This project is a comprehensive Library Management API built using the Phoenix Framework and Elixir. The API provides endpoints for managing books, borrowers, and their borrowing histories. It supports CRUD operations, borrowing/returning books, input validation, error handling, and testing for all endpoints. applicaiton
Book Management: CRUD operations for books.
Borrower Management: CRUD operations for library borrowers.
Borrowing and Returning Books: Record borrowing/returning activities.
Input Validation: Ensures data integrity and prevents invalid inputs.
Error Handling: Comprehensive error messages for failed operations.
Testing: Includes unit and integration tests for all endpoints.
Method | Endpoint | Controller Action | Description |
GET | /api/books |
LibraryHubWeb.BooksController:index |
List all books |
GET | /api/books/:id |
LibraryHubWeb.BooksController:show |
Retrieve a single book |
POST | /api/books |
LibraryHubWeb.BooksController:create |
Add a new book |
PATCH | /api/books/:id |
LibraryHubWeb.BooksController:update |
Update partial book details |
PUT | /api/books/:id |
LibraryHubWeb.BooksController:update |
Update full book details |
DELETE | /api/books/:id |
LibraryHubWeb.BooksController:delete |
Remove a book |
Method | Endpoint | Controller Action | Description |
GET | /api/borrowers |
LibraryHubWeb.BorrowerController:index |
List all borrowers |
GET | /api/borrowers/:id |
LibraryHubWeb.BorrowerController:show |
Retrieve a single borrower |
POST | /api/borrowers |
LibraryHubWeb.BorrowerController:create |
Add a new borrower |
PATCH | /api/borrowers/:id |
LibraryHubWeb.BorrowerController:update |
Update partial borrower details |
PUT | /api/borrowers/:id |
LibraryHubWeb.BorrowerController:update |
Update full borrower details |
DELETE | /api/borrowers/:id |
LibraryHubWeb.BorrowerController:delete |
Remove a borrower |
Method | Endpoint | Controller Action | Description |
GET | /api/borrower_histories |
LibraryHubWeb.BorrowerHistoryController:index |
List all borrowing histories |
GET | /api/borrower_histories/:id |
LibraryHubWeb.BorrowerHistoryController:show |
Retrieve a single history |
POST | /api/borrower_histories |
LibraryHubWeb.BorrowerHistoryController:create |
Add a new borrowing record |
PATCH | /api/borrower_histories/:id |
LibraryHubWeb.BorrowerHistoryController:update |
Update partial history details |
PUT | /api/borrower_histories/:id |
LibraryHubWeb.BorrowerHistoryController:update |
Update full history details |
DELETE | /api/borrower_histories/:id |
LibraryHubWeb.BorrowerHistoryController:delete |
Remove a borrowing record |
- Clone the repository:
git clone <> cd <library_hubs>
- Install dependencies:
mix deps.get
- Set up the database:
mix ecto.create mix ecto.migrate
- Run the server:
mix phx.server
The server will be available at http://localhost:4000.
To run the test suite, execute:
mix test
Ensure all endpoints are tested for various scenarios, including valid and invalid inputs.
Follow Elixir and Phoenix conventions for code structure.
Write unit and integration tests for all new features.
Ensure proper input validation and error handling for every endpoint.