Extensive collection of Handlebars helpers.
For linting and testing this project uses Grunt ~0.4.1
, but Grunt is not required to use the helpers. Check out the Getting Started guide to learn more about Grunt.
npm install helper-lib --save
Once helper-lib has been installed, it may be used within your application with the following JavaScript:
var handlebars = require('Handlebars');
var helpers = require('helper-lib');
Now your handlebars instance will have access to the helpers.
Some helpers offer useful functionality that is unique to this project, such as:
- File globbing using minimatch patterns
- Access to assemble options.
- Ability to render either markdown or HTML conditionally based on the file extension of the generated file.
Lots more...
Table of Contents
- {{occurrences}}
- {{hyphenate}}
- {{dashify}}
- {{lowercase}}
- {{uppercase}}
- {{capitalizeFirst}}
- {{capitalizeEach}}
- {{titleize}}
- {{sentence}}
- {{reverse}}
- {{truncate}}
- {{center}}
- {{formatPhoneNumber}}
- {{first}}
- {{withFirst}}
- {{last}}
- {{withLast}}
- {{after}}
- {{withAfter}}
- {{before}}
- {{withBefore}}
- {{join}}
- {{sort}}
- {{withSort}}
- {{length}}
- {{lengthEqual}}
- {{empty}}
- {{any}}
- {{inArray}}
- {{eachIndex}}
- {{eachProperty}}
Markdown helpers only work with assemble, Grunt.js plugin for generating sites.
Include markdown from specified file(s), and render it to HTML
Any content inside the "included" markdown file will be rendered as HTML.
Block helper for embedding markdown content inside HTML, and rendering it to HTML at build time.
<h1>My Blog</h1>
## Post of the day
Vestibulum posuere, quam sed bibendum posuere
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus
Pellentesque nulla augue, volutpat vitae
[Read more...](https://github.com/assemble/jonschlinkert)
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi non rutrum risus.
Renders to:
<h1>My Blog</h1>
<h2>Post of the day</h2>
<p>Vestibulum posuere, quam sed bibendum posuere
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus
Pellentesque nulla augue, volutpat vitae</p>
<a href="https://github.com/assemble/jonschlinkert">Read more...</a>
<p>In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Morbi non rutrum risus.</p>
Embed code from specified file(s)
: path to the file you want to embedString|Language (optional)
: Optional second parameter to "force" a specific language to use fo syntax highlighting.
Unless overridden by a given extension, the helper will automatically use the extension of the specified file as the language to use for syntax highlighting. You may also force the helper to use a language that is different than the extension of the file.
For example, here we will force highlighting as javascript
instead of json
When embedding a markdown snippet (.md|markdown|markd
), the helper automatically converts any code fences inside the snippet their unicode equivalent (```
{{embed 'src/example.md'}}
File globbing
The embed
helper also accepts globbing patterns:
{{embed 'src/code-examples/*.*'}}
When globbing file is used, the code from each file will be embedded separately, and the file extension of each file will be used to identify the language to use for syntax highlighting. You may of course override the language, but whatever language you use will be applied to every embedded file.
use globbing carefully! Until you have the hang of it try to be on the safe side and be more specific with your patterns
Embed public GitHub Gists by adding only the Id of the Gist. The helper also accepts an optional second parameter for targeting a specific file on the Gist..
Parameters: String
Default: undefined
Usage: {{ gist [id] }}
<script src="https://gist.github.com/5193239.js"></script>
Easily embed a jsFiddle in a page, requiring only the ID of the fiddle.
Credit: octopress
Parameters: {{ jsfiddle "id" "tabs" "skin" "height" "width" }}
: full URL to the fiddle excludinghttp://jsfiddle.net
: tabs to be displayed, and the order specifiedskin
: the skin to be used,light
are the only options available.height
: the height of the rendered<iframe>
: the width of the rendered<iframe>
You may also adjust the tabs shown and/or the order in which tabs are displayed.
Default tabs and display order: js,resources,html,css,result
: tabs for displaying coderesult
: tab for displaying the rendered result of the coderesources
: tabs for displaying the list of external resources used. This tab will not be displayed if no resources were used.
Renders to:
<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 210px"src="http://jsfiddle.net/ccWP7/embedded/result,js,html,css/"></iframe>
You may remove the tabs you don't need:
Renders to:
<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 210px"src="http://jsfiddle.net/abc123/embedded/js,result/"></iframe>
A third optional parameter may be used to specify the "skin" for the fiddle. At time of writing, the only skins available are light
and presentation
. However as jsFiddle announces new skins they may be used immediately.
Default: light
Renders to:
<iframe style="width: 100%; height: 210px"src="http://jsfiddle.net/ccWP7/embedded/js,result/presentation/"></iframe>
Path helpers are node.js utilities for handling and transforming file paths. As with node.js:
"these helpers perform only string transformations. The file system is not consulted to check whether paths are valid."
Derive the relative path from one absolute path to another (e.g from path A, to path B).
Parameters: string
(the value to test against)
Default: none
<a href="{{relative "src" "dist"}}/assets/css/styles.css"></a>
Renders to:
<a href="../../dist/assets/css/styles.css"></a>
"Return the extension of the path, from the last '.' to end of string in the last portion of the path. If there is no '.' in the last portion of the path or the first character of it is '.', then it returns an empty string."
Parameters: string
(the value to test against).
Default: none
{{extname 'index.html'}}
Renders to:
{{extname 'index.'}}
Renders to:
{{extname 'index'}}
Returns nothing.
Return the directory name of a path. Similar to the Unix dirname command.
{{dirname '/foo/bar/baz/asdf/quux'}}
Renders to:
## URL helpers
URL helpers are [node.js](http://nodejs.org/api/url.html) `url` utilities for URL resolution and parsing. As with node.js:
> "Parsed URL objects have some or all of the following fields, depending on whether or not they exist in the URL string. Any parts that are not in the URL string will not be in the parsed object."
#### {{url_resolve}}
_Take a base URL, and a href URL, and resolve them as a browser would for an anchor tag._
``` haskell
{{url_resolve url href}}
<a href="{{url_resolve "http://example.com/one" "/two"}}"></a>
Renders to:
<a href="http://example.com/two"></a>
Take a URL string, and return an object.
- Output format:
. Default:json
{{url_parse "http://example.com/one"}}
Renders to:
"protocol": "http:",
"slashes": true,
"auth": null,
"host": "example.com",
"port": null,
"hostname": "example.com",
"hash": null,
"search": null,
"query": null,
"pathname": "/one",
"path": "/one",
"href": "http://example.com/one"
Or with yaml
as the second param:
{{url_parse "http://foo.com/bar/baz?key=value" "yaml"}}
Renders to:
protocol: "http:"
slashes: true
auth: null
host: "foo.com"
port: null
hostname: "foo.com"
hash: null
search: "?key=value"
query: "key=value"
pathname: "/bar/baz"
path: "/bar/baz?key=value"
href: "http://foo.com/bar/baz?key=value"
Include external files.
Pattern: {{include [name] [data]}}
- name (required):
- The name or path of the file in which your template is defined. (Required) - data (optional):
- Data you want to use inside the include.
Data (collection): planet-express.json
"Professor Farnsworth",
Include (partial to be "included"): planet-express.hbs
{{sort this}}
<p>{{include "planet-express.hbs" data}}</p>
Renders to:
<p>Bender, Fry, Professor Farnsworth</p>
example helpers, not for actual use! Why do this? The goal is to inspire other concepts that build from this one.
Use globbing patterns to embed content from specified file or files.
Parameters: String
Default: undefined
{{glob 'src/files/*.md'}}
{{glob 'src/files/*.{txt,md}'}}
example helpers, not for actual use! Why do this? The goal is to inspire other concepts that build from this one.
Example helper, copies file A to path B.
Parameters: String
Default: undefined
{{copy 'a.html' '../dir/b.txt'}}
Generates a list of markdown-formatted project authors from the AUTHORS file in the root of a project. Since Handlebars enforces case sensitivity with helper names, this helper comes in two different flavors: {{AUTHORS}}
or {{authors}}
Params: none
Usage: {{authors}}
or {{authors "path/to/AUTHORS"}}
file in the root of our project):
Brian Woodward (http://github.com/doowb)
Jon Schlinkert (http://github.com/jonschlinkert)
Template (lowercase version):
Renders to:
* [Brian Woodward](http://github.com/doowb)
* [Jon Schlinkert](http://github.com/jonschlinkert)
Or the uppercase version:
Renders to:
**Jon Schlinkert**
+ [http://twitter.com/jonschlinkert](http://twitter.com/jonschlinkert)
+ [http://github.com/jonschlinkert](http://github.com/jonschlinkert)
**Brian Woodward**
+ [http://twitter.com/doowb](http://twitter.com/doowb)
+ [http://github.com/doowb](http://github.com/doowb)
Creates a "full" Travis CI link in markdown format.
Params: branch
Type: String
Usage: {{travis [branch]}}
Renders to:
# [helper-lib v2.0.0](https://github.com/assemble/helper-lib)[](https://travis-ci.org/assemble/helper-lib)
Template with branch:
Renders to:
# [helper-lib v2.0.0](https://github.com/assemble/helper-lib)[](https://travis-ci.org/assemble/helper-lib)
Creates a Travis CI link in markdown format.
Params: none
Usage: {{travis-badge}}
Renders to:
A few convenience helpers that read data in YAML format, and do interesting things with the data. Well... they "do things" with the data. Anyway I guess only nerds like me find it interesting.
NOTE: These helpers will throw an error if the source files are not valid YAML format, using the following conventions:
A couple things to keep in mind about YAML:
- YAML is picky, so don't be surprised if the parser throws an error from improperly placed quotation marks.
- Seriously, don't be surprised. If you even come onto the issues and act surprised when it happens, an automated message will tell you to read the first bullet.
Example of the format to follow in your CHANGELOG
date: "2014-04-09"
- The future sucks.
- This is my third and last commmit from the future.
date: "2014-04-08"
- Second commit from the future.
- The future is more boring that I thought it would be.
date: "2014-03-07"
- First commit... from the future. Yes!
Of coure, you are under no obligation to make your changelog entries as interesting as these, and you may record your entries at any point in whatever timeline you prefer, but whatever you write must be valid YAML when you do it.
The output will look like this:
* 2013-03-15 v0.1.2 Update README.md with documentation, examples.
* 2013-03-06 v0.1.0 First commit.
- More info here: js-yaml
- See the tests here: test/helpers/special_test.js
Easy way to add an uncommonly used doctype.
Default: HTML 5 (<!DOCTYPE html>
), although tThis is probably only useful on projects that use anything besides HTML 5.
{{DOCTYPE 'svg 1.1'}}
Renders to:
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
Available doctypes:
HTML 5 (default)
<!DOCTYPE html>
- examples:
{{doctype '5'}}
,{{doctype 'html5'}}
- aliases:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- example:
{{doctype 'xml'}}
- aliases:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
- example:
{{doctype 'strict'}}
- aliases:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
- aliases:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-frameset.dtd">
- aliases:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
- aliases:
,xhtml 1.1
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML Basic 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-basic/xhtml-basic11.dtd">
- aliases:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD XHTML Mobile 1.2//EN" "http://www.openmobilealliance.org/tech/DTD/xhtml-mobile12.dtd">
- aliases:
HTML 4.01
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
- aliases:
,4.01 strict
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
- aliases:
4.01 trans
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd">
- aliases:
4.01 frameset
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd">
- aliases:
,svg 1.1
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-SVG-20010904/DTD/svg10.dtd">
- aliases:
svg 1.0
Create a blockquote. Outputs a string with a given attribution as a quote.
Renders to:
<p>This is your quote.</p>
<a href="http://github.com/source/for/your/quote">This is the title</a>
Iterates through an array, letting the contents know whether a timeline entry belongs in the left or right column.
to iterate over,string
: CSS class name for left columnsstring
: CSS class name for right columns
Credit: by @jonschlinkert, and based on striped helper from treehouse blog
Generate the appropriate icon based on the extension of the given file.
Since this helper generates classes that are very specific, feel free to copy the code and use it as inspiration for your a helper that works for you.
<img src="img/img-icon.png"><i>file.png</i>
<img src="img/pdf-icon.png"><i>file.pdf</i>
<img src="img/word-icon.png"><i>file.doc</i>
<img src="img/txt-icon.png"><i>file.txt</i>
<img src="img/csv-icon.png"><i>file.csv</i>
<img src="img/other-icon.png"><i>file</i>
Creates an unordered list.
Parameters: Hash|HTML attributes
, Optional
HTML attributes to use on the ul
// Data
collection = [
name: 'Leela'
deliveries: 8021,
name: 'Bender'
deliveries: 239,
name: 'Fry'
deliveries: 1
// Output:
<ul class="deliveries-list">
<li> Leela - 8021 deliveries </li>
<li> Bender - 239 deliveries </li>
<li> Fry - 1 delivery </li>
Same as the ul
helper but creates and ordered list. Returns <br>
tags based on a count.
Parameters: Hash
, HTML attributes
, Optional
HTML attributes to use on the ol
// Data
collection = [
name: 'Leela'
deliveries: 8021,
name: 'Bender'
deliveries: 239,
name: 'Fry'
deliveries: 1
// Output:
<ol class="deliveries-list">
<li> Leela - 8021 deliveries </li>
<li> Bender - 239 deliveries </li>
<li> Fry - 1 delivery </li>
Renders <br>
elements in the output, based on the number given as a parameter. Not really recommended for general use, but it's here if you need it.
Parameters: Integer|Count
, Optional
The number of br
elements to render.
renders to:
Evaluate string A, and count the occurrences of string B within string A
Default: undefined
String A
(required): The string to evaluateString B
(required): The string to look for and count in "string A"
Result :
Replace spaces in string with hyphens.
Parameters: none
Result :
Same as hyphenate
, but replaces dots in string with hyphens.
Parameters: none
Renders to:
Turns a string to lowercase.
Parameters: none
Renders to:
make this all lowercase
Turns a string to uppercase. Opposite of {{lowercase}}
Parameters: none
Renders to:
Capitalizes the first word in a string.
Parameters: none
Renders to:
Capitalize first word in this sentence
Capitalizes each word in a string.
Parameters: none
Renders to:
Capitalize EACH Word In This Sentence
Capitalizes all words within a string. Taken from the templating library Walrus by Jeremy Ruppel.
Parameters: none
Renders to:
Capitalize Each Word In This Sentence.
Capitalizes the first word of each sentence in a string and converts the rest of the sentence to lowercase.
Parameters: none
Renders to:
Capitalize the first word in each sentence. But make the other words lowercase.
Reverses a string.
Parameters: none
Renders to:
.VT no dewolla eb TON dluohs redneb
Truncates a string given a specified length
, providing a custom string to denote an omission
- length:
- The number of characters to keep (Required). - omission:
- A string to denote an omission (Optional).
Renders to:
Bender should not be allowed...
Centers a string using non-breaking spaces.
Parameters: spaces: int
- The number of spaces. (Required)
Renders to:
| Bender should not be allowed on tv. |
Output a formatted phone number
Credit: Treehouse Blog
number: 4444444444
Renders to:
(444) 444-4444
Returns the first item in a collection.
Parameters: none
collection = [
'Amy Wong',
'Dr. Zoidberg',
'Hermes Conrad',
'Professor Farnsworth',
{{first collection}}
Renders to:
Amy Wong
Use the first item in a collection inside a block.
Parameters: none
collection = [
'Amy Wong',
'Dr. Zoidberg',
'Hermes Conrad',
'Professor Farnsworth',
{{#withFirst collection}}
<p>{{this}} is smart.</p>
Renders to:
<p>Amy Wong is smart.</p>
Returns the last item in a collection. Opposite of first
Parameters: none
collection = [
'Amy Wong',
'Dr. Zoidberg',
'Hermes Conrad',
'Professor Farnsworth',
{{last collection}}
Renders to:
Use the last item in a collection inside a block. Opposite of withFirst
Parameters: none
collection = [
'Amy Wong',
'Dr. Zoidberg',
'Hermes Conrad',
'Professor Farnsworth',
{{#withLast collection}}
<p>{{this}} is lazy.</p>
Renders to:
<p>Scruffy is lazy.</p>
Returns all of the items in the collection after the specified count.
Parameters: count int
- How many items to omit from the beginning. (Required)
// Date
collection = [
'Amy Wong',
'Dr. Zoidberg',
'Hermes Conrad',
'Professor Farnsworth',
{{after collection 5}}
Renders to:
Leela, Professor Farnsworth, Scruffy
Use all of the items in the collection after the specified count inside a block.
Parameters: count int
- How many items to omit from the beginning. (Required)
collection = [
'Amy Wong',
'Dr. Zoidberg',
'Hermes Conrad',
'Professor Farnsworth',
{{#withAfter collection 5}}
{{titleize this}}
Renders to:
Leela Professor Farnsworth Scruffy
Returns all of the items in the collection before the specified count. Opposite of after
Parameters: count int
- How many items to omit from the end. (Required)
collection = [
'Amy Wong',
'Dr. Zoidberg',
'Hermes Conrad',
'Professor Farnsworth',
{{before collection 5}}
Renders to:
Amy Wong, Bender, Dr. Zoidberg
Use all of the items in the collection before the specified count inside a block. Opposite of withAfter
Parameters: count int
- How many items to omit from the end. (Required)
collection = [
'Amy Wong',
'Dr. Zoidberg',
'Hermes Conrad',
'Professor Farnsworth',
{{#withBefore collection 5}}
{{reverse this}}
Renders to:
gnoW ymA redneB grebdioZ .rD
Joins all elements of a collection into a string using a separator if specified.
Parameters: separator string
- A string to use as a separator between the items. (Optional)
collection = [
'Amy Wong',
'Dr. Zoidberg',
'Hermes Conrad',
'Professor Farnsworth',
{{join collection " & "}}
Renders to:
Amy Wong & Bender & Dr. Zoidberg & Fry & Hermes Conrad & Leela & Professor Farnsworth & Scruffy
Returns the collection sorted.
Parameters: none
collection = [
'Amy Wong',
'Dr. Zoidberg',
'Hermes Conrad',
'Professor Farnsworth',
{{sort collection}}
Renders to:
Amy Wong, Bender, Dr. Zoidberg, Fry, Hermes Conrad, Leela, Professor Farnsworth, Scruffy
Uses the sorted collection inside the block.
Parameters: field string
- String name of the field or property to sort by. (Optional)
collection = [
name: 'Leela'
deliveries: 8021,
name: 'Bender'
deliveries: 239,
name: 'Fry'
deliveries: -12
{{#withSort collection "deliveries"}}
{{name}}: {{deliveries}} <br>
Renders to:
Fry: -12
Bender: 239
Leela: 8021
Returns the length of the collection.
Parameters: none
collection = [
'Amy Wong',
'Dr. Zoidberg',
'Hermes Conrad',
'Professor Farnsworth',
{{length collection}}
Renders to:
Conditionally render a block based on the length of a collection.
Parameters: length int
- The value to test against. (Required)
collection = [
name: 'Leela'
deliveries: 8021,
name: 'Bender'
deliveries: 239,
name: 'Fry'
deliveries: -12
{{#lengthEqual collection 3}}
There are 3 people in Planet Express.
This is not Planet Express.
Renders to:
There are 3 people in Planet Express.
Conditionally render a block if the collection is empty.
Parameters: none
collection = []
{{#empty collection}}
Good news everyone!
Bad news everyone!
Renders to:
Good news everyone!
Conditionally render a block if the collection isn't empty. Opposite of empty
Parameters: none
collection = ['Professor Farnsworth']
{{#any collection}}
Good news everyone!
Bad news everyone!
Renders to:
Good news everyone!
Conditionally render a block if a specified value is in the collection.
Parameters: value string|int
- A value to test against. (Required)
collection = ['Professor Farnsworth', 'Fry', 'Bender']
{{#inArray collection "Fry"}}
I'm walking on sunshine!
I'm walking on darkness.
Renders to:
I'm walking on sunshine!
Current implementation of the default Handlebars loop helper {{#each}} adding index (0-based index) to the loop context.
Parameters: none
collection = ['Professor Farnsworth', 'Fry', 'Bender']
{{#eachIndex collection}}
{{this}} is {{index}}
Renders to:
Professor Farnsworth is 0, Fry is 1, Bender is 2
Loop through an objects properties
Parameters: none
{{#eachProperty object}}
{{property}}: {{value}}<br/>
{{/eachProperty }}
Renders to:
Returns the sum of two numbers.
Parameters: value int
- The number to add to the expression. (Required)
value = 5
{{add value 5}}
Renders to:
Returns the difference of two numbers. Opposite of add
Parameters: value int
- The number to subtract from the expression. (Required)_
value = 5
{{subtract value 5}}
Renders to:
Returns the division of two numbers.
Parameters: value int
- The number to divide the expression. (Required)
value = 5
{{divide value 5}}
Renders to:
Returns the multiplication of two numbers.
Parameters: value int
- The number to multiply the expression. (Required)
value = 5
{{multiply value 5}}
Renders to:
Returns the value rounded down to the nearest integer.
Parameters: none
value = 5.6
{{floor value}}
Renders to:
Returns the value rounded up to the nearest integer.
Parameters: none
value = 5.6
{{ceil value}}
Renders to:
Returns the value rounded to the nearest integer.
Parameters: none
value = 5.69
{{round value}}
Renders to:
Returns the sum of multiple numbers. Similar to {{#add}}
block helper but accepts multiple arguments.
Parameters: none
value = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
{{sum value.a value.b value.c}}
Renders to:
Returns exactly digits
after the decimal place. The number is rounded if necessary, and the fractional part is padded with zeros if necessary so that it has the specified length.
Parameters: digits int
- The number of digits to appear after the decimal point. (Optional)
value = 5.53231
{{toFixed value 3}}
Renders to:
Returns the number in fixed-point or exponential notation rounded to precision
significant digits.
Parameters: precision int
- The number of digits. If omitted, it returns the entire number (without any formatting). (Optional)
value = 555.322
{{toPrecision value 4}}
Renders to:
Returns the number in exponential notation with one digit before the decimal point, rounded to fractions
digits after the decimal point.
Parameters: fractions int
- An integer specifying the number of digits after the decimal point. (Optional)
value = 5
{{toExponential value 5}}
Renders to:
Returns an integer.
Parameters: none
value = '22.2abc'
{{toInt value}}
Renders to:
Returns a floating point number.
Parameters: none
value = '22.2abc'
{{toFloat value}}
Renders to:
Returns the number in abbreviation formats based on a value. The number is rounded to a particular decimal place.
Parameters: digits int
- The number of digits to appear after the decimal point. (Optional)
Default: 2
value = 123456789
{{toAbbr value}}
Renders to:
Adds commas to a number.
Parameters: none
value = 2222222
{{addCommas value}}
Renders to:
Conditionally render a block if the condition is true (if x = y).
Parameters: string|int
(the value to test against)
Default: undefined
Example #1:
number = 5
{{#is number 5}}
Kiss my shiny metal ass!
Never mind :(
Renders to:
Kiss my shiny metal ass!
Example #2:
If you are using Assemble, data from YAML front matter or any specified JSON
and/or YAML
source files will get passed through to the context in your templates.
Data and Templates:
title: About Us
{{#is page.title "Home"}}
<h1> About Us </h1>
<h1> My Blog </h1>
Renders to:
<h1> About Us </h1>
Same as is
, consider consolidating
Conditionally render a block if the condition is true (If x = y).
Parameters: none
Conditionally render a block if the condition is false. Opposite of is
Parameters: value string|int
- the value to test against.
number = 5
{{#isnt number 5}}
Kiss my shiny metal ass!
Never mind :(
Renders to:
Never mind :(
Conditionally render a block if one of the values is truthy.
Parameters: values string|int
- the values to test against.
great = no
magnificent = true
{{#or great magnificent}}
Kiss my shiny metal ass!
Never mind :(
Renders to:
Kiss my shiny metal ass!
Conditionally render a block if both values are truthy.
Parameters: values string|int
- the values to test against.
great = true
magnificent = true
{{#and great magnificent}}
Kiss my shiny metal ass!
Never mind :(
Renders to:
Kiss my shiny metal ass!
Same as isnt
, consider consolidating
Conditionally render a block if the condition is false (Unless x = y). Opposite of is
Parameters: none
Conditionally render a block if the value is greater than a given number (If x > y).
Parameters: none
Same as if_gt
, consider consolidating
Conditionally render a block if the value is greater than a given number (If x > y).
Parameters: value string|int
- the value to test against.
number = 5
{{#gt number 8}}
Kiss my shiny metal ass!
Never mind :(
Renders to:
Never mind :(
Unless greater than (Unless x > y)
Parameters: none
Conditionally render a block if the value is greater or equal than a given number (If x >= y).
Parameters: none
Same as if_gteq
, consider consolidating
Conditionally render a block if the value is greater or equal than a given number (If x >= y).
Parameters: value string|int
- the value to test against.
number = 5
{{#gte number 5}}
Kiss my shiny metal ass!
Never mind :(
Renders to:
Kiss my shiny metal ass!
"Unless x >= y". Render block, unless given value is greater than or equal to.
Parameters: none
Conditionally render a block if the value is less than a given number. Opposite of gt
Parameters: value string|int
- the value to test against.
number = 5
{{#lt number 3}}
Kiss my shiny metal ass!
Never mind :(
Renders to:
Never mind :(
Conditionally render a block if the value is less or equal than a given number. Opposite of gte
Parameters: value string|int
- the value to test against.
number = 5
// Template
{{#lte number 5}}
Kiss my shiny metal ass!
Never mind :(
Renders to:
Kiss my shiny metal ass!
Render block, unless value is less than a given number (Unless x < y).
Parameters: none
Render block, unless value is less than or equal to a given number (Unless x <= y).
Parameters: none
Formats a date into a string given a format. Accepts any value that can be passed to new Date()
. This helper is a port of the formatDate-js library by Michael Baldry.
Parameters: format string
, required
The format string, according to these tokens: strftime
Given this data:
date = new Date()
And these templates:
The output would be:
Returns the current date.
Parameters: format string
- The format string, according to these tokens: http://www.ruby-doc.org/core-1.9.3/Time.html#method-i-strftime (Optional)
Renders to:
Thu Jul 26 2012 23:41:02 GMT-0400 (AST)
Returns a human-readable time phrase from the given date.
Parameters: none
date = 'Thu Jul 22 2012 23:41:02 GMT-0400 (AST)'
Renders to:
4 days ago
Returns the plural or singular form of a word based on a count.
- singular
- The singular form of the word. (Required) - plural
- The plural form of the word. (Required) - include
- whether or not to include the count before the word. (Optional)
enemies = 0
friends = 1
{{inflect enemies "enemy" "enemies"}}
{{inflect friends "friend" "friends" true}}
Renders to:
1 friend
Turns a number into an ordinal string. Taken from the templating library Walrus by Jeremy Ruppel.
Parameters: none
{{ordinalize 3}}
{{ordinalize 1}}
{{ordinalize 22}}
Renders to:
Simple console.log()
Parameters: none
// Template
{{log "Hi console :)"}}
Renders to:
Hi console :)
Simple console.debug()
that shows the current context.
Parameters: none
collection = [
name: 'Leela'
deliveries: 8021,
name: 'Bender'
deliveries: 239,
name: 'Fry'
deliveries: 1
{{#withFirst collection}}
{{debug name}}
Renders to:
Context: { deliveries: 8021, name: "Leela" }
Value: Leela
Return a unique, JSON-formatted array of all file or directory paths that match the given globbing pattern(s)
Parameters: String
Default: undefined
{{expandJSON './src/**/*.md'}}
Renders to:
Return a unique, YAML-formatted array of all file or directory paths that match the given globbing pattern(s)
Parameters: String
Default: undefined
{{expandYAML './src/**/*.md'}}
Renders to:
- "./src/content/blockquotes.md"
- "./src/content/chapters/01-getting-started.md"
- "./src/content/chapters/02-language-features.md"
- "./src/content/chapters/03-advanced-materials.md"
- "./src/content/code.md"
- "./src/content/emphasis.md"
- "./src/content/headings.md"
- "./src/content/images.md"
- "./src/content/links.md"
- "./src/content/lists.md"
- "./src/content/markdown-here.md"
- "./src/content/paragraphs.md"
- "./src/content/post.md"
- "./src/content/reference-links.md"
- "./src/content/reference.md"
- "./src/content/tables.md"
- "./src/content/test.md"
Provides a default or fallback value if a value doesn't exist.
Parameters: defaultValue string|int
- The default value to use. title = ''
{{default title "No title available."}}
Renders to:
No title available.
Handlebars.js ships with some built-in helpers, such as {{#each}}
, {{#if}}
and {{#unless}}
. Here is how helpers work:
- A Handlebars helper call is a simple identifier, followed by zero or more parameters (separated by space).
- Each parameter is a Handlebars expression.
- Handlebars helpers can be accessed from any context in a template.
Handlebars.js is currently the default template library for assemble.
Contributions welcome! Please consider adding your own helpers to this library.
Handlebars is advantageous over other templating libraries when it comes to creating your own custom helpers. Just register your function into Handlebars with the Handlebars.registerHelper
method, and that helper will be available to any template you compile afterwards.
Handlebars allows two different kinds of helpers:
- Expression helpers are basically regular functions that take the name of the helper and the helper function as arguments. Once an expression helper is registered, it can be called anywhere in your templates, then Handlebars takes the expression's return value and writes it into the template.
- Block helpers There are a few block helpers included by default with Handlebars,
. Custom block helpers are registered the same way as exptression helpers, but the difference is that Handlebars will pass the contents of the block compiled into a function to the helper.
Also, if you use Assemble be sure to visit the assemble docs to learn about registering custom helpers.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Many of these helpers come from the following repos:
Copyright 2013 Assemble
- 2013-05-11 v0.2.3 File globbing added to some helpers. Including md and some file helpers.
- 2013-05-07 v0.2.0 A bunch of new tests for markdown and special helpers. Refactored most of the rest of the helpers to separate functions from Handlebars registration.
- 2013-05-02 v0.1.32 Updated utils and a number of helpers, including value, property, and stringify.
- 2013-04-21 v0.1.31 Fixing relative helper
- 2013-04-20 v0.1.30 Refactoring helpers-collection module to separate the functions from the Handlebars helper registration process.
- 2013-04-16 v0.1.25 Adding defineSection and renderSection helpers to try to get sections populated in a layout from the page.
- 2013-04-07 v0.1.21 Add markdown helpers back, add more tests.
- 2013-04-06 v0.1.20 Generalized helpers structure, externalized utilities.
- 2013-04-05 v0.1.11 New authors and gist helpers, general cleanup and new tests.
- 2013-04-04 v0.1.10 Externalized utility javascript from helpers.js
- 2013-03-28 v0.1.8 Gruntfile updated with mocha tests for 71 helpers, bug fixes.
- 2013-03-18 v0.1.7 New path helper "relative", for resolving relative path from one absolute path to another.
- 2013-03-16 v0.1.3 New helpers, "formatPhoneNumber" and "eachProperty"
- 2013-03-15 v0.1.2 Update README.md with documentation, examples.
- 2013-03-06 v0.1.0 First commit.
Authored by assemble
This file was generated using Grunt and assemble on Thu Jun 13 2013 16:52:04.