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Gabriele Antolini edited this page May 10, 2022 · 6 revisions

A VINE3D project is a collection of data sources needed to simulate a specific region of interest. The project information are contained in a .ini file, containing the following information:

  • [location]

    • lat: latitude of the area interest (used to center the initial maps in GUI interface)
    • lon: Longitude of the area interest (used to center the initial maps in GUI interface)
    • utm_zone: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone for projecting geographic data from geographical coordinates to metric coordinates
    • is_utc: boolean for specifying whether the meteorological data are given in Universal Time Convention (UTC)
    • time_zone: time convention zone needed to compute solar time in radiation algorithm
  • [project]

    • dem: file name of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) raster map (in ESRI flt binary format), used as a basis for several computation (e.g. interpolation of weather variables)
    • modelCaseMap: file name of the raster map (in ESRI flt binary format) containing the computation units, expressed with integer id's
    • meteo_points: file name of the SQLite database containing the meteorological observed data
    • soil_db: file name of the SQLite database containing the soil information used as parameters for the soil physics scheme;
    • db_vine3d: file name of the SQLite database containing all the parameters needed by the VINE3D specific modules (grapevine cultivar properties, training systems), the properties of the model units (see modelCaseMap) and a field_book that could be used to manually enter farm operations (e.g. irrigation)
  • [settings]

    • parameters_file: name of the .ini file containing more general parameters used by the software
    • log_file: name of the log file where the simulation output information will be written
    • soil_depth: maximum soil depth in the entire domain
    • compute_diseases: flag to activate/deactivate simulation of grape diseases (powdery mildew and downy mildew)
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