The MinervaNeue skin is a responsive mobile-first skin for your mediawiki instance.
Please follow the coding conventions of MobileFrontend:
The following configuration options will apply only to the default mobile skin - Minerva.
- Type:
- Default:
Whether to show the language switcher button even if no languages are available for the page.
- Type:
- Default:
Controls whether site notices should be shown. See$wgSiteNotice.
- Type:
- Default:
Whether to count client side errors in statsv.
- Type:
- Default:
'base' => false,
'beta' => true,
Controls whether the category button should be displayed.
- Type:
- Default:
When enabled and hacks.less exists, hacks.less workarounds are included in stylesheet. These should only be needed for Wikimedia based wikis or wikis using common templates such as Template:Infobox on those wikis.
- Type:
- Default:
['edit', 'talk', 'watch', 'switch-language']
Controls which page actions, if any, are displayed. Allowed: edit
, watch
, talk
, and
- Type:
- Default:
'base' => false,
'beta' => true,
Controls whether page issues should be replaced with a "Page issues" link (false) or displayed inline (true).
- Type:
- Default:
'beta' => false,
'base' => false,
'amc' => true,
Controls whether the talk option should be displayed at the top of the page. This will work for all pages except the main page.
- Type:
- Default:
'beta' => false,
'base' => false,
'amc' => true,
Controls whether the history link appears in the page actions menu.
- Type:
- Default:
'beta' => false,
'base' => false,
'amc' => true,
Controls whether the main menu is expanded to contain recent changes and various options
that require login are removed. Note, should be enabled alongside $wgMinervaPersonalMenu
to avoid losing access to features (in particular logout button).
- Type:
- Default:
'beta' => false,
'base' => false,
'amc' => true,
Controls whether a personal menu appears in the header chrome. This menu contains pages such as Special:Watchlist. Note, should be enabled alongside $wgMinervaAdvancedMainMenu
to avoid duplicating links to functionality as many of the links duplicate links in the standard main menu. Note a sandbox link will be present if the extension SandboxLink
is enabled.
- Type:
- Default:
'beta' => false,
'base' => false,
'amc' => false,
Controls whether the overflow link appears in the page actions menu.
Controls whether the share feature should be added to the page actions menu.
#### $wgMinervaCustomLogos
* Type: `Array`
* Default: `[]`
Make the logos configurable.
Currently, `copyright`, `copyright-fallback`, `copyright-width`, and `copyright-height` elements are
* `copyright` is the URL of the logo displayed in the header and footer
* `copyright-fallback` is the URL of the fallback logo displayed on
non-supported browsers like IE8 or Opera Mini
* `copyright-width` (optional) is the width in pixels of the copyright image
you want to display
* `copyright-height` (optional) is the height in pixels of the copyright image
you want to display
* If the actual `copyright` dimensions are 200x30, then you may want to set the
width and height to 100 and 15 respectively (in order to support retina
* Note that if -width and -height are not used sysadmin should ensure the image
used is appropriately sized (suggested dimensions < 120px width and 18px height).
'copyright' => '/images/mysite_copyright_logo.png',
'copyright-width' => 100,
'copyright-height' => 15,
Example with fallback URL:
'copyright' => '/images/mysite_copyright_logo.svg',
'copyright-fallback' => '/images/mysite_copyright_logo.svg.png',
'copyright-width' => 100,
'copyright-height' => 15,
- Type:
- Default:
Whether to show the language switcher button even if no languages are available for the page.
- Type:
- Default:
On a scale of 0 to 1, determines the chance a user has of entering an AB test. A test is divided into 3 buckets, "control" "A" and "B". Users that are selected for the test have an equal chance of entering bucket "A" or "B", the remaining users fall into the "control" bucket and are excluded from the test.
1 - would run test on 100% of users (50% in A and 50% in B, 0 in control). 0.5 - would run test on 50% of users (25% in A, 25% in B, 50% in control). 0.05 - would run test on 5% of users (2.5% in A, 2.5% in B, 95% in control). 0 would disable the test and place all users in "control".
Group assignment is universal no matter how many tests are running since both
and mw.user.sessionId()
are globals.
Group membership can be debugged from the console via:
const AB = mw.mobileFrontend.require('skins.minerva.scripts/AB')
new AB({
testName: 'WME.PageIssuesAB',
samplingRate: mw.config.get( 'wgMinervaABSamplingRate', 0 ),
sessionId: mw.user.sessionId()
And since session ID is an input in calculating the group, reassignment occurs
when clearing it:'mwuser-sessionId')
Components may be shared between server and client. Keeping all code for a single component only in one directory makes it easier to understand the complete domain of a component, all of its implicit dependencies, and also what it is independent of. The structure does not hint at ResourceLoader module bundling of resources and code. That is the domain of skin.json.
New components are stored under components/. Potential older components are stored under includes/ and resources/, and those directory structures imperfectly represent ResourceLoader module divisions.
Mustache templates at the root components/ directory, like components/PageActionsMenu.mustache or components/ToggleList.mustache, are designed to be rendered as root templates not partials. E.g.:
// π
$templatesDir = __DIR__ . '/../../components';
$invalidateTemplateCache = false;
$templateParser = new TemplateParser( $templatesDir, $invalidateTemplateCache );
// Render components/ToggleList.mustache not components/ToggleList/ToggleList.mustache.
$html = $templateParser->processTemplate( 'ToggleList', $data );
Attempting to render a partial as a template root will fail because of components/ root path assumptions:
// π«
$templatesDir = __DIR__ . '/../../components/ToggleList';
$invalidateTemplateCache = false;
$templateParser = new TemplateParser( $templatesDir, $invalidateTemplateCache );
// Error: components/ToggleList/ToggleList.mustache references
// components/ToggleList/ToggleList/ToggleListItem.mustache which does not exist.
$html = $templateParser->processTemplate( 'ToggleList', $data );
Partials in components/ subdirectories, like components/PageActionsMenu/PageActionsMenu.mustache or components/ToggleList/ToggleList.mustache, are for in-template partial composition only as their paths assume the render root is components/. E.g.:
{{! Include components/ToggleList/ToggleList.mustache, not components/ToggleList.mustache. }}
{{> ToggleList/ToggleList}}