This is an attendance project that I will use for my own future company 'Afnan Company for software'
Features will be listed as a user journey in the system
users can register to the Attendance system with string validation methods
after successful registeration .. an email wil be send to user with his random generated username and password
the system has 3 roles
- Admin (me)
- SubAdmin
- users
If user :
user only can view his own data (username , email , address , etc)
view his last login time (not attendace time)
he can view his daily and monthly status
- like late , Excuse , Absencet
he can view the number of times of their status during the month
If subadmin
- subadmin can do what any user can do but with more features
- subadmin can assign the attendance for any user
- (set daily comming time of the employee)
- can search for any user to view his own data like
- name , age , email , last attendance time
If Admin
Admin can do what an user or subadmin can do with more features
Admin can also take attendance + make excuses for employees
Only admin can view all data for all users (attendance , absence , lateness , excuses , username) in form of datatable and in a more easy way like in charts
Admin can download reports for all users with their statistics charts as a PDF
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Javascript
- ES6
- session storage
- Jquery
- Bootstrap 5
- SMTP.js
- sending emails to new users with their credintials
- Sweet Alert 2
- as a custom notifying method
- Html2pdf
- to enable downloading reports locally
- Charts.js
- to make easier display of Employee's data in a form of charts
- Bootstrap 5 Icons