PHP function for extracting fields from Drupal Nodes into a simple and clean array
Insert extractNodePro function in template.php in your Drupal theme, and call the function in your node-template.
Let's say you have these fields on a content type:
- title
- body
- field_custom_thing
Then you can call the function like this: (Notice you can leave out "field_" on custom fields if you want)
$data = extractNodePro($node, array('title', 'body', 'custom_thing'));
OUTPUT: (if field_custom_thing is a text field)
$data = array(
'title' => 'Title of the content type',
'body' => 'Body of the content type',
'custom_thing' => 'value of custom thing'
If field_custom_thing is something else, let's say an image, you would get:
$data = array(
'title' => 'Title of the content type',
'body' => 'Body of the content type',
'custom_thing' => array(
'uri' => 'public://image.jpg',
'width' => 500,
'height' => 500
Default values are: value, rgb, uri, alt, width, height
What values gets extracted, can be modified like so:
$data = extractNodePro($node, array('title', 'body', 'custom_thing'), array('alt', 'value'));