D1Mini-GasCounter Public
A smart gas meter with a web interface and optional ioBroker integration.
This repository shows how to build a Seatalk Autopilot Remote Control device based on an Arduino ProMicro and a simple 433 MHz KeyFob.
NMEA2000-Workshop Public
Material für den NMEA2000-Workshop.
Arduino based decoder for a Bresser 3 channel 433MHz temperature/humidity sensor with ioBroker integration..
Forked from PepeTheFroggie/ESP32CAM_RCTANKA WLAN controlled RC Car with ESP32CAM.
Satellite-Dish-Positioner Public
An automatical satellite dish positioner with ESP8266 D1 Mini, compass and MPU.
An external Buzzer for NMEA2000 / SeaTalk-NG Alarms.
NMEA2000-TempPressure Public
To measure temperature and barometric pressure with a BMP280 sensor and send it to NMEA2000 network.
NMEA2000-AIS-Gateway Public
An ESP32 based gateway to read NMEA0183 AIS messages and transform them to NMEA2000 PGNs.
NMEA0183-WiFi-Multiplexer Public
Reads NMEA0183 messages from two serial lines and forwards multiplexed messages to USB-Serial and WLAN as UDP broadcast.
Core2ez Public
Forked from M5ez/Core2ez -
BangleApps Public
Forked from espruino/BangleAppsBangle.js App Loader (and Apps)
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 9, 2022 -
Alexa-Alarm-System-ESP32CAM Public
Alexa controlled alarm system with ESP32-CAM and HC-SR501 PIR module.
M5Stack-Sonoff-Power-Display Public
A display for Sonoff-Tasmoa POW R2 to show voltage, current, power and energy values.
This repository shows how to use the M5Stack as NMEA 2000 Display and WiFi Gateway.
NMEA2000-SignalK-Gateway Public
An ESP32 based gateway to send NMEA2000 PGNs to a SignalK server via WLAN or USB-Serial.
Remote Control for an Evolution EV-1 Auto Pilot via NMEA2000/SeatalkNG.
Combination of NMEA2000 WiFi gateway with power and heater control.
This repository shows how to build a NMEA2000 WiFi Gateway with voltage and temperature alarms.
NMEA2000-Data-Sender Public
To measure battery voltage, engine RPM, fuel level and exhaust teperature with an ESP32 and send it to a NMEA 2000 network.
An ESP32-CAM based face recognition solution to trigger Alexa routines.
Remote control for anchor chain that shows current chain lenght via WLAN to phone/tablet (with ESP8266 D1 Mini).
Mindwave Public
Forked from orgicus/MindwaveMindwave Mobile EEG headset basic parser with eye-blink detection.
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 15, 2021 -
NMEA2000-VoyageDataRecorder Public
This is the develoment space for a NMEA 2000 Voyage Data Recorder based on an ESP32 with CAN bus and SD card. The logger is using a SN65HVD230 CAN bus transceiver.
ESP8266 based WLAN Controlled Heater Switch Thermostat (for Tasmota switch).
Remote control for anchor chain that shows current chain lengtht via WLAN to phone/tablet.
A display for the M5Stack connecting via JSON to the NMEA 2000 WiFi Gateway.
ESP12-TemperatureLogger Public
A battery powered tempeature logger with RTC DS3231.