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TylerJosephson committed Jan 6, 2025
1 parent 9072ff0 commit b3fe3c0
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Showing 42 changed files with 2,220 additions and 1 deletion.
Binary file added Lean Code/.DS_Store
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Binary file not shown.
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/- Chris Lovett is the author of this CSV parser -/
import Lean.Data.Parsec

open Lean Parsec

# The structure of the CSV file
Each line in a CSV file represents a row, also called a "record," and each record
contains multiple entries called "fields," separated by commas.

/-- `Field_CSV` represents a single entry in a CSV record
and is an alias for `String`.

abbrev Field_CSV := String

/-- `Record` is an alias for `Array Field_CSV`, representing a single row in a CSV file.
An `Array` is preferred to a List since its fixed-size in nature
and the elements of the same type. -/
abbrev Record := Array Field_CSV

/-- `Csv` is an alias for `Array Record`, representing the entire content of a CSV file.-/
abbrev Csv := Array Record

## The parser
The functions below establish the grounds for how the parser should interpret different parts of a CSV file.
The parser code processes an input and rendere a structured output or an error.

/-- `textData` matches characters that are not
enclosed in quotes `""`, so that it does not parse any unwanted field
-- It matches any character except control characters (like newline or tab).-/
def textData : Parsec Char := satisfy fun c =>
-- The operation below checks if the character's Unicode value falls within certain ranges.
0x20 ≤ c.val ∧ c.val ≤ 0x21-- Space to '!' (excluding double quote)
0x23 ≤ c.val ∧ c.val ≤ 0x2B-- '#' to '+'
0x2D ≤ c.val ∧ c.val ≤ 0x7E -- '-' to '~' (almost all printable characters)

/-- `cr`, `lf`, and `crlf` are parsers for carriage return, line feed, and their combination.-/
-- These are common newline characters used in text files across different types of OS/machines.-/
def cr : Parsec Char := pchar '\r' -- Carriage Return (used in older Mac systems)-/
def lf : Parsec Char := pchar '\n' -- Line Feed (used in Unix/Linux and modern Mac systems)-/
def crlf : Parsec String := pstring "\r\n" -- CR+LF combination (used in Windows)-/

/-- `comma` matches a comma `,`, used to separate fields in a CSV file.-/
def comma : Parsec Char := pchar ','

/-- `dQUOTE` matches a double quote character, which is used to escape fields in a Csv file.-/
def dQUOTE : Parsec Char := pchar '\"'

/-- `twoDQUOTE` matches two consecutive double quotes `""`, which represent an escaped double quote within a quoted field.-/
def twoDQUOTE : Parsec Char := attempt (pchar '"' *> pchar '"')

/-- `escaped` matches fields surrounded by double quotes.
-- It allows for more complex data inside the field, such as commas and newlines.-/
def escaped : Parsec String := attempt
dQUOTE *> -- Start with an opening double quote
manyChars (textData <|> comma <|> cr <|> lf <|> twoDQUOTE) -- Allow special characters
<* dQUOTE -- End with a closing double quote

/-- `nonEscaped` is for fields that are not enclosed in double quotes.
It matches a series of valid characters that do not include special characters like commas or newlines.-/
def nonEscaped: Parsec String := manyChars textData

/-- `field` is a parser that can handle both escaped and non-escaped fields.-
It uses the `escaped` parser first and if that fails, it tries `nonEscaped`.-/
def field : Parsec Field_CSV := escaped <|> nonEscaped

`manySep` is a higher-order parser that matches many occurrences of a pattern `p`
separated by a separator `s`.
For example, in a CSV file, fields are separated by commas.
This function returns an array of parsed elements.
def manySep (p : Parsec α) (s : Parsec β) : Parsec $ Array α := do
manyCore (attempt (s *> p)) #[←p]

/-- `record` parses a single row of CSV, which is a sequence of fields separated by commas.-/
def record : Parsec Record := manySep field comma

/-- `file` parses the entire CSV file, which consists of multiple records separated by newlines.-/
def file : Parsec $ Array Record :=
manySep record (crlf <* notFollowedBy eof) <* (optional crlf) <* eof

/-- `parse` is a function that takes a string (the content of a CSV file) and returns either
the parsed data successfully or an error message.-/
def parse (s : String) : Except String $ Array $ Array $ String :=
match file s.mkIterator with
| Parsec.ParseResult.success _ res => Except.ok res -- Return the result if successful
| Parsec.ParseResult.error it err => Except.error s!"offset {it.i.byteIdx}: {err}" -- Return an error message

-- e.g., let's parse a CSV string directly.

#eval parse ("a,\"b\nc\"\r\n1,2\r\n4,5,6")

`manyHomoCore` is a parser that ensures all parsed arrays have the same size.
This is useful for validating that every row in a CSV file has the same number of fields,
which is often a requirement for properly formatted CSV files.
partial def manyHomoCore (p : Parsec $ Array α) (acc : Array $ Array α) : Parsec $ Array $ Array α :=
let first ← p
if acc.size = 0 then
manyHomoCore p (acc.push first) -- If it's the first element, it just adds it
if acc.back.size = first.size then
manyHomoCore p (acc.push first) -- If the sizes match, parsing continues
fail "expect same size" -- If sizes don't match, error thrown
<|> pure acc -- If parsing fails, it returns the accumulated result

`manySepHomo` parses many arrays of `p` with the same size separated by `s`.
It is used to parse a CSV file while making sure that all rows have the same number of fields ensuring uniformity.
def manySepHomo (p : Parsec $ Array α) (s : Parsec β) : Parsec $ Array $ Array α := do
manyHomoCore (attempt (s *> p)) #[←p]

/-- `file'` is an alternative CSV file parser most likely.
It ensures each row has the same number of fields.-/
def file' : Parsec $ Array Record := manySepHomo record (crlf <* notFollowedBy eof) <* (optional crlf) <* eof

/-- `parse'` is a function that parses a string with an additional check for homogeneous field counts across records.-/
def parse' (s : String) : Except String $ Array $ Array $ String :=
match file' s.mkIterator with
| Parsec.ParseResult.success _ res => Except.ok res -- Return the result if successful
| Parsec.ParseResult.error it err => Except.error s!"offset {it.i.byteIdx}: {err}" -- Return an error message

/-This is by John Velkey.-/
/-John's function to handle exceptions -/
/-- This function handles the result of the CSV parsing and returns either the parsed data or an error message.
If parsing fails, it returns a default error message.-/
def CSVParseExceptHandler (inputParse : Except String (Array (Array String))) : Array $ Array $ String :=
match inputParse with
| Except.ok α => α -- If parsing is successful, return the result
| Except.error _ => #[#["CSV Parse Error"]] -- If there's an error, return a default error message

def CSVParseIt : IO Unit := do
-- Read through of the CSV file
let fileContent ← IO.FS.readFile "Lecture 9 - lists, arrays, indexing, matrices/CSV Parser/CSV_From_Excel_Test_no_BOM.csv"

-- Parse the file using the parse function
let parsedCSV := parse fileContent

-- Handles the result using the CSVParseExceptHandler function
let result := CSVParseExceptHandler parsedCSV

IO.println result

#eval CSVParseIt

-- Note we read the file using the absolute path - get path this way:
#eval IO.currentDir
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Data 1,Data 2,Data 3
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
def get_input : IO String := do
let stdin ← IO.getStdin

def factorial : Nat → Nat
| 0 => 1
| n + 1 => (n + 1) * factorial n

def factorialm (n : Nat) : Nat :=
match n with
| 0 => 1
| n + 1 => (n + 1) * factorialm n

example : factorial = factorialm := by rfl

def main : IO Unit := do
IO.println "Enter number:"
let num ← get_input
match num.trim.toNat? with
| some num =>
let fact := factorial (num)
IO.println s!"Factorial: {fact}"
| none => IO.println "Invalid entry. Please enter a valid natural number."

-- What's going on with String.toNat? ? This has type Option Nat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
def main : IO Unit := IO.println "Hello, world!"
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
def main : IO Unit := do
let stdin ← IO.getStdin

IO.println "How would you like to be addressed?"
let input ← stdin.getLine
let name := input.dropRightWhile Char.isWhitespace
IO.println s!"Hello, {name}!"
Empty file.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Lean Code/Lecture 9 - lists, arrays, indexing, IO/Option.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
-- Here's how Option works:
def safeDivide (a b : Nat) : Option Nat :=
if b == 0 then
some (a / b)

def main : IO Unit := do
let result1 := safeDivide 10 2
let result2 := safeDivide 10 0
IO.println s!"10 / 2 = {result1}"
IO.println s!"10 / 0 = {result2}"
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/- Strings! -/

-- Define a string with double quotes
def string_example := "hello"
-- Single quotes are used for characters
def char_example := 'c'
-- string to list
#eval string_example.toList
--list of char to joined string
#eval ['h','e','l','l','o'].asString
-- list of strings to string
#eval string_example.endsWith "o"
#eval "hello ".trim
#eval string_example.toUpper
-- string concantenation methods
#eval string_example ++ " everyone"
-- passing values into strings
#eval s!"{string_example} everyone"
-- Reverse a string (example of chaining string methods)
#eval string_example.toList.reverse.asString
def string_example2 :="12"
-- number parsing
#eval string_example2.toNat!
#eval string_example2.toInt!

def float_parsing (str:String) :=
let parts := str.split (· == '.')
match parts with
| [intPart, fracPart] =>
let fullnum :=(intPart++fracPart).toNat!
let plc:=fracPart
some (Float.ofScientific fullnum true plc.length)
| _ => none

#eval float_parsing "12.532"

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