This script will install the latest version of the Tor Browser Bundle, so it can be used like any other desktop application, that is, without the need to run it from the command line. It should work on most GNU distributions.
- Works for both i686 and x86_64 systems.
- GPG signature verification.
- Uninstall feature.
- Multi-language support.
- System-wide installation, so it works for multiple users.
The script has three dependencies (it's highly likely that these are already installed on your system):
You can clone the repository:
$ git clone git://
Or download the tarball, and extract it:
$ tar -xzf tor-browser-installer-master.tar.gz
Simply run the script as your normal user (do not move the script out of its folder, or else it won't work):
Give execute permission:
$ chmod +x
Run the script:
$ ./
And follow the instructions. On the first run, you'll be asked for your preferred language.
(The script will only use root privileges when installing/uninstalling the files).
It's recommended to import the GPG key that signs the Tor Browser Bundle before installing it. (See the Tor website for more information).
As of now, Erinn Clark signs the Tor Browser Bundle. You can import her public key (0x63FEE659) with the following command:
$ gpg --recv-keys 416F061063FEE659
And compare the fingerprint with the one given at the Tor website:
$ gpg --fingerprint 416F061063FEE659
The script will automatically look for the public key, and use it to verify the tarball.
There isn't an auto-update feature, obviously, but if you use the default Tor homepage, it will let you know when a new version is available. Simply run the installer again, and—if needed—restart the Tor Browser.