An application to help clinic manage their patient data and record. Created using Next JS Framework, Redux Toolkit, Styled Component, Mongoose, and Typescript.
- Clone the repository and run
yarn install
- Create copy content of
then create a file name.env
- Change the content of
file to your desire - To start the server run
yarn run dev
- @hookform/resolvers 2.8.8",
- @reduxjs/toolkit 1.8.1",
- axios 0.27.2",
- bcrypt 5.0.1",
- jsonwebtoken 8.5.1",
- mongoose 6.3.2",
- next 12.1.6",
- next-redux-wrapper 7.0.5",
- react 18.1.0",
- react-dom 18.1.0",
- react-hook-form 7.30.0",
- react-redux 8.0.1",
- react-toastify 9.0.1",
- styled-components 5.3.5",
- yup 0.32.11"