MetisWISE is the client software for the METIS AIT archive.
It contains a Python library, called metiswise
, to connect to the METIS AIT database and to retrieve data from the METIS AIT data server.
MetisWISE uses dependencies from the AstroWISE conda channel. The login credentials for that channel can be found on the METIS AIT Archive page on the METIS wiki.
First, install conda with your favorite tools.
Then add channels
export OMEGACEN_CONDA_CREDENTIALS=login:password # See above
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels omegacen
conda config --add channels "https://${OMEGACEN_CONDA_CREDENTIALS}"
Create the metiswise environment
conda create -n metiswise common psycopg2 astropy pytest jupyter httpcore lxml httpx docutils pooch scipy
See the Dockerfile for more instructions.
The easiest way to experiment with MetisWISE is through Docker. This method creates a local database instance (PostgreSQL) to experiment with.
First install docker and docker-compose through your favorite mechanism.
Then perform these workarounds (TODO: fix these)
- in
variable with the credentials from the wiki. - in
, replace directories refering tohugo
wit the appropriate paths.
docker build -t metiswise .
cd docker
docker-compose up
Docker compose will start four instances, that you can see with docker ps
- docker_postgres_1, with the test database
- docker_dbviewer_1, with the web-based database viewer
- docker_jupyter_1, with a jupyter notebook server
- docker_metiswise_1, with bindings so X11 can be used.
docker-compose should give you a link to a Jupyter Notebook that you can open. That is, it should print something like
jupyter_1 | To access the server, open this file in a browser:
jupyter_1 | file:///home/metis/.local/share/jupyter/runtime/jpserver-26-open.html
jupyter_1 | Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
jupyter_1 | http://26c6e4169c98:8888/tree?token=0123456789abcdef
jupyter_1 |
The last link, linking to
should work, as the port is forwarded in docker-compose.yml
The dbviewer is visible at
The database should be setup so it has a schema.
You can connect to the metiswise container through
docker exec -ti docker_metiswise_1 bash
Run these commands in the container. They only have to be ran once, because the database is stored in a docker-volume, so it persists.
source "${HOME}/.bashrc"
source "${HOME}/MetisWISE/toolbox/"
python "${HOME}/MetisWISE/metiswise/tools/"
Here are several examples of using the METIS Archive from Python
# First import all DataItem classes.
from metiswise.main.aweimports import *
# Create a Python instance of a simulated raw exposure.
my_raw_flat = LM_FLAT_LAMP_RAW(filename="my_simulated_raw.fits")
# Store the FITS file on the data server.
# Commit the metadata to the database.
# First import all DataItem classes.
from metiswise.main.aweimports import *
# Search for a raw flat.
all_my_raw_flats = LM_FLAT_LAMP_RAW.filename == "my_simulated_raw.fits"
# Check how many there are.
# Get the first one.
my_raw_flat = all_my_raw_flats[0]
# Retrieve the FITS file from the data server
# First import all DataItem classes.
from metiswise.main.aweimports import *
# Select all raw flats
all_my_raw_flats = LM_FLAT_LAMP_RAW.select_all()
# Query flats on DIT and NDIT
my_interesting_raws = LM_FLAT_LAMP_RAW.det_ndit == 1 && LM_FLAT_LAMP_RAW.det_dit > 10