This tool identifies against the PubChem Database in order to check for properties of chemicals.
This is a JAVA 23 project, if you are using it you MUST have Java 23 installed, if you are manually using the code from you MUST be using JAVA23.
- Open IntelliJ and create a new MAVEN PROJECT.
- Paste the folder structure "gay.amilie" into your project.
- Add the META-INF folder into the root of your project.
- Update your pom.xml with the pom.xml in this repository.
✔️ Increase readability
✔️ Improve error handling
✔️ Implement a GUI
✔️ Sort data better
- Redesigned the GUI.
- Dark mode.
- Bug Fixes.
- Sorts more data.
- Ease of use.
- Incremented to major version 2.0
- Full code rewrite.
- If you run into issues, please contact me in