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ProjTemplate DevOps2023_2024

MScDevOps Assign - Group 3

Project Name : Wednesdays Wicked Adventure

Table of Contents

Scrum Masters
Product Owner
Team Members
Project Deadline
Project Specification
Useful Links
More Information
Risk Register
Tenants of Design
Social Contract
Branching Strategy
Estimating Story Points
Definition of Ready
Definition of Done
This is the online repository for the DevOps Assignment.

Each team should fill in the blanks <<>> and add additional content that the team agrees on. This is your contract of work. It is an agreement amongst yourselves. Honour it.

<> Our product will be delivered using an Agile methodology that embraces the DevOps culture. Please note that our culture embraces change and these documents are treated as living, breathing artefacts that will be continuously updated.

Scrum Master

<<list week number, student name>> Week 1, Jolly Kannampuzha Week 2, Jolly Kannampuzha Week 3, Week 4, Week 5, Abhishek Sharma Week 6, Abhishek Sharma Week 7, Shreya Shantharama Shetty Week 8, Shreya Shantharama Shetty Week 9, Pavan Kalyan Varikolu Week 10, Pavan Kalyan Varikolu Week 11, Riya Devikar Week 12, Riya Devikar Week 13, Nayana Purohit Nagaraj Week 14, Nayana Purohit Nagaraj Week 15, Nayana Purohit Nagaraj Week 16, Nayana Purohit Nagaraj Rotating scrum master so that everyone gets to experience the role once.

Product Owner

<<list week number, student name>> Week 1, Nayana Purohit Nagaraj Week 2, Nayana Purohit Nagaraj Week 3,
Week 4,
Week 5, Pavan Kalyan Varikolu Week 6, Pavan Kalyan Varikolu Week 7, Riya Devikar Week 8, Riya Devikar Week 9, Jolly Kannampuzha Week 10, Jolly Kannampuzha Week 11, Abhishek Sharma Week 12, Abhishek Sharma Week 13, Shreya Shantharama Shetty Week 14, Shreya Shantharama Shetty Week 15, Shreya Shantharama Shetty Week 16, Shreya Shantharama Shetty Rotating product owner so that everyone gets to experience the role once.

Team Members

Abhishek Sharma Jolly Kannampuzha Nayana Purohit Nagaraj PAVAN KALYAN VARIKOLU Riya Devikar Shreya Shantharama Shetty

Project Deadline

Thursday 4th April at midnight

Project Specification

Clean and simple design User access levels (client, administrator) Includes at least one self developed api and one webservice To be run over : Cloud Platform (AWS, Kubernetes)


Database : MongoDB Database persistence technology Define the buisness Requirements: Our application is simple scale with limited features , we used Mern stack to implemnet Monolithic application. User Authentication Admin Authentication Admin have Special rights to modify and delete the user data. Booking Confirmation User booking details we have used JWT token authentication . This application will support different devices liek tablet, mobile , desktop. Named queries and database triggers for security : We have used NOSQL database , dynamic schema is supported and its stores data in JSON format. Regex for cleansing and validation of data before sending to the database.

Useful Links

More Information

Confluence : JIRA :

Risk Register

These are the current Risks on the project, re-aligned on a weekly basis

  • Initially as team we have done good brainstormin on choosing tools and technologie sto develop thsi web application. No risks observed throughout this project from infrastructure and softwrae perspective.
  • On othe some technical issues we faced where handled in user stories.

Tenants of Design

Update the below to add what the group is using <<>>

  • Dedication to clean, secure, performant and self documented code
    • code Frameworks used Node JS , React JS , Express JS
    • programming using the IDE Visuak studio code
    • code coverage tool used Sonarqube , SonarCloud
    • Secure code: Snyk , Sonar Cloud, Owsap zap
    • performance testing tool to be used : JMeter
    • Performance monitoring tool: Prometheus, Grafana, New Relic
  • Documentation : JSDoc , Swagger Api documentation
  • code commenting : Github , Git
  • Datastore for persistance : kubernetes peristence volume


uses static/ dynamic analysis to find bugs in code.

  • SAST : Sonarcloud, Snyk


  • Unit testing : JEST
  • integretation testing / UI Tsting : Selenium


  • staging : Github
  • Production : EC2
  • tight configuration management for consistency and reproducibility : Github actions
  • automated creation and deployments : Github Actions Pipeline)
  • integrated and automated pipeline (commit -> test -> deploy) commit - > Git/ Github test -> JEST , Selenium deploy -> Github Actions -> sonarqube, sonarcloud, snyk,Automated doc, Docker Build , IaC Build , deploy to AWS , Owsap zap, JMeter, New RElic, Prometheus

Github version control:

  • branches used main , develop , feature branches
  • version/release management : dev / staging/production

Agile project management methods/principles (jira)

Social Contract

Mobile phones be left on silent during sprint sessions and class time.
Be on time for team meetings and class, if you are running late let the group know by sending a message into the Slack channel.
Everyone has an equal voice and valuable contribution.
When you are assigned a job, take ownership of it and keep it up to date, do not be afraid to ask others for help, 
always be honest about your work.
Do not speak over someone when they are expressing a point, everyone has an equal voice.
No blame culture.
Do not be afraid to ask for help, we are all learning.
No invisble work.
Ask questions to make sure you understand the task given to you.
Try have some fun, team work makes the dream work.
Use Agile methodoligies in the project at all times.


Stand-ups will occur on Every Monday & Wednsday during class. Two per week.
The order that people give their updates will be Developer will go first and then QA.
Updates will be in the form: What I've done, Impediments, What I plan to do.
Sprint planning will occur at Monday ( 9.30 - 11.30 AM) (sometimes depends on team) every week.
Please add and update items within JIRA a prior to the sprint planning session.
Sprint retro will at the end of our sprint on Monday ( Time will be depend on team availibility) (timebox retro for 30 minutes, to be organised by the scrum master).
Points raised in the sprint retro will be noted and posted on the Jira by the Scrum Master. The Scrum Master is rotated per team member every week.
Backlog refinement will happen on MOnday Before Sprint planning during our sprint.
Task estimation will be done using Planning Poker. 
Come prepared to meetings.
Be on time for Stand Ups and meetings.
Mobile phones on silent.
Everyone has equal voice and valuable contribution.
Keep your language and tone professional at all times.
Be honest.


Slack is the preferred method of communication.
If a demonstration is required use Loom, record the session and upload to the Slack channel.
No Slack communications between <<time and time>>.
Raise a problem as soon as you see it.
Respect each other and understand differences in knowledge.
All team documents are to be created using Markdown language and shared on GitHub.
There are no silly questions, if you don’t understand, ask.
Share success stories.
Focus on the positives.
Don’t make assumptions.
Don’t interrupt and cut another person off while they are talking.
Listen when someone is talking, don’t interject.
Zero tolerance for bullying.

Agile way of working.

If you are assigned a job, take ownership of it and keep it up to date.
Stick to your agreed working patterns. Let the team know when you are late or going early.
Keep JIRA board updated at all times.
Update the Scrum Board as you progress the story i.e. don’t update at standup.
Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Don't be afraid to give constructive criticism, as long as it is constructive.
Solve roadblocks within the team. If the impediment can’t be solved within the team then give it to the Scrum Master.
Sprints will start <<>>
The Scrum Master role rotates each week 
Each member of the team will work approximately <<hours>> hours per week, unless they are on vacation.
Our branching stategy will start with <<>>

Estimating Story Points

The teams team's velocity is calculated in Sprint Planning. story estimation : Iteration planning

The teams current story point velocity is "N/A". <> Sprint1 : 18 Sprint 2: holidays Sprint 3: 29 Sprint 4: 32 Sprint 5: 26 Sprint 6: 29 Sprint 7: 29 Sprint 8: 21

Definition of Ready/Done

Planned For sprint : stories which are estimated and planne dfor sprint In Development : Story in progress In Review : story is ready for review Ready for QA Testing : dev story is ready fro testing QA Test in Progress : Story is under qa testing Ready for Prod : story is readyfor production handover Done : Story has been completed


No description, website, or topics provided.






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