Releases: AlexanderHarrison/TrainingMode-CommunityEdition
Releases · AlexanderHarrison/TrainingMode-CommunityEdition
TM Community Edition v1.2 dev 1
- Add "Very Low" as an option in powershield training. (@veryjos)
- Add "Play Random Slot" as a counter action.
- Added "Random Percent" option to recordings, adding a random amount of percent up to the selected amount.
- Show CPU inputs on input display
- Created, a new guide for contribution!
- Renamed "Neutral" tech to "In Place".
- Fixed Grab Breakout OSD.
- Prevent Turn from triggering ActOoLag OSD.
- Fix ledgedash airdodge angle.
- Saved options will now be reset if they are invalid.
TM Community Edition v1.2
Training Mode - Community Edition v1.2!
Click here to download TM-CE v1.2
HUGE thank you to everyone who's contributed to this release!
- Devs: Aitch, @Kounotori-ssbm, @travismacdonald, @MadeInShineA, @ramirez7
- Feature ideas / bug reports: Dieg0, spectra, skib, Ambrose, TriN, ReturnToOZ, slav, Chil#267, akrish, Renzo, Joey Donuts, tycho, zach12345678, Qu'importe, Friend, and many more! (sorry if I missed you)
Changes from 1.1:
Larger Changes:
- Added option to the OSD menu to change the OSD position.
- Removed defunct Max OSDs and Recommended OSDs options.
- Added stage options with FOD platform heights and Pokemon stadium transformations.
- Added CPU playback slots as counter actions.
- New "Mirrored Playback" option when in playback, which reflects the savestate to the other side. (@Kounotori-ssbm)
- Filter recordings by selecting a character on the CSS (@Kounotori-ssbm)
- Added custom action state OSDs.
- Rewrote powershield event, adding a new "Laser Height" option.
- Added hidden shortcut mode to the lab, accessed by pressing Y on the menu. Currently, only frame advance (Press and release A in shortcut mode) is implemented. Let me know what else you would like as a shortcut!
- Add option to manually move the CPU anywhere.
- Ledgedash HUD now updates every frame.
Smaller Changes:
- Added yoshi egg toss info (angle, hold duration) to the "Fighter Specific Tech" OSD.
- Add ActOoFloat OSD to the "Fighter Specific Tech" OSD.
- Remade "Grab Breakout" OSD, showing grab timer and current mash rate.
- Added overlay option to ledgedash training.
- Added getup options to the reversal event.
- Added miss tech wait chance option to tech options.
- Added a new Tech Lockout option. "Earliest" prevents the CPU from teching in impossible situations, and "Latest" simulates normal human tech lockout.
- Added an option to always have max invincibility on ledge in ledgedash training to practice the ledgedash inputs.
- Added a new Simulate Tech Trap option that prevents the CPU from teching for a short period after being hit out of tumble.
- Added a counter to the wavedash event. (@travismacdonald)
- Added a counter to the L-Cancel event.
- Reworked Re-Save Positions to keep all previous inputs, starting from the very first input.
- Added new Prune Positions option that will maintain the same inputs at the new position.
- Added option to hide the stage in the Model Display option.
- Added an option to change the side after a ledgedash.
- Added an option to show the item grab ranges.
- Added tech invisibility delay option.
- Added game speed option to the ledgedash event.
- Added an info display showing if the fighter can walljump.
- Added a camera mode option to the ledgedash event.
- CPU will now use random TDI after custom TDI ends.
- R can now be used as a frame advance button.
- Added an OSD for lockout timers (currently only contains the dtilt/dsmash lockout).
- Allow specifying a port to manually control the CPU
- Slow down advanced camera with R.
- Fixed "Act Oo Hitstun" OSD for grounded (sakurai) hitstun. This OSD now works for acting out of falco's laser (for the first two frames, at least).
- Fixed the '' shell script when the iso path contained spaces. (@ramirez7)
- Infinite shields option now applies to nana.
- Performing an aerial will no longer cause an immediate reset in ledgedash training.
- DI draw now shows for throws and sheik.
- Custom TDI will no longer reset when the CPU is pummeled.
- Every character now can have tech invisibility.
- Removed maximum distance between fighters in the reversal and shield drop training.
- Fix bug where the CPU would occasionally tumble to their deaths without countering.
- Fix the GALINT frames being incorrect if ledgedashing from ledge without refreshing in the ledgedash event.
- The missed lcancel overlay will now show when the lcancel input is one frame too early. (@travismacdonald)
- Fixed fastfall frame not showing for autocanceled aerials in the LCancel event. (@travismacdonald)
- CPU will now perform a counter action after grab breakout. (@MadeInShineA)
- Fix playback misinputs / desyncs on state load from takeover.
- Autorestore on CPU counter now triggers when the CPU grabs the ledge or dies.
- Fixed issue where Wavedash OSD sometime showed completely invalid "frames holding jump" values.
- Infinite shield settings are now respected in playback/recording.
- DPad left/right no longer crashes eggsercise.
TM Community Edition v1.1 dev 7
Release candidate for v1.2. (for real this time)
- Added hidden shortcut mode to the lab, accessed by pressing Y on the menu. Currently, only frame advance (Press and release A in shortcut mode) is implemented. Let me know what else you would like as a shortcut!
- Added option to the OSD menu to change the OSD position to over the HUD, off to the side, or up above.
- Rewrote powershield event, adding a new "Laser Height" option.
- Added shield health option.
- Added yoshi egg toss info (angle, hold duration) to the "Fighter Specific Tech" OSD.
- Performing an aerial will no longer cause an immediate reset in ledgedash training.
- Added overlay option to ledgedash training.
- Added miss tech wait chance option to tech options.
- Fixed the '' shell script when the iso path contained spaces. @ramirez7
- Fixed issue where the ledgedash event would not reset after the HUD stopped updating.
- Fixed "Act Oo Hitstun" OSD for grounded (sakurai) hitstun. This OSD now works for acting out of falco's laser (for the first two frames, at least).
- "Counter After Frames" and "Counter After Hits" now work (mostly) when "CPU Counter" is set to "On CPU Hit".
- The CPU will now start grounded when set to a getup attack option in "Reversal Training".
- "CPU Counter" in recording options now triggers on shield hits.
- Fixed play slot counter actions desync when the slot made the cpu airborne.
- Infinite shields option now applies to nana.
TM Community Edition v1.1 dev 6
Release candidate for v1.2
- Added a new Tech Lockout option. "Earliest" prevents the CPU from teching in impossible situations, and "Latest" simulates normal human tech lockout.
- Added a new Simulate Tech Trap option that prevents the CPU from teching for a short period after being hit out of tumble.
- Added a counter to the wavedash event. (@travismacdonald)
- Added a counter to the L-Cancel event.
- Loop playback will now loop on longest playback recording between CPU/HMN, rather than always using the CPU recording.
- Reworked Re-Save Positions to keep all previous inputs, starting from the very first input.
- Added new Prune Positions option that will maintain the same inputs at the new position.
- Added fine-grained CPU Counter options during playback, starting on CPU hit, HMN hit, or either.
- Added getup options to the reversal event.
- DI draw now shows for throws.
- Collision display will no longer disappear when an overlay is shown.
- The failure sound won't play anymore when exiting the ledgedash event.
- Custom TDI will no longer reset when the CPU is pummeled.
- Fixed FOD platforms having collision while moving in the underlying logic if manually set to a specific height.
TM Community Edition v1.1 dev 5
- Added tech lockout option.
- Added option to hide the stage in the Model Display option.
- Added an option to change the side after a ledgedash.
- Added an option to show the item grab ranges.
- Fixed a bug where the ledgedash event was not resetting on aerial.
- Fixed a bug where the second and onwards reversible TDI were not being applied correctly.
TM Community Edition v1.1 dev 4
- Added CPU playback slots as counter actions.
- Added new menu "stage options" with FOD platform heights and Pokemon stadium transformations.
- Added reversible custom DI.
- Added custom action state OSDs.
- Every character now can have tech invisibility.
- Added tech invisibility delay option.
- Added a random option to mirrored playback.
- Added a speed option to the ledgedash event.
- The disable taunt option is now saved.
- Added an info display showing if the fighter can walljump.
- Removed maximum distance between fighters in the reversal and shield drop training.
- Added an option to always have max invincibility on ledge in ledgedash training to practice the ledgedash inputs.
- Fix bug where the CPU would occasionally tumble to their deaths without countering.
- Fix the galint frames being incorrect if ledgedashing from ledge without refreshing in the ledgedash event.
- Autorestore on playback end will now trigger during playback.
- The missed lcancel overlay will now show when the lcancel input is one frame too early. (@travismacdonald)
- Custom ASDI will now override auto ASDI.
- Fixed a console crash with too many OSDs.
- The CPU will now wiggle out of tumble correctly when set to counter action airdodge.
TM Community Edition v1.1 dev 3
Switch to xdelta Release
This is the first xdelta release. I've switched for the following reasons (ordered):
- In Japan, distributing mods and isos is much more taboo than in the english-speaking ssbm community. Using ill-obtained copies can cause a huge fuss from even regular melee players, and JP users have requested we switch to xdelta distribution. Huge thanks to Kounotori for educating me on this.
- For users with slow internet connections, downloading an entire iso can take a significant amount of time and render the internet useless for others.
- To protect from copyright.
Please let me know ASAP if you run into any issues while building the ISO.
- Switched to an xdelta-based release.
- Filtering savestates now shows both sheik/zelda when zelda is selected.
- Fixed console crash.
- Fixed fastfall frame not showing for autocanceled aerials in the LCancel event. (@travismacdonald)
- CPU will now perform a counter action after grab breakout. (@MadeInShineA)
- Removed cursor wrapping - was causing lost work due to misinputs.
- Added a camera mode option to the ledgedash event.
- CPU will now use random TDI after custom TDI ends.
- R can now be used as a frame advance button.
- Added an OSD for lockout timers (currently only contains the dtilt/dsmash lockout).
- Added showing fighter collision as an overlay.
- Fixed DIDraw now displaying for Sheik.
- Counter actions will no longer be saved.
- Removed defunc 'Suggested OSDs' and 'Max OSDs' options from menu
TM Community Edition v1.1 dev 2
- Allow cursor to wrap in menus (@Kounotori-ssbm)
- Filter recordings by selecting a character on the CSS (@Kounotori-ssbm)
- Added "jumps used" overlay, to check if you've used your double jump before using uspecial (@MadeInShineA)
- Added JP version (@Kounotori-ssbm)
- Add option for allowing the CPU to perform counter actions after playback has ended, or on hit
- Fix playback misinputs / desyncs on state load from takeover
- Allow specifying a port to manually control the CPU
- Add ActOoFloat OSD
- Slow down advanced camera with R
- Add an option for a solo CPU input display
- Fix "Counter After Frames" triggering early when a tech option interrupts the timer
- Fixed import crashes
- Autorestore on CPU counter triggers when the CPU grabs the ledge or dies
- Update ledgedash HUD every frame
- Add infinite shields to the lcancel event
TM Community Edition v1.1 dev 1
- New "Mirrored Playback" option when in playback, which reflects the savestate to the other side. (@Kounotori-ssbm)
- Add option to manually move the CPU anywhere.
- Remake "Grab Breakout" OSD, showing grab timer and current mash rate.
- Save CPU counter actions and input display to memcard.
- Note that this will set your counter actions to "None" now! You need to set your counter actions and then exit Training Lab to save them.
- Save overlays to memcard. (a maximum of 8 overlays can be saved)
- Fixed issue where Wavedash OSD sometime showed completely invalid "frames holding jump" values.
- Infinite shield settings are now respected in playback/recording.
- DPad left/right no longer crashes eggsercise.
TM Community Edition v1.1
Training Mode - Community Edition v1.1!
HUGE thank you to everyone who's contributed to this release!
- Devs: Aitch, Kounotori, Clown, MadeInShineA
- Feature ideas / bug reports: Dieg0, spectra, Neil Harbin, Dustyn B. Cave, Vurj, moobs, Ambrose, emi, CanadaDajo123, Renzo, Candle, Friend, ssbmewtwo, sy, skib, lemon, akrish, and CarVac
Changes from 1.0:
- Wavedash away, towards, and down added as CPU counter actions.
- Add short hop / full hop indicator to the wavedash OSD, and a note of how many frames jump was held for.
- Boost grab OSD.
- Add Act Out of Double Jump / Special out of jump / Double Jump out of Jump OSDs to Act OoAirborne. (@Kounotori-ssbm)
- Disable taunt by default - turn it back on at the bottom of general settings. (@MadeInShineA)
- Add option to change game speed.
- Add glide toss OSD as well as item throw / zdrop out of airdodge OSDs.
- Change hitbox color for hitboxes with ID 3.
- Render highest priority hitbox on top.
- Add whirling fortress NIL to fighter specific tech OSD.
- Allow yoshi in Escape Sheik Techchase to allow practicing parrying grab.
- Renamed Act OoJumpSquat OSD to Jump Cancel Timing.
- Frame advance button now saves to the memcard.
- Added an overlay for when the character is fully invincible or intangible.
- Fix state name crash when command grabbed / yoshi was thrown. (@Kounotori-ssbm)
- Fix powershield OSD.
- Remove useless and missing OSDs from option menu.
- Prevent analog L from triggering frame advance.
- Native overlays (charging smash attacks, invincibility, invisibility) now work when custom OSDs are enabled.
- Reintroduce info display presets and sizes.
- Fix CPU not countering when hit with a move with 2 frames or less of hitstun (CCing a weak attack).