Local Build using Windows. Windows 11 22H2 22621.2070
- Jekyll - https://jekyllrb.com
- Just The Docs - https://github.com/just-the-docs/just-the-docs
- Just The Docs Documentation - https://just-the-docs.com
- Markdown Extension - Kramdown https://kramdown.gettalong.org/quickref.html#extensions
- Install Dependancies -
Using 3.2.2-1 x64 + Devkit.- Run
ridk install
from CMD. Requires Admin. - Choose
MSYS2 and MINGW development tool chain
. - If you mess up, run
ridk install
from the CMD again and select the proper choice.
- Run
- Open CMD/Terminal so that
Envs changes become effective.- Check path in CMD with
. - Default path is
- Check path in CMD with
- Instal Jekyl and builder
gem install jekyll bundler
.- Will take a bit... Took ~7 minutes on my machine.
- Check Jekyll install via
jekyll -v
.- If error occurs, restart your machine and try again.
- Clone GitHub Repository.
- CD To Location Repo exists within.
- CMD Run
bundle install
- Only needs to be done once. - CMD Run
bundle exec jekyll serve
You can add the argument--livereload
so that changes happen on the fly. - Site will be hosted on
for local viewing.
Just The Docs uses a mixture of Kramdown and Markdown in order to allow users to better create documentation/guides.
Above I have listed the Kramdown site, which holds a ton of information on Kramdown's syntax
However, there is also more provided on the Just The Docs documentation website as well.
- Simply fork the :dev: branch of the GitHub repository using the GitHub website, and then downlolad GitHub Desktop (as it makes things easier in the long run)
- In GitHub Desktop, Clone your forked repository, and make changes to the location that is local to your machine.
- View the changes by building the site using the building locally guide above.
- Once changes are made and you are happy with them, push your commits to your :dev: branch, and merge them with the :dev: branch of the official repository when you are done!