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Jan Brouwer edited this page Jun 30, 2016 · 1 revision

Entity Info – menu section

Entity Info screenshot

This section expands when you have some BIM-objects selected, it does not matter if you select the base-face or the generated geometry. Here the entity’s properties are shown, and can (if possible) be edited.

Length and Height

These fields show the length and width of the currently selected object in millimetres.

You can use them to modify the selected objects, but for most objects it works better to modify them by stretching the object’s base-face. Using the input fields can have weird effects when used on non-square objects.

Width and Offset

These are the most important fields, they show the object’s thickness and offset in millimetres. Thickness: This defines the wall-width or floor-height. It actually sets the ammount of extrusion of the base-face. Offset: The offset defines the objects position relative to the base-face. So, for example, you can put the wall centered on the inside of the base-line instead of on the inside.

Element type

With the field “Element type” you can set (and change) the entity’s type. This will not change the appearance in SketchUp, but will be very important when using the object for other uses. Such as how the object will be interpreted into other software-tools(through IFC-export).

Name and Description

These fields are purely descriptional (but could be used to filter or find specific objects).