Locate is a Web application for displaying shelf maps at Boston College Libraries.
Local development requires:
Inside MySQL/MariaDB, create a database called locate
and a user locate
with the password locate_develop
CREATE USER 'locate'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'locate_develop';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON locate.* TO 'locate'@'localhost';
From the command line, import the development data, providing the database user password when prompted:
mysql -u locate -p locate < locate-dev-data.sql
Use the package manager composer to install the Locate server:
git clone https://github.com/BCLibraries/locate.git
cd locate
composer install
Install the required JavaScript with yarn and build the scripts:
yarn install
yarn encore dev
Install the symfony
CLI tool to control the server.
Finally, find a copy of the development decryption key on the wiki and copy it into config/secrets/dev/.
Start Launch the server:
symfony server:start -d
Look up a sample record.
To view the development server log:
symfony server:log
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.