if you need help join telegram group
🤖 Futures
Grab Discord Token, Phone Number, E-mail and HQ Friends.
Discord Injection
Grab Browser cookies & passwords
Grab specials files
Grab Crypto Wallets. 🦊 Metamask,
🅰️ Atomic, 👾 Exodus -
Grab Telegram
⬇️ Setup
first open
🖼️ Pictures
⬇️ Setup (Manual)
First paste and save your webhook address instead of
in Creal.py -
If you use obfuscator it will be undetectable.
if you have an error while installing try
pip install -r requirements.txt
Now You need to use pyinstaller to convert python file to exe.
Open CMD and type
pip install auto_py_to_exe
And after installed
python -m auto_py_to_exe
Browse file Select
One file and Windows Based (hide the console)
- And press covert .py .exe
⚠️ Disclaimer
This tool is for educational purposes only. It is coded for you to see how your files are simply stolen and how to take action. Do not use for illegal purposes. We are never responsible for illegal use. Educational purpose only!
🪪 Licanse
By downloading this, you agree to the Commons Clause license and that you're not allowed to sell this repository or any code from this repository. For more info see https://commonsclause.com/.