This project is a car race simulation in which the user can select the number of participants and track their progress to the finish line. The project has been developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
To use the application, follow these steps:
- Select the number of participants from the corresponding dropdown.
- Once the number of participants has been selected, an image of a car will be displayed in each position.
- Click the "Start" button to begin the race. To restart the race, click the "Restart" button.
- During the race, the cars will advance randomly until they reach the finish line.
- The first car to reach the finish line will be the winner.
- After the race, a table will be displayed with the positions of each participant.
The environment of the web application has been designed to create a car race simulation experience. The design includes car images, a finish line, and start and restart buttons. The creativity of the project has focused on the development of car animation and the results table.
If you have some doubts or need to ask something about the project, feel free to reach me here: