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Releases: AndrewBastin/dioc


25 Jun 15:22
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This release tweaks how the dioc/vue plugin is provided in Vue components.

For certain environments, the VUE_CONTAINER_KEY field inside is duplicated and this causes a situation where the keys are duplicated and since they are symbols, they will always be not equal.
Now, VUE_CONTAINER_KEY is a string directly.


26 Apr 12:02
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This release is a patch release fixing a typo in the type defined in useService composable function exposed in dioc/vue module.


23 Apr 16:40
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This release completely removes the currentContainer mechanism and instead opted for constructor based container injection. Now, dioc doesn't keep internal state as to which service is being operated on, instead, containers pass down that info into services via the constructor of the Service class (see changelog below for detailed code).

With this release two breaking changes are present and we recommend you update the following.

  • currentContainer export is no longer available, you should dependency to it, instead use proper sources like by asking the container from a service by using Service.getContainer() method or by using a reference to a container directly.
  • Service now provides a public onServiceInit function. This is meant to be called by containers to notify the service they are being initialised. Going forward, onServiceInit will be where you should be putting service initialization code. Since service binds won't be guaranteed by the end of the constructor.
  • Service base class now takes a Container as an argument instead of being an empty constructor. You will have to update your super constructor calls to reflect this. Please do note that we do not recommend using constructors anymore since service binds won't be ensured during the constructor call.
    class TodoService extends Service {
        public static ID = "TODO_SERVICE"
    -  constructor() {
    -   super()
    -   // init logic
    -  }
    +  override onServiceInit() {
    +   // init logic
    +  }
  • We now export ServiceClassInstance<T> type that defines a class constructor for a Service. This is used by functions like bind that take service classes (rather than the instance itself) as arguments.

Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v3.0.0


23 Apr 15:34
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This release fixes an issue with how references to currentContainer are maintained. Some bundlers referenced it in a weird way causing some issues.

Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v2.0.0


12 Dec 09:55
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Fixes an issue with typescript not being able to recognise the testing and vue modules defined.