the translation!
- Added a Turkish translation. Thanks to slzei for providing the translation!
- Fixed an issue where grass blocks rendered the grass overlay on top of dirt instead of on top of the base grass texture.
- Changed the player to go up ladders more slowly when using an item.
- Changed the player's health to regenerate slightly faster to reduce the time wasted. This should make little difference in combat, but should reduce downtime by a small amount
- Changed (reduced) the amount of food chickens get from eating items like seeds.
- Removed the ability for pigs to eat sugar cane in the world, since they are unable to eat sugar cane items anyway, and since pigs eating sugar cane roots has a much bigger negative impact than before sugar cane was reworked.
- Fixed an issue where blocks with different sounds based on metadata (like sand slabs) would not play their custom sounds on place or break.
- Fixed an issue where the screw gave back too much iron when melted down in a crucible.
/--Addon API--/
- Added a hook for addons to disable HC bouncing without editing EntityPlayer.
- Fixed an issue where rain particles would spawn during snow in biomes with only partial snow coverage.