Application made for educational purposes only.
Franko is a fitness and social platform for Android that allows users to seamlessly log their physical activities, such as cycling, walking, and running.
- Login via Google account
- Record three different activity types: cycling, walking, and running
- Filter recorded activities by type
- Set activity name, type, and visibility (public or private)
- Set profile visibility (public or private)
- Search for people using the app
- Follow people
- See who is following your profile
- Edit profile: first and last name, profile picture, bio, and city
- Set profile picture directly from camera or gallery
- English and Polish language
- Kotlin
- Firebase
- Google Maps API
- Android Views
- Android Jetpack
- Navigation - navigation in application
- ViewModel - state holder
- LiveData - lifecycle-aware observable data holder
- Lifecycle - performing actions in response to a change in the lifecycle status of another component
- Preferences DataStore - data storage for user preferences
- View Binding - interacting with views from code
- Gradle
- Single activity
- Coil - image loading library
- Compressor - image compression library
- Hilt - dependency injection
- JUnit 5 - unit tests
- Android Linter
- ktfmt - formatting Kotlin code
Create file
in root project directory with the following contents. Replace YOUR_API_KEY
with your Google Maps API key.
Download google-services.json
from Firebase Console and put it in the app/
For signing the release build create
in root project directory with the following contents and your signing information.