A Dashboard web application for listing courses and their instances.
##Setup Procedure
- Download windows docker installer by clicking the url: Install docker
- Run the Docker Desktop Installer and finish the installation.
- Go to the root folder DashboardWebApp where the docker-compose.yaml exists.
- Setup the containers using the command
docker-compose up
. Servers will be running.
You can access the backend api from your localhost:8000 and the frontend app from localhost:3000
##Endpoints for Backend
- Create Course : POST localhost:8000/api/courses
- List Courses : GET localhost:8000/api/courses
- Details of a Course : GET localhost:8000/api/courses/{course_id}/
- Delete a Course : DELETE localhost:8000/api/courses/{course_id}/
- Create Instance : POST localhost:8000/api/instances
- List Instances : GET localhost:8000/api/instances/{year}/{semester}
- Details of a Instance : GET localhost:8000/api/instances/{year}/{semester}/{course_id}
- Delete a Instance : DELETE localhost:8000/api/instances/{year}/{semester}/{course_id}
##Routes for Frontend
- Courses Page : localhost:3000/courses
- Instance Page : localhost:3000/instances