DSA: basic algorithms (Sort
, DP
, Graphs
Assignment: Input/Output library in assembly (asm
Assignment: Dictionary in assembly (asm
Assignment: Image rotation BMP (C
, asm
Assignment: Memory allocator (C
Method of simple iterations (Java
Numerical integration (Java
Non linear equations (Java
, JS
, React
Basic probability theory and statistics (Python
, Collab
Pointer: Jakarta Servlets (Maven
, Jakarta Servlet API
Pointer: Jakarta JAX-RS (Docker
, Postgres
Pointer: SpringBoot, Kotlin (SpringBoot
, Kotlin
, Docker
, Postgres
, Flyway
Databases: basic model (SQL migrations
, CI
, TeX
Databases: Blablacar coursework (PLpgSQL
, Kotlin
, SpringBoot
, Docker
, Flyway
Databases paper: Database scaling (replication, partitioning, sharding) (Markdown
Distributed databases: PostgreSQL cluster configuration, system catalogs, replication, partitioning (SQL
, TeX
, .conf
OS: Xv6 for RISC-V MIT labs implementation (C
, asm
, Makefile
OS: Benchmarking OS with sys utils (Unix
, Shell
Software Testing: Unit tests for domain models (Kotlin
, Junit5
SmartHouse App (Kotlin
, Redis
, PostgreSQL
, ClickHouse
, Android
OpenBook (Kotlin
, PostgreSQL
, Spring Security
, Spring Boot