AnyChart API Reference is a place where users can find a detailed description of each namespace, class, method or property, along with ready-to-try samples. The application consists of two parts: the web part and the generator. The Web part is just a site responsible for displaying the content, and the generator is a parser whose main task is to parse the corresponding repository. There are all AnyChart namespaces described in JsDoc format in that repository. The application backend is written on Clojure and the frontend on Javascript with jQuery.
1. Put repository to data/repo folder
2. Set nginx to route: data/versions-static -> http://domain/si
3. Set up ts-tests to data/ to check TypeScript index.d.ts
# to build js
sudo apt-get install closure-compiler
sudo npm install -g jsdoc
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/jsdoc /usr/local/bin/jsdoc
The application uses PostgreSQL, so you need to create database and user:
sudo -u postgres psql
CREATE USER reference_user WITH PASSWORD 'pass';
CREATE DATABASE reference_db;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE reference_db TO reference_user;
\c reference_db
# create scheme
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