Python 3.x
Femtomes INS2000_FRII data logging:
San Jose (SJ) system: Novatel GNSS receiver + iMAR IMU data logging:
- change the serial port number in the line
ser = serial.Serial('com140',230400,parity='N',bytesize=8,stopbits=1,timeout=None)
change the lever arm parameters (refer to respective product manual)
Femtomes system:
SETINSTRANSLATION ANT1 <parameters> SETINSTRANSLATION DUALANT <parameters> SETINSROTATION RBV <parameters> # not necessary if aligned according to manual
NovAtel system:
setimutoantoffset <parameters>
Change the span_decoder.exe1 to span_decoder.exe, and run in the cmd line
aceinna_decoder.exe <data.bin> 1
it works for SJ NovAtel system data and Femtomes data, and decodes the bin files to csv files. Among the decoded csv files, "_gnss.txt" and "_ins.txt" are GNSS and INS solutions respectively.