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File and Misc parameters

andreweathan edited this page Jan 3, 2023 · 2 revisions

These parameters control the file input/output and other special parameters!

string -input (path)

Input file path. If a folder is specified, pngsmasher will glitch all of the images in that folder.

string -output (path)

Output file path. If a folder is specified, multi-file conversions will be written to it.
This parameter has special behavior:

  • If an output path is a folder (no extension) but the input is a file (has extension), the output will be written in the output folder as "output.png".
  • If the input path is a folder, -output will direct all of the images to the specified folder.

int -seed (default: random number between 1 and 2147483647)

Lets you reuse corruption randomisation!
If no seed is specified, a random one is picked. Due to technical reasons, negative seeds are not supported, and they are automatically changed to positive.

bool -/+s

Short for "silent". If this is on, pngsmasher will write absolutely nothing to stdout/stderr. (the console output)

bool -/+o

If this is off, pngsmasher tries not to overwrite output files if a file by the same name exists already. If this is on, it will overwrite them.

bool -/+v

Enables verbose mode. This shows more debug logs, and also enables corruption/fx logs for every frame in animated corruption. This is mostly for development.