The source code for the Team Fortress 2 Gamemode. IF YOU HAVE ANY OF ADDONS SOMETIMES EVEN 1 WILL BREAK THE GAMEMODE The Gamemode that allows you to play TF2 in Gmod! Pre-Owners - Kilburn, wango911 Workshopper - Agent Agrimar
If you're wondering why _Kilburn ended the development was because he had a hard drive failure and lost all his data. I was in talks with some other dude in regards to bringing back the gamemode, but I have not talked to the guy in months, so I'm guessing his branch is dead. - [N?] SmileyFace (A.K.A wango911)
Put the gamemodes folder in your main garrysmod folder inside steamapps/common/garrysmod
"changeclass_menu" - Brings up a derma menu so you dont have to type in very much commands.
"changeclass (CLASS)" - Changes into the specified class. You can also say this in chat now!
"changeteam (TEAM)" - Changes into the specified team.
"giveweapon (WEAPON)" - Gives you the weapon you specified.
"givehat (HAT)" - Gives you the hat specified.
"givemisc (MISC)" - Gives you the misc specified.
"voice_menu_1 to 3" - Opens the TF2 Voice Menu.
"tf_voice_cooldown" "0/1" - If set to 1 lets you spam any voice command you want!
"wear_desired" - Desires the skin quality you want.
"cl_autoreload 0/1" - Does what it says. "cl_use_tf_viewmodel_fov" - That way, it doesn't screw with your other stuff
"viewmodel_fov_tf", TF Viewmodel FOV needs the above ConVar to be enabled
"wear_lines", Set to 1 for simple skin lines (Works without being Randomized), Set to 2 for messages afterward. (Only if randomized)
"wear_sounds", Set to 1 to hear sounds when getting skins. (Only if randomized)
"F1" - Nothing
"F2" - Change Teams