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Adibla committed Nov 16, 2022
2 parents e7c3224 + 4abf93f commit 72a1790
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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# Contributing

When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the change you wish to make via issue,
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Please note we have a code of conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.

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4. You may merge the Pull Request in once you have the sign-off of two other developers, or if you
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<br />
<div align="center">
<h1 align="center">Ares</h1>
<h3 align="center">Andrew Release Execution Scripts</h3>
<h3 align="center">Andrea Release Execution Scripts</h3>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ _____________________________($)_____________________________
## About The Project

Ares is a tool that you can use to release migration scripts into your MongoDB or Mysql instance.
Ares allows you to release migration scripts to your MongoDB or Mysql instance.
<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>

Expand All @@ -148,9 +147,28 @@ Ares is a tool that you can use to release migration scripts into your MongoDB o

<p align="right">(<a href="#readme-top">back to top</a>)</p>

### Installation with npm

_Here is a step-by-step guide to installing this cli using NPM._

1. Use npm to install ares in your project folder
npm i ares
2. Change the [config files](#usage) or [env variables](#usage) to update your database connection info

3. Using Ares or manually, create one or more migrations and place them in the MIGRATIONS_DIR folder (default data-ares on your project root).
ares --operation create --name test --dbms MYSQL
4. Run with
ares --operation up

### Installation with local clone

_Below is showed how to install this cli with local clone._
_Here is a step-by-step guide to installing this cli using local clone._

1. Clone project using git
Expand All @@ -164,7 +182,7 @@ _Below is showed how to install this cli with local clone._
npm i
4. Update your db connection info using [env variables](#usage) env variables or changing [config files](#usage)
4. Change the [config files](#usage) or [env variables](#usage) to update your database connection info

5. Run with
Expand All @@ -178,7 +196,8 @@ _Below is showed how to install this cli with local clone._

Set necessary ENV variables to specify your db config (or you could update config files located under /config)
Specify your database configuration via ENV variables (or use USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG=true and update PROJECT/config/{env}.json)

set DB_HOST="localhost"
Expand All @@ -201,73 +220,120 @@ UNIX
export AUTH_SOURCE="test"
export SERVICE_NAME="test" //for logging
And then run the app, Ares creates a new table in your db with automatically generated migrations, the name of this collection is specified by MIGRATIONS_STORE env (migrations-store by default).
npm run start -- --operation up
All existing migrations up commands in/src/data will be executed and their status will be saved in db.
Currently the folder contains some examples of migrations.
This pattern must be followed if you use config files
"db": {
"connection": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 27017,
"user": "admin",
"password": "secret",
"database": "test",
"authMechanism": "DEFAULT",
"authSource": "admin"
"tableName": "migrations-store",
"tableId": "id"
"seeds": {
"directory": "./priv/seeds"
"migrationsDir": "./ares-data",
"operationsLabels": {
"statusExecuted": "EXECUTED",
"statusRolledBack": "ROLLED_BACK",
"statusPending": "PENDING",
"rolledBackSuccess": "ROLLED_BACK_SUCCESS",
"rolledBackFailed": "ROLLED_BACK_FAILED",
"outcomeSuccess": "COMPLETE_SUCCESS",
"outcomeFailed": "COMPLETE_FAILED",
"outcomeMissing": "NONE"
"log": {
"name": "app",
"base": {
"env": "dev"
"enabled": true,
"level": 20

After running the app, Ares creates a new table in your database with generated migrations (included in your MIGRATIONS_DIR), whose name is specified by MIGRATIONS_STORE env (migrations-store by default).

<span style="color: red">IMPORTANT</span> CURRENTLY THE FIRST MIGRATION DICTATES WHICH DBMS WILL BE USED (for multiple dbms supports, see [Roadmap](#Roadmap)
ares --operation up
We will execute all migrations' up commands in the MIGRATIONS_DIR folder and save their status in the database.
There are currently some migration examples in the folder.

There are several environment variables that you could use in order to config the application (someone has default value)
In order to configure the application, you can use several environment variables (someone has default values).
DB_HOST="localhost" #required
DB_PORT=27017 #required
DB_USER="test" #required
DB_PASS="test" #required
DB_USER="admin" #required
DB_PASS="secret" #required
DB_NAME="test" #required
USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG=false #It is used to include custom config files (instead of using env) located in ProjectDir/config/[env].json.
MIGRATIONS_STORE="test" #name of tbl support for migrations, used by Ares
MIGRATIONS_STORE_ID="test" #primary key of tbl support for migrations, used by Ares
MIGRATIONS_DIR="/src/data" #folder with migrations file (default=/src/data)
STATUS_EXECUTED="COMPLETE_SUCCESS" #status if migration goes up with success
STATUS_ROLLED_BACK="STATUS_ROLLED_BACK" #status if migration rolledback
STATUS_PENDING="STATUS_PENDING" #status migration pending
ROLLED_BACK_SUCCESS="ROLLED_BACK_SUCCESS" #status if migration rolledback with success
ROLLED_BACK_FAILED="ROLLED_BACK_FAILED" #status if migration rolledback with error
OUTCOME_SUCCESS="OUTCOME_SUCCESS" #status if migration up with error
OUTCOME_FAILED="OUTCOME_FAILED" #status if migration goes up with success
OUTCOME_MISSING="OUTCOME_MISSING" #status if migration up with no outcome
MIGRATIONS_STORE="migrations-store" #Migration support table used by Ares for migrations
MIGRATIONS_STORE_ID="test" #The primary key of the migration table used by Ares for migrations
MIGRATIONS_DIR="./ares-data" #Folder that includes migrations file
STATUS_EXECUTED="COMPLETE_SUCCESS" #Status of migration if it is successful
STATUS_ROLLED_BACK="STATUS_ROLLED_BACK" #Status of migration if it is rolledback
STATUS_PENDING="STATUS_PENDING" #Status of migration if it is pending
ROLLED_BACK_SUCCESS="ROLLED_BACK_SUCCESS" #Result of migration if it is rolled back with success
ROLLED_BACK_FAILED="ROLLED_BACK_FAILED" #Result of migration if it is rolled back with errors
OUTCOME_SUCCESS="OUTCOME_SUCCESS" #Result of migration if it is successful
OUTCOME_FAILED="OUTCOME_FAILED" #Result of migration if it is failed
OUTCOME_MISSING="OUTCOME_MISSING" #Status of migration if no outcome is achieved


It executes all migrations' up commands contained in MIGRATIONS_DIR
npm run start -- --operation up
ares --operation up
npm run start -- --operation down
ares --operation down

It executes only migrations' with id specified (if exist) with up commands, contained in MIGRATIONS_DIR
npm run start -- --operation up --migration 001 002
ares --operation up --migration 001 002

It executes only migrations' with id specified (if exist) with down commands, contained in MIGRATIONS_DIR, **YOU CAN ONLY USE DOWN COMMAND FOR ALREADY DONE MIGRATIONS IN OUTCOME "COMPLETE_SUCCESS"**
npm run start -- --operation down --migration 001 002
ares --operation down --migration 001 002

It creates new migration schema in MIGRATION_DIR, you have to specify --name (migration's name) param and --dbms (mysql or mongodb) and you could optionally includes other not required params (author, description, tags)
npm run start -- --operation create --name test --author andrea --dbms mysql
npm run start -- --operation create --name test --author andrea --dbms mysql --description desc --tags tag1 tag2
ares --operation create --name test --author andrea --dbms MYSQL
ares --operation create --name test --author andrea --dbms MYSQL --description desc --tags tag1 tag2


Filename of migration can contains title,id and author, delimitated by "-", for example: "001-example-andrea.json", but the same attributes could be included in json body. Currently json is the only filetype supported.
A migration filename may include title, id, and author, separated by "-", for example, "001-example-andrea.json", but the same attributes may also be included in the migration body. Currently, json is the only filetype supported.
Migration entity contains these attributes, they will be persisted in Ares' config table.

- **id** (string) - Migration's id, it could be specified in filename or body
- **author** (string) - Migration's author, it could be specified in body or filename.
- **dbms** (string 'mysql'|'mongodb') - Migration's dbms, it could be specified only in body.
- **author** (string) - Migration's Author, it could be specified in body or filename.
- **dbms** (string 'MYSQL'|'MONGODB') - Migration's dbms, it could be specified only in body.
- **tag**(string) - Migration's tag, it could be specified only in body.
- **description**(string) - Migration's description, it could be specified only in body.
- **comment**(string) - Migration's comment, it could be specified only in body.
Expand All @@ -283,7 +349,7 @@ Migration entity contains these attributes, they will be persisted in Ares' conf
- **created_at**(date) - Migration's creation timestamp (automatically generated)

### TEST
You can run unit test (using jest) with
Unit tests can be run using Jest
npm run test
Expand All @@ -302,8 +368,8 @@ npm run test
- [x] Add back to top links
- [ ] Custom messages for some use cases (already existing migration exc...)
- [ ] Improve errors management
- [ ] Manage multiple dbms in single transaction
- [ ] Reuse MongoDB connection, no multiple instances
- [ ] Manage multiple dbms in single transaction (think about that)
- [ ] Connect to MongoDB once, no need to create multiple instances
- [ ] Remove "any" everywhere and use types for everything
- [ ] Other dbms support
- [ ] Validation checksum
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