This plugin included all main functions of audio player for Deezer servise
At first you must registering you application with Deezer
You may install latest version from master
cordova plugin add
cordova plugin rm cordova.plugin.deezer
- Android
- iOS
and event onChengeVolume()
It will be fixed when this methods will be in Deezer SDK
Demo applications
You must have premium account from Deezer servise for playing music
After device is ready you must defined the main variable:
var deezerCordova = window.cordova.plugins.DeezerPlugin;
👍 After this you may use all method in your code.
All methods returning promises, but you can also use standard callback functions.
deezerCordova.init(onSuccess, onError,appId);
deezerCordova.login(onSuccess, onError);
deezerCordova.playTrack(onSuccess, onError,trackId);
deezerCordova.playAlbum(onSuccess, onError,albumId);
deezerCordova.playPlaylist(onSuccess, onError,playlistId);
deezerCordova.playRadio(onSuccess, onError,radioId);;
deezerCordova.prev();;//value between 0 - 100%;//value in seconds
deezerCordova.setVolume(val1,val2);//val1,val2 - the volume for the left and right channel (between 0-100%)
onPosition : function(args){},//args[0] - position, args[1] - duration
onBuffering : function (args){},//(args[0] * 100) + " %";
onCurrentTrack : function(arg){},//arg[1] - Title of track
onPlayerPlay : function(){},
onTrackEnded : function(){},
onPause : function(){},
onChangeVolume : function(args){}//args[0] - the volume for the left channel (between 0 and 100%), args[1] - the volume for the right channel (between 0 and 100%)
onError: function(args){}//args[0] - error message
Exemle for subscribe:
deezerCordova.Events.onPosition = function(args){..`code`..}
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