This project is a scrolly telling story about a young boy named Kofi, Who lives in a village in rural Ghana. Kofis village doesnt have access to clean water, which is a major problem all across the world. In this story we follow Kofi through his journey of getting a scholarship and getting a edjuaction.
This project is meant to highlight thee UN goal 6 which is to ensure availability and sustainable managment of water and sanitation for all. At current rates 1.6 billion people will lack access to safely managed drinking water and 2.8 billion will lack safely managed sanitation. source: In this story we show how important edjucation is and how knowledgeable people can make positive changes in their local community.
For this project we have used a combination of html, scss and GSAP. GSAP, short for GreenSock Animation Platform, is a popular JavaScript library for creating high-performance animations and interactive experiences for the web. It provides a wide range of tools and features for animating HTML, SVG, canvas, and other web-based content, including support for complex motion paths, timing and sequencing controls, and easy integration with other web technologies such as CSS and JavaScript.
The project is public and can be found at For help please contact any of the repository contributors. This website is made by a group of web development students at NTNU Gjovik. The group consists of Petter, Emil and Tobias.