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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


  • postgres database with the following setup:
  • node.js
  • java 17+
  • lite-server

running the application


  • to run the backend navigate via command line to api folder and type this command:
    mvnw spring-boot:run


  • put the correct data in the environment file
  • to run the frontend navigate via command line to frontend folder and type this commands in order:
    npm i
    npm build
    npm deploy

Schedule Management Application

System Architecture

This system is divided into 3 parts and each part is designed to be independent from each other. I tried to apply the separation of concerns concept to limit the dependencies and make it easier to replace on these parts if needed with least concern of what might break. Dividing the system in three major services came with a price of boilerplate code and hard debugging challenges.However dividing the project to 3 independent units makes each service request events be handled by the operating system which is a free win.

The database

DBMS choice

I selected postgreSQL as my DBMS because of the wide support and its feature reach and JSON support. And I did not know this DBMS so I decided to learn it on the project.

Database design

As for the database it is composed of 6 entity tables and 3 collection tables: User table used for authentication and authorization.Employee , Hospital , Building , Clinic and Clinic Schedule are management entity tables.Look at figure 1.

figure 1 database design.

The back-end

On the back-end I used the Java Spring boot framework to expose HTTP RESTful Controllers. So I can request the needed objects.

Data Layer

Implementing a data access layer for an application can be quite cumbersome. so I used JPA to handle this part of the program.

Service Layer

Usually debugging is hard and testing is even harder. So I used this layer to perform the business logic and throw errors if needed and so on.

Controller Layer

The Controller layer Responsibility is to validate data and check them then map the Entities that came from the service to DAO -data access object- to send it via network

The API design

All controllers were designed to behave similarly to make integration with the front-end as smooth as possible and to be controlled by one unit. this way the module is going to be implemented to be decoupled and satisfies the single responsibility design rule. Look at figure 2.

figure 2 entity controller
Authentication and Authorization

The authentication layer is handled by Spring Security library by filter chaining the HTTP request and if it passes all levels of the chain it will be processed otherwise it will return an unauthorized http response code. Basic authentication is the opted method, because it is easy to implement and to understand.

figure 3 example of basic http authentication

From figure 3 you can see the authentication header in the request. This header will be parsed by the authentication filter and checked if the username and the password are correct with the user from the database. ali:123 should be encrypted for security reasons.

The Frontend

In the front-end I used Angular framework.There are few reasons which made me opt for this framework.First, Angular CLI is command line tool to automate some repetitive tasks and saves me to write less code which provides a great developer experience.Second, angular integrate well with TypeScript.Third, modular architecture is enforced by nature in the framework which makes the code base more readable and maintainable if not overused.

Website Map

The website is basically composed of five pages which are schedules, login, dashboard, panels, add/edit form. Forms are for data addition and editing. Panels are for data presentation. Therefore the content of each component differs based on the entity that relates to the component. As example take the Add Hospital form and the add user form both will show similar interface yet the content is different. This makes it easy for the user to perceive the functionality according to the visual design. Look at the next diagram.

figure 4 website map
Website Pages

From the last figure you can see all different pages of the website. Each page is composed out of two or three components -components are stateless or stateful visual sections in a page-. First component is the navigation bar on top of the webpage. Then the second component is the content of the webpage which differs based on the URL. Last component is the popup component for the add/edit forms and the notifier popup.

table 1 tree of folders in project

The previous columns are an output of tree command from the actual file tree structure of the project.If we look at the component tree we can see a popup-form component. This component is used to build all other components in the folder forms. And the data-table component is used to construct all panel components which are suffixed with -panel. For better demonstration Look at the next diagram which will demonstrate the life of the Hospital-panel page which is composed of nav-bar , loading , error , data-table components .

figure 5 component display logic

This is a common pattern for view programming and it can be abstracted further to not violate the DRY principle -DRY stands for Don't Repeat Yourself-.


In Angular, services are single shared instances of that class and it is accessed by injecting the service into any class that calls for it. Services are good to use for data transfer , application state store and global state handlers. In the project I had three services which I will describe their functionality one at a time.

1. API Service:

This service is Poorly named. It handles the data communication between the API server and the browser.

2. User Service:

This service handles the authentication and authorization of users and it saves the user information.

3. Notifier Service:

This service is a backend for notification-view. This service controls a global component and if it fires a notification it will show a popup of the notification and its content.

Visual Design
figure 6 schedules page Home Page
figure 7 dashboard page
figure 8 add Hospital form
figure 9 Hospitals Panel Page
figure 10 Edit Hospital Form
Color Choice

You can see from the figures 6 to10 there is not much coloring in the UI and I was mainly aiming to use black and white for the project until I was surprised after implementing the CSS in how bad and boring that looked. and it was Hard to recognize the text. so I added blue and dark blue for the clickables. if you look at figure 6 you can see the dark blue used for toggle buttons.

In color theory the black and white colors are natural colors which can be used with any other colors. Now the challenge is what colors can be used together. After much trying and plug and play I realized that color choice is a weakness on my part. While browsing around on the internet I saw that all buttons of the same kind have the same color which is usually blue so I chose blue and it turned out to be a suitable color.

figure 11 color palette


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