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dan-ince-aai committed Feb 20, 2025
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- page: Speaker Identification Across Files with AssemblyAI Pinecone and Nvidia
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title: "Speaker Identification Across Files with AssemblyAI, Pinecone, and Nvidia's TitaNet Model"
title: "How To Setup A Speaker Identification System using Pinecone & Nvidia TitaNet"

# Speaker Identification Across Files w/ AssemblyAI, Pinecone, and Nvidia's TitaNet Model

This guide will demonstrate how to build an advanced speaker recognition and diarization system that you can use to identify speakers across multiple audio files. It will use:

- AssemblyAI for transcription and initial diarization.
- Nvidia's TitaNet model for speaker embedding generation.
- Pinecone for efficient similarity search of speaker embeddings.

Here's the full sample code for what you'll build in this tutorial:

from pinecone import Pinecone, ServerlessSpec
import assemblyai as aai
import requests
import os
from pydub import AudioSegment
import mimetypes
import wave
from nemo.collections.asr.models import EncDecSpeakerLabelModel
import torch
import numpy as np
import uuid
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity

# Obtain from your Pinecone dashboard.
pc = Pinecone(api_key="PINECONE_KEY_HERE")

# Obtain from your AssemblyAI dashboard.
aai.settings.api_key = "AAI_KEY_HERE"

def transcribe(file_url):
config = aai.TranscriptionConfig(speaker_labels=True) # Speaker labels must be enabled for this Cookbook.

transcriber = aai.Transcriber(config=config)

transcript = transcriber.transcribe(file_url)

return transcript.json_response

def download_and_convert_to_wav(url, output_dir="./content/converted_audio"):
# Create the output directory if it doesn't exist.
os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True)

# Extract filename from URL.
filename = url.split("/")[-1].split("?")[0]
base_filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(filename)

# Download the file.
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
# Determine the file type.
content_type = response.headers.get("content-type")
if content_type:
guessed_extension = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type)
if guessed_extension:
file_extension = guessed_extension

# Save the downloaded file.
downloaded_file = os.path.join(output_dir, filename)
with open(downloaded_file, "wb") as f:

# Generate the WAV file name.
wav_filename = f"{base_filename}.wav"
wav_file = os.path.join(output_dir, wav_filename)

# Load the audio file.
audio = AudioSegment.from_file(downloaded_file)

# Convert to mono if it's stereo.
if audio.channels > 1:
print("Setting channels to 1.")
audio = audio.set_channels(1)

# Export as WAV.
audio.export(wav_file, format="wav")
print(f"File converted and saved as: {wav_file}")

# Remove the original downloaded file if it's different from the WAV file.
if downloaded_file != wav_file:

# Ensure the WAV file is single channel.
with, "rb") as wf:
n_channels = wf.getnchannels()
if n_channels > 1:
print(f"Converting {n_channels} channels to mono...")
# Read the frames.
frames = wf.readframes(wf.getnframes())
# Get other parameters.
params = wf.getparams()
# Close the file.
# Convert to mono.
mono_frames = b"".join([frames[i::n_channels] for i in range(n_channels)])
# Write the mono WAV file.
with, "wb") as wf:
(1, params.sampwidth, params.framerate, params.nframes, params.comptype, params.compname)
print("Conversion to mono complete.")

return wav_file
print(f"Failed to download the file. Status code: {response.status_code}")
return None

def add_speaker_embedding_to_pinecone(speaker_name, speaker_embedding, unique_id=None):
# Ensure the embedding is a 1D numpy array.
if isinstance(speaker_embedding, torch.Tensor):
embedding_np = speaker_embedding.squeeze().cpu().numpy()
elif isinstance(speaker_embedding, np.ndarray):
embedding_np = speaker_embedding.squeeze()
raise ValueError("Unsupported embedding type. Expected torch.Tensor or numpy.ndarray")

# Ensure the embedding is the correct shape
if embedding_np.shape != (192,):
raise ValueError(f"Expected embedding of shape (192,), but got {embedding_np.shape}")

# Convert to list for Pinecone
embedding_list = embedding_np.tolist()

# Generate a unique ID if not provided
if unique_id is None:
unique_id = f"speaker_{speaker_name}_{uuid.uuid4().hex[:8]}"

# Create the metadata dictionary
metadata = {"speaker_name": speaker_name}

# Upsert the vector to Pinecone
upsert_response = index.upsert(vectors=[(unique_id, embedding_list, metadata)])

print(f"Upserted embedding for speaker {speaker_name} with ID {unique_id}")
return unique_id

def find_closest_speaker(utterance_embedding, local_embeddings=None, local_only=False, threshold=0.5):
def cosine_sim(a, b):
return cosine_similarity(a.reshape(1, -1), b.reshape(1, -1))[0][0]

best_match = {"speaker_name": "No match found", "score": 0}

# Local embeddings processing.
if local_embeddings is not None:
for speaker_name, embedding in local_embeddings.items():
score = cosine_sim(utterance_embedding, embedding)
if score > best_match["score"]:
print("Identified speaker " + speaker_name + " confidence " + str(score))
best_match = {"speaker_name": speaker_name, "score": score}

# Pinecone query (if not local_only and local_embeddings is empty or not provided)
if not local_only and (local_embeddings is None or len(local_embeddings) == 0):
results = index.query(vector=utterance_embedding.tolist(), top_k=1, include_metadata=True)
if results["matches"]:
pinecone_match = results["matches"][0]
pinecone_score = pinecone_match["score"]
if pinecone_score > best_match["score"]:
best_match = {"speaker_name": pinecone_match["metadata"]["speaker_name"], "score": pinecone_score}

# Check if the best match meets the threshold.
if best_match["score"] < threshold:
return "No match found", 0

return best_match["speaker_name"], best_match["score"]

def identify_speakers_from_utterances(transcript, wav_file, min_utterance_length=5000, match_all_utterances=False):
utterances = transcript["utterances"]
speaker_model = EncDecSpeakerLabelModel.from_pretrained("nvidia/speakerverification_en_titanet_large")

known_speakers = {}
unknown_speakers = {}
unknown_count = 0

unknown_folder = "unknown_speaker_utterances"
os.makedirs(unknown_folder, exist_ok=True)

audio_file_name = os.path.basename(wav_file)
full_audio = AudioSegment.from_wav(wav_file)

def get_suitable_utterance(speaker, min_length):
suitable_utterances = [
u for u in utterances if u["speaker"] == speaker and (u["end"] - u["start"]) >= min_length
if suitable_utterances:
return max(suitable_utterances, key=lambda u: u["end"] - u["start"])
return max((u for u in utterances if u["speaker"] == speaker), key=lambda u: u["end"] - u["start"])

# First pass: Identify speakers.
for speaker in set(u["speaker"] for u in utterances):
if speaker not in known_speakers and speaker not in unknown_speakers:
suitable_utterance = get_suitable_utterance(speaker, min_utterance_length)

start_ms = suitable_utterance["start"]
end_ms = suitable_utterance["end"]
utterance_audio = full_audio[start_ms:end_ms]

temp_wav = "temp_utterance.wav"
utterance_audio.export(temp_wav, format="wav")
embedding = speaker_model.get_embedding(temp_wav)

speaker_name, score = find_closest_speaker(embedding)
print(f"Speaker: {speaker}, Closest match: {speaker_name}, Score: {score}")

if score > 0.5: # Adjust threshold as needed.
known_speakers[speaker] = speaker_name
print(f"Identified as known speaker: {speaker}")
unknown_count += 1
unknown_name = f"Unknown Speaker {chr(64 + unknown_count)}"
unknown_wav = f"{unknown_folder}/unknown_speaker_{unknown_count}_from_{audio_file_name}"
utterance_audio.export(unknown_wav, format="wav")
unknown_speakers[speaker] = {
"name": unknown_name,
"wav_file": unknown_wav,
"duration": end_ms - start_ms,
print(f"New unknown speaker detected: {unknown_name} (Duration: {(end_ms - start_ms)/1000:.2f}s)")

# Second pass: Replace speaker names.
for utterance in utterances:
if utterance["speaker"] in known_speakers:
utterance["speaker"] in known_speakers[utterance["speaker"]]
elif utterance["speaker"] in unknown_speakers:
utterance["speaker"] = unknown_speakers[utterance["speaker"]]["name"]

# Third pass: Match all utterances if requested.
if match_all_utterances:
print("Matching all utterances individually...")
for utterance in utterances:
start_ms = utterance["start"]
end_ms = utterance["end"]
utterance_audio = full_audio[start_ms:end_ms]

temp_wav = "temp_utterance.wav"
utterance_audio.export(temp_wav, format="wav")
embedding = speaker_model.get_embedding(temp_wav)

new_speaker_name, score = find_closest_speaker(embedding)

if score > 0.5 and new_speaker_name != utterance["speaker"]:
print(f"Speaker change detected: '{utterance['speaker']}' -> '{new_speaker_name}' (Score: {score})")
print(f"Utterance: {utterance['text'][:50]}...")
utterance["speaker"] = new_speaker_name

return utterances, unknown_speakers

dimension=192, # Replace with model-specific dimensions - 192 is for TitaNet-Large.
metric="cosine", # Replace with your model metric.

# Connect to our new index.
index = pc.Index("speaker-embeddings")

speaker_model = EncDecSpeakerLabelModel.from_pretrained("nvidia/speakerverification_en_titanet_large")

elon_fingerprint = download_and_convert_to_wav(
altman_fingerprint = download_and_convert_to_wav(
lex_fingerprint = download_and_convert_to_wav(

known_speakers = {"Elon Musk": elon_fingerprint, "Sam Altman": altman_fingerprint, "Lex Fridman": lex_fingerprint}

# Upload the known speakers.
for speaker, audio_file in known_speakers.items():
embedding = speaker_model.get_embedding(audio_file)
add_speaker_embedding_to_pinecone(speaker, embedding)

audio_file = download_and_convert_to_wav(
utterance_embedding = speaker_model.get_embedding(audio_file)

results = index.query(vector=utterance_embedding.tolist(), top_k=3, include_metadata=True)

# Example: Conversation Between Sam Altman and Elon Musk
transcript_obj = transcribe("")
wav_file = download_and_convert_to_wav("")
identified_utterances, unknown_speakers = identify_speakers_from_utterances(transcript_obj, wav_file)

for utterance in identified_utterances:
print(f"{utterance['speaker']}: {utterance['text']}")

## Initial Setup

First, you'll need to [sign up for an AssemblyAI account]( and obtain your API key from your [account dashboard]( Then, [sign up for a Pinecone account]( and obtain your API key from "API Keys" on the sidebar of your dashboard. Also note that any files you use for this Cookbook should be in WAV format. While not a requirement for AssemblyAI, TitaNet requires WAV format.
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|[Iterate over Speaker Labels with](guides/|
|[Schedule a DELETE request with AssemblyAI and EasyCron](guides/schedule_delete)|
|[Speaker Diarization with Async Chunking](guides/speaker-diarization-with-async-chunking)|
|[Speaker Identification Across Files w/ AssemblyAI, Pinecone, and Nvidia](guides/titanet-speaker-identification)|
|[How To Setup A Speaker Identification System using Pinecone & Nvidia TitaNet](guides/titanet-speaker-identification)|
|[Specifying a language](guides/specify-language)|
|[Transcribe Multiple Files Simultaneously Using the Node SDK](guides/sdk-node-batch)|
|[Transcribing an Audio File](guides/transcribe)|
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