Larger configurations such as Window Managers, VIM, etc. as well as themes are hosted on their own separate repositories:
- GRUB (repo)
Display Manager
or DM
is also known as Login Manager
and is the login screen you see before booting into your WM/DE
- SDDM (repo)
Window Manager
or WM
is part of the DE
that manages the windows for your apps/programs. Many choose to use a WM
on its own without any DE
to have more configuration options and install all the tools and utilities manually.
A Compositor
in Wayland is similar to Window Manager + Compositor
in X11.
- Hyprland (repo)
- Waybar
- XMobar
- eww
- Trayer
- eww
- Conky
- Picom
- i3lock
- Swaylock
- Swayidle
- Bash
- Fish
- Exportrc
- Aliasrc
- Starship
Excluding base16 themes from git tracking
git update-index --skip-worktree file
- Flavours
- Alacritty
- Terminator
- Beets
- Cava
- ncmpcpp
- Vimiv
- mpv
- Zathura
- Xviewer
- Sejda
- Okular
- ViFM
- Ranger
- QuteBrowser
- Nyxt
- Vimb
- Lynx
- w3m
- mbsync
- Rofi
- Wofi
- Dunst
- Redshift
- Fcitx5