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smORFer - small ORF detection algorithm

smORFer is a small ORF (smORF) detection algorithm that integrates genome, ribosome profiling and translation initiaton stalling data. Ribosome profiling sequencing data (Ribo-Seq) generates ribosome protected fragments (RPFs) that can exactly located ribosome on mRNA. Translation initiation stalling sequencing (TIS-seq) is generated by blocking ribosomes at the start codon and subsequent sequencing of the protected fragments. Both Ribo-Seq and TIS-seq use special antibiotics to stall the ribosomes.

In the following you can find information regarding:

Introduction to the algorithm

Our algorithm contains scripts written in bash, Perl and R. The algorithm contains 3 modules:

  • module A: Genome search module to detect all possible ORFs from a gives genome (FASTA)
  • module B: Detect smORF candidates using ribosome profiling data
  • module C: Detect smORF candidates using translation initiation sequencing data.

An schematic view on the workflow will be link upon publication

smORFer is a modular algorithm and can be used according to your available data. For further details see the detailed module sections module A, module B, module C.

smORFer is developed and tested for prokaryotes however it will work also for eukaryotes. The main restriction for eukaryotes it the ORF detection procedure of module A developed by Baek et al. (FileS1). This procedure searches for ORFs in continues stretches of sequences and it does not include exon-intron structures.

Throughout the different step different file formats are used: BED format in the 6-column version (BED6) for ORF/gene locations, BAM format to store sequencing reads and some CSV files. For further information on BED and BAM format see the section file formats

Example data and replicates

We provide our code together with an truncated input files: E.coli genome input (~100000 first bases) in FASTA format(ecoli_100k_nt.fa) and all protein coding genes in BED format (ecoli_genes.bed). Additionally, we provide examples of Ribo-Seq, calibrated Ribo-Seq and TIS-Seq sequencing reads in the BAM format that are already mapped/aligned such that the workflow can be executed using the examples. Each of the BAM files contain ~500,000 reads. To execute the examples call the bash script in each subfolder. The exact example calls are given in the Code section.

The algorithm does not use replicate sequencing data directly. A usual approach is first to check that the replicates show that same behaviour for high expressed genes regarding the read counts. Second, the replicates can be merged into one file to increase the detection limit for low expressed genes.

Code and example data

In the following we will give a detailed explanation of the different steps to run and execute the modules including code example of each step. In addition, we will explain how to execute a full module in one-step execution using standard parameters.

The complete workflow includes command-line tools (e.g. bedtools), a perl script and several R scripts. To simplify the execution we provide bash/shell scripts such that all scripts can be called from the command-line.

Module A

Module A is the genome search module and detects all possible ORFs from a given genome /transcriptome (FASTA). The main step is the detection of putative ORFs within a given genome (FASTA file). There two optional step: the detection of sequences periodicity pattern using Fourier Transformation and a filtering for selected regions.

The aim of the first module is to generate a set of putative (sm)ORFs that is used by the other modules. However, you are free to generate any set of regions in BED format on you own (see )

Inputs module A

  • [required] FASTA file containing a genome or transcriptome. Only the upper letters should be used A/T/G/C/N.
  • [optional] BED file for filtering specific regions of interest

Output module A

  • BED file containing putative (sm)ORFs or interesting regions to analyse with the other modules
  • [optional] BED file of putative (sm)ORFs that show a 3-nt sequence periodicity that might be promising candidates.

Details on module A

Step 1: putative (sm)ORF search This step searches for all possible ORFs in all reading frame and for a given ORF length. Please note that for large genomes this search can take some time (usually mins to hours). This search assumes only one chromosome in the FASTA file.

# call script 
bash fasta.fa genome_name out_name min_ORF_length max_ORF_length
# call using example data
bash modulA_pORFs_genome_search/1_pORF/ example_data/ecoli_100k_nt.fa U00096.3 pORFs 9 150

The output will be written into a folder called output inside the location of the folder of the script. Here, this would be modulA_pORFs_genome_search/1_pORF/output. The example command create two file: pORFs.bed a BED file with all putative ORFs and pORF.txt a list of the same ORFs including detected start and stop codons.

If you want to change the used start and stop codons you have to modify lines 16 and 17 of the

@STA=("ATG","GTG","TTG","CTG"); #start codons
@STO=("TGA","TAG","TAA"); #stop codons

If you want to perform the ORF search for eukaryotes please use the dedicated script for eukaryotes, which first separates the chromosomes in the FASTA file. Because of the exon-intro structure of eukaryotes you should use transcripts. However, you are free to search on any stretch of nucleotide sequence. Please, note that the search for eukaryotes can take very long (up to days) when the sequences is large.

# call script 
bash fasta.fa genome_name out_name min_ORF_length max_ORF_length

There are few more files written to the output, that are used to handle the different transcripts/chromosomes.

Step 2 [optional]: select or unselect regions of interest

This step is used to filter the putative ORFs for specific regions of interest. For the smORFer publication we searched in non-annotated regions, thus we un-selected known ORFs.

# call script 
bash regions_to_unselect.bed putative_orfs.bed out_name
# call using example data
bash modulA_pORFs_genome_search/2_region_selection/ example_data/ecoli_genes.bed modulA_pORFs_genome_search/1_pORF/output/pORFs.bed pORFs_filtered

Again an output folder at the location of the script is created that contains a BED file with only putative ORFs that do not intersect with the given regions.

If you want the opposite filter and select putative ORFs that intersect with your given regions use the in the same way.

# call script 
bash regions_to_select.bed putative_orfs.bed

Step 3 [optional]: Fourier transform of the sequence periodicity

This step uses the input regions a checks for 3-nt sequence periodicity to prefilter ORFs that might be translated.

# call:
bash fasta.fa orfs.bed
# call using example data: 
bash modulA_pORFs_genome_search/3_FT_GCcontent/ example_data/ecoli_100k_nt.fa modulA_pORFs_genome_search/2_region_selection/output/pORFs_filtered.bed

In the output folder you will find the ORFs that show a sequence (GC content) 3-nt periodic pattern. The output file is call FT_passed.bed.

If you wish to modify the cutoff for the FT ratio signal detection, open FT_GCcontent.R in modulA_pORFs_genome_search/3_FT_GCcontent/ and modify line

cutoff <- 3

One-step module A

We do not recommend to run the full module A in a one-step procedure. However, you can do this by calling:

# call:
bash fasta.fa genome_name out_name min_ORF_length max_ORF_length regions_to_select.bed out_name2
# call using example data: 
bash modulA_pORFs_genome_search/ example_data/ecoli_100k_nt.fa U00096.3 pORFs 9 150 example_data/ecoli_genes.bed pORFs_filtered

The output files can be found in the according subfolders (see details above step 1 to step 3). Please note, that step 2 runs in selection (not un-selection) mode.

Module B

Module B is working on Ribo-Seq data that Ribosome Protected Fragment (RPFs). It thus required aligned/mapped Ribo-Seq data in BAM file format. This mapping can be performed using various tool (e.g. Bowtie2 or BWA). In addition, a set of ORF location is need as it generate by module A. If you want to make use of the Fourier Transform signal detection for RPFs you also need to provide a BAM file of the calibrated reads reduced to the one nucleotide that results from the calibration. This calibration is a multi-step procedure. An external manual can be found here and detailed explanation will be available soon in Methods in Molecular Biology

Inputs module B

  • [required] BAM file mapped Ribo-Seq sequencing reads.
  • [required] BED file with ORFs, as generated by module A
  • [optional] BAM file with calibrated Ribo-Seq reads.

Please note that for the mapping the genome name has to be used as in the resulting

Output module B

  • BED file containing translated ORFs
  • [optional] BED file containing 3-nt translated ORFs

Details on module B

Step 4: count Ribo-Seq / RPF reads

Here we count mapped RPF reads within each ORF using bedtools and generate a BED file with the highest expressed ORFs.

# call script 
bash pORFs.bed RiboSeq.bam 
# call using example data
bash modulB_RPF_analysis/4_count_RPF/ modulA_pORFs_genome_search/2_region_selection/output/pORFs_filtered.bed example_data/RPF.bam 

Within the folder of an output folder will be created. It will contain 3 files:

  • RPF_counts.txt: contains results from bedtool's coverageBed command.
  • RPF_translated.txt: contains ORF that passed the threshold of >= 5 reads and that are considered as translated.
  • RPF_high.bed: BED file containing on the ORF with expression of 100 RPK (reads per kilobase of length).

You may change the cutoff for detecting ORFs as translated by modifying file line 13. Change the >= 5 to any number you like.

# get candidates > 5 RPF (validated)
awk '$7 >= 5' "${script_path}/output/RPF_counts.txt" > "${script_path}/output/RPF_translated.txt"

You may change the cutoff of detecting ORF as high expressed that can be subject to the Fourier Transform in the next steps. To do so, modifying file line 16. Change the >= 0.1 to any number you like. Please not 100 RPK = 1 RPF per 10 nucleotides ORF length = 0.1 RPF per 1 nt ORF length.

awk '$7/$9 >= 0.1 {print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t"$6}' "${script_path}/output/RPF_counts.txt" > "${script_path}/output/RPF_high.bed"

Step 5[optional]: Fourier Transform to find 3-nt translated ORF

To find ORF that clearly show a 3-nt periodic signal Fourier Transform is performed on calibrated Ribo-Seq sequencing.

# call script 
bash high_expressed_ORFs.bed calibrated_RiboSeq.bam
# call using example data
bash modulB_RPF_analysis/5_FT_RPF/ modulB_RPF_analysis/4_count_RPF/output/RPF_high.bed example_data/RPF_calibrated.bam

The output is a BED like file with all ORF passing the cutoff with an additional column showing the FT ratio signal. Please note that our example call did not reveal any ORF because the example BAM file contain too few reads and the complete file would be too large to be stored here.

Step 6[optional]: find most probable start

The Step is experimentally. You may find it useful to detect the most probable start codon for a set of ORF with the same stop codon if you have only Ribo-Seq and no TIS-Seq data available. The script identifies the ORF with the highest RPF variance and selects it as the most probable one. The assumption is that ORFs that are fully covered by RPFs show a higher variance than ORFs that are only partially covered. However, there might be some bias towards shorter ORFs. For this the script also outputs the ratio of RPFs found in 1. half vs 2. half of each ORF. In the example below we use the candidates from step 4 and calibrated reads. However, you can also use custom candidates in BED format and uncalibrated reads (e.g. only middle nucleotide, see Helper scripts) in BAM format, as the precise positioning of RPF might not be necessary.

# get most probable start codon from RPF reads
bash RPF_validated.bed RPF_calibrated.bam
# call using example data
bash modulB_RPF_analysis/6_find_most_probable_start/ modulB_RPF_analysis/4_count_RPF/output/RPF_translated.txt example_data/RPF_calibrated.bam

The output folder contains 4 files. The RPF_... files are generated during the processing. The best_start.bed file contains the candidates with the most probable start, according the variance of RPF reads. The best_start_results.txt contains the calculated values of variance, and 1./2.half RPF count and total read counts for each ORF such that you can filter and review on your own.

One-step module B

We do not recommend to run the full module B in a one-step procedure. However, you can do this by calling:

# call:
bash pORFs.bed RPF.bam RPF_calibrated.bam
# call with example data:
bash modulB_RPF_analysis/ modulA_pORFs_genome_search/2_region_selection/output/pORFs_filtered.bed example_data/RPF.bam example_data/RPF_calibrated.bam

Please note, only step 4 and step 5 are performed because step 6 is experimental. The output files can be found in the according subfolders (see details above step 4 and step 5).

Module C

Module C uses mapped TIS-Seq reads to obtain true translated start codons. First, start codons locations are identified and offset (+- one codon) is added. Second, TIS-Seq reads are counted and ORF with more reads than the cutoff are selected.

Inputs module C

  • [required] BAM file mapped TIS-Seq sequencing reads.
  • [required] BED file with ORFs, as generated by module A

Please note that for the mapping the genome name has to be used as in the resulting. If you want extract the middle nucleotide from each TIS read to get a more precise signal you can use the perl script.

Output module C

  • BED/TXT files containing ORFs with detect start codon TIS-Seq coverage.

Details on module C

Step 7: obtain start codon location to prepare for counting

First, the start codon location has to be identified and a new BED file with the start codon +- and offset one codon will be created for the counting of TIS-Seq reads in the next step. For our analysis the TIS-Seq reads show nice enrichment for the offset of +- one codon when considering the middle nucleotide of each TIS-Seq read.

# call script 
bash pORFs.bed 
# call using example data
bash modulC_TIS_analysis/7_get_start_codon/ modulA_pORFs_genome_search/2_region_selection/output/pORFs_filtered.bed

The BED output file can be found in the output folder. If you wish to change the offset, open the start_codon.R file and modify the offset in line 5 and 6. The offsets are given in nucleotides:

# upstream offset in nucleotides
up_offset <- 3
down_offset <- 3

Step 8: count TIS-Seq reads and identify translated ORF start codons

Next, TIS-Seq reads will counted and ORF over the cutoff will be returned. If you want extract the middle nucleotide from each TIS read to get a more precise signal you can use the perl script.

# call script 
bash start_codons.bed TisSeq.bam 
# call using example data
bash modulC_TIS_analysis/8_count_TIS/ modulC_TIS_analysis/7_get_start_codon/output/start_codons.bed example_data/TIS.bam 

The output folder will contain two BED lke files. TIS_counts.txt contains all ORFs including a new output columns from bedtool's coverageBed commands. Column 7 contains the obtained read counts. The other file TIS_candidates.txt contains only the ORF candidates that passed the cutoff. If you wish to change the cutoff you can open the and change >= 5 in line 11 to any number you like:

awk '$7 >= 5' output/TIS_counts.txt > output/TIS_candidates.txt

One-step module C

You can run complete module C by calling:

# call:
bash pORFs.bed TisSeq.bam
# call using example data: 
bash modulC_TIS_analysis/ modulA_pORFs_genome_search/2_region_selection/output/pORFs_filtered.bed example_data/TIS.bam 

The output files can be found in the according subfolders (see details above step 7 and step 8).

Helper scripts

To manipulate and modify input file we provide few scripts in the helper_scripts folder.

GFF to BED parser: parse_gff.R This script can parse GFF to BED files. To use the script open the script and change the input location. In addition you might need to change the pattern for the gene name detection in line 21.

Read middle nucleotide: extracts the middle nucleotide from each mapped sequencing read. This script can be but used to extract the middle nucleotide for the mapped TIS reads. Below you find an example on few full length TIS reads:

# call script using TIS full length example data
samtools view -h example_data/TIS_full_read.bam | perl helper_scripts/ | samtools view -b > out.bam

Overlap/intersect start codon candidates: overlap_candidates.R intersects a list of candidates, e.g. from module A and B, with candidates from TIS analysis (from module C). You can directly input the results from module A, B, C because the count files are in BED-like format. Please note: while generating the TIS candidates in module C, file start_codon.R and offset is used (default +-3 nt around the start codon). The same offset is used in the overlap_candidates.R.

# call script to overlap/intersect
Rscript helper_scripts/overlap_candidates.R TIS_candidates.txt other_candidates.txt overlap.txt

Installation & Requirements


  • Linux operating system
  • bedtools
  • Perl
  • R (including the following packages):
    • Biostrings (Bioconductor)
    • seqinr (CRAN)



Bedtools can be installed on Fedora/Centos and Debian/Ubuntu using package managers. For more information see bedtools installation.


Perl is usually installed on Linux. If this is not the case you can install it using package managers and search for perl.

Installing R

R can be install on Linux by using the package managers. The package is usually called r-base (Debian/Ubuntu) or R (Fedora/Centos).

Installing R packages

The installation of the required R packages can be done using our installation script (R is required first, see above). Move to the downloaded github directory and install using:

Rscript install_dependencies.R

If the script finishes without error the two dependencies (seqinr and Biostrings are installed)

File formats

BED format

The BED format is a tab separated text file that is usually stored with the extension .bed (e.g. filename.bed) but the extension is not necessary. We use the BED6 format with 6 columns, which is the minimal requirement to include strand information. For more information on the BED format see bedtools webpage.

BAM format

The BAM format is a common an efficient format to store aligned/mapped sequencing reads. BAM file are binary files and not human readable. You can convert the BAM file to human readable SAM file. For more information see samtools.

More information / contact

For more information about smORFer contact: [email protected] or [email protected]


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