What is the best way to learn something new? Repetition.
What is the best way to learn a new programming language? Using it.
I always put off learning Rust,
always taking the complex looking code I found online as an excuse.
Now I have decided to actually start writing Rust. But what to write?
Because I don't know, I just started doing the Advent of Code from 2018.
This usually is how I get into languages.
I did the same for Elixir, which is by far my most favorite functional language now.
And every time I use another language, I start missing features from Elixir!
Please know that this is obviously my first time writing Rust, most of the code is NOT going to be optimized by any stretch.
As I often rewrite my code, while learning, I might actually have a pretty optimized version.
An example would be the Day 1 Part 2 solution, before using HashSet I used a Vec.
If you don't know, that is a bad idea. Using a Vec resulted in minutes of runtime,
switching to a HashSet made the solution finish in less than 300 ms.
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