Releases: AOtools/soapy
Version 0.13.2
- Update to be compatible with pip install
- Upload to pip for easier installation
Version 0.13.1 uses setuptools for installation. Makes it easier to include all required packages and fixes bug where GUI requirements were not installed properly
Version 0.13.0
- Use "aotools" packages instead of "AOSimLib" (aotools packaged with Soapy)
- Move pupil mask loading and formatting to separate function in Simulation
- Update GUI to use PyQt5 if available
- Can set a SH WFS pxlScale, which overrides the FOV parameter
- Improve extended SH WFS implementation
- Fix bug in infinite phase screen covariance calculation
- Bug fixes
- Docs updates
- Update to be compatible with NumPy 0.12 - indices must be ints
Version 0.12.0
- Shift lots of light propagation code to a separate
object, which is shared by WFSs, LGSs and Science targets - Add optional YAML configuration style. This will now be the main supported configuration method
- Added ability to conjugate DMs at a finite altitude
- Re-worked API to objects so they only need the simulation config file
- Fix "Gradient" WFS so slopes outputted in arcseconds
- Other fixes and small features
Version 0.11.0
- Begun restructuring of components as files were getting very large. Now components will be kept in sub-modules. Done WFS module.
- Re-worked correlation WFSing - now there is an "ExtendedSH" WFS, which can take an extended object, that is convolved with the sub-aperture PSF to form a wide-field WFSer. A correlation centroiding technique is used to get centroids (thanks to @matthewtownson!)
- Added options of integer frame loop delay (thanks to @jwoillez!)
- Can set tau_0 parameters in atmosphere. Atmosphere also prints out atmosphere summary on init. (thanks to @jwoillez)
Also begun to restructure the Soapy project. Soapy is now a github organisation and the simulation is a project under that umbrella. More soapy related projects may begin to appear there soon! Please change you're git remote to the new address if you like to pull from the main repo! At some point @andrewpaulreeves will make a fork of the simulation, and if you haven't updated you might end up pulling from that instead.
Version 0.10.1
- Config objects can be converted to dictionaries.
Version 0.10.0
- Phase is now internally passed around in nano-metres
- Added both WFS photon and read noise. Still needs comparisons to verify though
- Added a DM which is interpolated on each frame - better for larger systems
- Can now access and save the corrected EField (thanks @Robjharris37!)
- Added testing infrastructure and code coverage checking - also added more tests
- Data now saved with common FITS header
Version 0.9.1
- Tutorial added to docs
- Fix bug in off-axis science cameras, where Interp2d wasnt imported
- Can use a random phase screen for each loop iteration
Version 0.9.0
Name change to Soapy!
Some parameters changed name
sim filePrefix --> dataDir tel obs --> obsDiam wfs subapOversamp --> fftOversamp lgs lgsUplink --> uplink lgsPupilDiam --> pupilDiam dm dmType --> type dmActs --> nActuators dmCond --> svdConditioning sci oversamp --> fftOversamp
Configuration parameters in lists are now accessed as plurals, e.g.