- Server: Node.js with Express framework
- API Integration: GitHub REST API for fetching repository and issue data
- Authentication: Custom email/password authentication system
- Rate Limiting: Custom middleware to handle GitHub API rate limits
- Caching Layer: Vercel's Edge CDN for optimized response times
- User Collection
- Email and hashed password
- User profile information
- Authentication tokens
- Bookmarks Collection
- Repository references
- Issue tracking
- User references
- Timestamp data
- Authentication System
- Secure password hashing with bcrypt
- JWT token generation and validation
- Session management
- Rate Limiting Implementation
- Token bucket algorithm for API requests
- Debouncing for search queries (3 second delay)
- Data Processing Pipeline
- Filter processing for repository queries
- Issue aggregation and sorting
- Pagination implementation (server-side)
- Response optimization
- Core Framework: React
- State Management: Redux for global state
- API Communication: Axios for HTTP requests
- UI Components: Custom components with responsive design
- Theme Management: Context API for theme switching
- Authentication Interface
- Email/password login form
- User registration
- Password recovery flow
- Search Interface
- Dynamic filter system with 5 configurable options
- Real-time search updates with debouncing
- Visual feedback for loading states
- Repository Display
- Card-based layout for repository information
- Issue preview with direct links
- Bookmark functionality with visual indicators
- Pagination controls with configurable items per page
- User Dashboard
- Personalized bookmarks view
- Filter history
- User preferences management
- Theme System
- Light/dark mode toggle
- Persistent theme preference
- System theme detection
- Smooth theme transitions
- Implemented loading states and skeleton screens
- Error handling with user-friendly messages
- Responsive design for mobile and desktop
- Keyboard navigation support
- Infinite scroll with pagination
- Theme-aware component styling
- Frontend: Vercel hosting with automatic deployments
- Backend: Vercel serverless functions
- Database: MongoDB Atlas cloud hosting
- Development Flow
- Feature development in feature branches
- Pull requests to master branch
- Code review and testing
- Merge to main branch for production
- Automated Pipeline
- GitHub Actions for CI/CD
- Automatic deployment on main branch updates
- Environment variable management
- Build optimization
- Monitoring
- Vercel Analytics integration
- Error tracking and logging
- Performance monitoring
- Live Application: https://find-your-issue.vercel.app/
- Frontend Repository: https://github.com/AshitaSri/Find-Your-Issue
- Backend Repository: https://github.com/AshitaSri/Find-Your-Issue-backend