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Aragon UX Suggestions

Yalda Mousavinia edited this page Apr 24, 2018 · 12 revisions

As I have been designing the Aragon Planning app and thinking through UX decisions, I have in parallel been thinking about how my designs impact Aragon UI patterns in general. Hence I plan to document cross-application UX suggestions in this document here, providing justifications for the different decisions.



1. Field Labels

2. No data use case

3. Top Level Actions

  • Rethink the UX of top level page actions when there are tabs.
    • Tab-specific actions should be below the row of tabs
    • The Action buttons above the Tabs should never change when in the same app, and should be considered more global/generic for the entire app (perhaps it is the action that relates to creating/adding the major object in the scope of the app)

4. Terminology

  • The term "Min. quorum" used during onboarding a DAO is redundant, as quorum implies a minimum. I suggest removing "Min."

Voting App

5. Voting app Landing page

  • In the landing page, include details like:
    • Which app triggered the vote
    • Adding more vote types to voting app
    • Visual indicator whether I voted and what my vote was
    • Permission/role/group membership required for the vote (if any)
  • Remove "view vote" button. Allow user to open vote side panel by clicking anywhere in the row.

6. Voting Side Panel (View/Execute Vote)

  • Update the location of Quorum / people that have voted
  • Update the terminology used to display the percentage of people that have voted (quorum is a parameter, not the percentage that have participated)
  • Display the number of voting tokens and token type (e.g. is it the DAOs tokens, etc?)
  • Move the "Created By" to the top left
  • Abbreviate the Created By address to be 0x453b...8177 (but show full address on hover)
  • Move the Time Remaining / Status to top right