This repository's purpose is to give a means of replicability to the article "" but can be generalized to other similar data.
This repository contains scripts for performing the following analyses:
1: Analyses of historical biogeography
2: Bayesian analyses of the fossil record
In this section, you may find all the data and scripts required to perform the DEC model. The Input section, you may find : the consensus tree (Orectolobiformes_extant_tree.nex); the connectivity matrix (Transition_matrix.txt), the time period file (time_period.txt); the presence-absence file (table_geo.txt) and the posterior tree distribution (posterior_distribution_100_tree_orecto.tree) The DEC script used for is DEC_extant_species.ipynb (jupyter notebook, written in R)
In this section, you may find the data required to perform a DES analysis. The Input section contains data for extinct genus (Gen_short_fossil_DES_5vs1.txt) species (Sp_short_fossil_DES_5vs1.txt) and extant genus (Gen_short_actuel_DES_5vs1.txt) and species (Sp_short_actuel_DES_5vs1.txt). Allt the input data are for the 5vs1 scenario (Tethys vs the rest of the world). Assuming you have access to PyRate in your main directory, the two main scripts are (used for generating input DES data) and (perform the DES analysis).
In this section (PyRate), you will have access to all the scripts and data required to perform a PyRate BDS (Birth-death-skyline) model. The Input section contains unformatted data for extinct genus (Data_gen_short.txt) species (Data_sp_short.txt), the formatted data (100 replicates) for extinct genus ( species (, taxon list for extinct genus (Data_gen_short_TaxonList.txt) and species (Data_sp_short_TaxonList.txt) and the epoch file (epochs.txt). This section also includes the script required to perform the preservation model selection (;, performing a PyRate analysis ( and assessing run convergence (
This first round of analysis is rather straightforward and mainly focused on selecting the best-fit preservation model (based on AIC) for the PyRate run.
To do so, the user has just to run and fill in the following parameters (1) .py occurrence file, (2) number of CPU, (3) epochs file, (4) output_directory
At the end of this model selection run, the best-fit model will be presented in a boxplot pdf file.
The second and last round of PyRate analyses is just performing the regular PyRate BDS analysis (assuming you have previously performed preservation model selection). with the script This script required as input (1) .py occurence file, (2) the type of analysis (BDMCMC / RJMCMC), (3) number of CPU, (4) epochs file (preservation rate), (5) number of extant lineage and (6) epochs file (time shifts).
When this run is performed, it is highly recommended to asses the convergence of each PyRate run with the script which require as input (1) the input directory (output from PyRate analysis) (2) the burn-in threshold and (3) the type of analysis (BDS/RJMCMC)