A repo to contain all the codes for the season of codes for summer of 2022 including final project
The code where we implemented linear regression using Gradient Descent
- This file can easily model multiregression model.
- Used numpy, seaborn and matplotlib for data manipulation and visualization respectively
This is used to learn and implement basic function and methods of Pytorch librray, it contains-
- Manipulation and creation of the vatrious attributes of Tensors in Pytorch
- Performed various operation on tensors like concatination, view, and algebric operation like dot product, matrix multiplication etc.
- Autograd on Pytorch and how it is used to obtain gradient of arbitrary functions
- Built a Dataset class and dataloader to efficiently load dataset for training
- Built a neural network classifier of mashrooms type using Pytorch
This is used to implement Vanilla DCGAN model to generate Anime Faces
- The model architecture is similar to that was in the DCGAN'S paper
- Built the Dataset Class and cached the data for faster loading of data , used Anime Face dataset for model training
- used Binary cross entropy loss function for evaluation losses
- used Adam optimizer
This is the final implementation of my SoC Project "Learn To Cartoonize".
- Used Pix2Pix gan for mapping real images to cartoon images
- used patchgan discriminator
- Dataset used can be found here