This was my final project for EARS 3: Oceanography.
The task was anything that encapsulated what we had learned throughout the term. I'd been messing around with some visualization software in JS, so I decided on a dynamic visualization of the oceans and currents using Three.js.
The five visualizations included are 'currents', 'surfaceflow', 'velocity', 'salinity', and 'tectonics'. All data is courtesy of NASA, though it was post-processed for the display.
Some of the visualization files could not be hosted on GitHub, as they are too large. To allow all visualizations, download the video files from the links, name them according to their paranthesized name, and save them in the "assets/videos/" folder.
- Ocean Currents (currents.mp4) (330 mB)
- Ocean Velocity (velocity.mp4) (120 mB)
- Ocean Surface Flow (surfaceflow.mp4) (245 mB)
Alternatively, if you want to download the entire project complete with videos, you can get it from this link.
To run it, open the index.html
file in a browser that allows local file access. I used Chrome with the file access flag by running open -a Google\ Chrome --args --allow-file-access-from-files