In this repository, we provide the analysis code for scRNA-seq and bulk sequencing data from zebrafish telencephalon.
- ./analysis/
Analysis scripts.
- 00_QC.R computes basic quality control values for the scRNA-seq dataset.
- 01_ClusterAllCells.R performs normalization and high-level clustering of the cells, according to general standards the Seurat pipeline.
- 02_SubclusterNeurons.R selects neuronal clusters and subclusters GABAergic and glutamatergic cell types.
- 03_BulkSequencingAnalysis.R performs the DeSEQ2 pipeline for our bulk sequencing dataset, so that we identify DEGs for different pallial regions.
- 04_BulkCorrelationAnalysis.R correlates the pallial regions and the neuronal cell types to establish potential regions of origion for the single cell types.
- 05_GeneFamilyAnalysis.R calculates the expression of genes belonging to different gene families within our identified cell types.
- 06_GeneInformationContent.R performs a Random Forest analysis with which we assess how informative different gene families are to retrieve the cell type structure of the dataset.
- 07_NeuromodulatoryNetworks.R computes expression thresholds for GPCRs, calculates graph structures of distinct neuromodulatory networks, and performs dimensionality reduction on the neuromodulation-associated gene expression dataset.
- 08_SAMapConservedGenes.R takes the output of the SAMap pipeline to extract conserved GPCRs and transcription factors.
- 09_MuSiC.R uses the MuSiC package to deconvolve contributions of single cell types to the four pallial regions from which we have obtained bulk sequencing data.
- py_01_SAMap_Visualization_pv_dr.ipynb is an ipython notebook that visualizes the output of the SAMap script (cell type homologies).
- ./data/ Additional files necessary for analysis.
Data can be downloaded as indicated in the manuscript and from the SRA depository linked with the BioProject PRJNA964500. For easier access, processed .rds files for the entire dataset or the neuronal cell types can be accessed via
Reads were mapped to the zebrafish genome as provided by UCSC (danRer11, May 2017) excluding the altenative loci. We used the transcriptome annotation provided by the Lawson lab (V4.3.2), which can be freely downloaded from the linked page. For more information, see their publication. For mapping, we used the STARsolo package (version 2.7.9a). We copied the CellRanger whitelist for the 10x V3 chemistry (3M-february-2018.txt) to a local directory and mapped:
--runThreadN 16 \
--runMode genomeGenerate \
--genomeDir /link/to/genome/STARindex.2.7.9a.BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer11.noAlt.Lawson4.3.2.sjdb100 \
--genomeFastaFiles /link/to/genome/BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer11.noAlt.fa \
--genomeSAindexNbases 14 \
--sjdbGTFfile /link/to/annotation/V4.3.2.gtf \
--sjdbOverhang 100
--genomeDir /link/to/genome/STARindex.2.7.9a.BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer11.noAlt.Lawsone4.3.2.sjdb100/ \
--readFilesIn /link/to/fastq_file_1.gz /link/to/fastq_file_2.gz\
--soloFeatures Gene Velocyto \
--soloType CB_UMI_Simple \
--soloCBwhitelist /link/to/CellRanger_3M_february_2018.txt \
--soloCBstart 1 --soloCBlen 16 --soloUMIstart 17 --soloUMIlen 12 --soloStrand Forward \
--outFileNamePrefix /STARsolo_2.7.9_fastq_file/ \
--runThreadN 12 \
--readFilesCommand zcat \
--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
--outSAMattributes NH HI CR UR CB UB GX GN
We used the same STAR index files and used the "GeneCounts" option ('--quantMode') to count the number of reads per gene while mapping:
--genomeDir /link/to/genome/STARindex.2.7.9a.BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer11.noAlt.Lawsone4.3.2.sjdb100/ \
--readFilesIn /link/to/fastq_file.gz
--outFileNamePrefix /STARsolo_2.7.9_fastq_file/ \
--runThreadN 12 \
--readFilesCommand zcat \
--quantMode GeneCounts \
--outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
--outSAMattributes NH HI
Counts from the split fastq files were merged and non-unique gene symbols were distinguished by adding a number (i.e.: the same way, it is done automatically by importing the STARsolo output into a Seurat object)
We closely followed the vignette provided in the SAMap repository. After obtaining blast mappings between zebrafish and bearded dragon, we run the following python code:
from samap.mapping import SAMAP
from samap.analysis import (get_mapping_scores, GenePairFinder, transfer_annotations,
sankey_plot, chord_plot, CellTypeTriangles,
ParalogSubstitutions, FunctionalEnrichment,
convert_eggnog_to_homologs, GeneTriangles)
from samalg import SAM
import pandas as pd
from samap.utils import save_samap
fn1 = 'lizard/Pogona_vitticeps_withAnnotation.h5ad'
fn2 = 'zebrafish/scdr_v2_withAnnotation.h5ad'
filenames = {'lz':fn1,'zf':fn2}
sm = SAMAP(
f_maps = '../maps/',
keys = {'zf':'cluster','lz':'newcluster'},
) = {'lz':True,'zf':True}, ncpus=24)
# should finish with:
#<samalg.SAM object at 0x7f8ec2400050>