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Updates1 (#21)
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* WIP: Updates1 : Part1

* Updates1 : Part2

* Updates1 : Fix-up Exit portals

* Updates1 : Remove unneeded file
  • Loading branch information
ziang4891 authored and LtRipley36706 committed Jan 7, 2019
1 parent 6349d39 commit 6d53d96
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Showing 92 changed files with 7,551 additions and 7 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
DELETE FROM recipe WHERE id = 794;

INSERT INTO `recipe` (`id`, `unknown_1`, `skill`, `difficulty`, `salvage_Type`, `success_W_C_I_D`, `success_Amount`, `success_Message`, `fail_W_C_I_D`, `fail_Amount`, `fail_Message`, `success_Destroy_Source_Chance`, `success_Destroy_Source_Amount`, `success_Destroy_Source_Message`, `success_Destroy_Target_Chance`, `success_Destroy_Target_Amount`, `success_Destroy_Target_Message`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Chance`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Amount`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Message`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Chance`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Amount`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Message`, `data_Id`)
VALUES (794, 0, 46 /* Finesse */, 0, 0, 6339 /* Superb Infused Pyreal Ingot */, 1, 'You strongly imbue the pyreal with the essence of a dagger.', 6339 /* Superb Infused Pyreal Ingot */, 1, 'You strongly imbue the pyreal with the essence of a dagger.', 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 0);

INSERT INTO `cook_book` (`recipe_Id`, `source_W_C_I_D`, `target_W_C_I_D`)
VALUES (794, 19405 /* Finesse Weapon Glyph */, 6331 /* Quality Pyreal Ingot */);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
DELETE FROM recipe WHERE id = 800;

INSERT INTO `recipe` (`id`, `unknown_1`, `skill`, `difficulty`, `salvage_Type`, `success_W_C_I_D`, `success_Amount`, `success_Message`, `fail_W_C_I_D`, `fail_Amount`, `fail_Message`, `success_Destroy_Source_Chance`, `success_Destroy_Source_Amount`, `success_Destroy_Source_Message`, `success_Destroy_Target_Chance`, `success_Destroy_Target_Amount`, `success_Destroy_Target_Message`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Chance`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Amount`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Message`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Chance`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Amount`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Message`, `data_Id`)
VALUES (800, 0, 45 /* Light */, 0, 0, 6342 /* Superb Infused Pyreal Ingot */, 1, 'You strongly imbue the pyreal with the essence of an axe.', 6342 /* Superb Infused Pyreal Ingot */, 1, 'You strongly imbue the pyreal with the essence of an axe.', 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 0);

INSERT INTO `cook_book` (`recipe_Id`, `source_W_C_I_D`, `target_W_C_I_D`)
VALUES (800, 19401 /* Light Glyph */, 6331 /* Quality Pyreal Ingot */);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
DELETE FROM recipe WHERE id = 806;

INSERT INTO `recipe` (`id`, `unknown_1`, `skill`, `difficulty`, `salvage_Type`, `success_W_C_I_D`, `success_Amount`, `success_Message`, `fail_W_C_I_D`, `fail_Amount`, `fail_Message`, `success_Destroy_Source_Chance`, `success_Destroy_Source_Amount`, `success_Destroy_Source_Message`, `success_Destroy_Target_Chance`, `success_Destroy_Target_Amount`, `success_Destroy_Target_Message`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Chance`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Amount`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Message`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Chance`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Amount`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Message`, `data_Id`)
VALUES (806, 0, 44 /* Heavy */, 0, 0, 6345 /* Superb Infused Pyreal Ingot */, 1, 'You strongly imbue the pyreal with the essence of a sword.', 6345 /* Superb Infused Pyreal Ingot */, 1, 'You strongly imbue the pyreal with the essence of a sword.', 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 0);

INSERT INTO `cook_book` (`recipe_Id`, `source_W_C_I_D`, `target_W_C_I_D`)
VALUES (806, 19409 /* Heavy Weapon Glyph */, 6331 /* Quality Pyreal Ingot */);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
DELETE FROM recipe WHERE id = 6025;

INSERT INTO `recipe` (`id`, `unknown_1`, `skill`, `difficulty`, `salvage_Type`, `success_W_C_I_D`, `success_Amount`, `success_Message`, `fail_W_C_I_D`, `fail_Amount`, `fail_Message`, `success_Destroy_Source_Chance`, `success_Destroy_Source_Amount`, `success_Destroy_Source_Message`, `success_Destroy_Target_Chance`, `success_Destroy_Target_Amount`, `success_Destroy_Target_Message`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Chance`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Amount`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Message`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Chance`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Amount`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Message`, `data_Id`)
VALUES (6025, 0, 41 /* Two Handed */, 0, 0, 15750 /* Superb Infused Pyreal Ingot */, 1, 'You strongly imbue the pyreal with the essence of a staff.', 15750 /* Quality Infused Pyreal Ingot */, 1, 'You strongly imbue the pyreal with the essence of a staff.', 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 0);

INSERT INTO `cook_book` (`recipe_Id`, `source_W_C_I_D`, `target_W_C_I_D`)
VALUES (6025, 41619 /* Two Handed Glyph */, 6331 /* Quality Pyreal Ingot */);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
DELETE FROM recipe WHERE id = 6026;

INSERT INTO `recipe` (`id`, `unknown_1`, `skill`, `difficulty`, `salvage_Type`, `success_W_C_I_D`, `success_Amount`, `success_Message`, `fail_W_C_I_D`, `fail_Amount`, `fail_Message`, `success_Destroy_Source_Chance`, `success_Destroy_Source_Amount`, `success_Destroy_Source_Message`, `success_Destroy_Target_Chance`, `success_Destroy_Target_Amount`, `success_Destroy_Target_Message`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Chance`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Amount`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Message`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Chance`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Amount`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Message`, `data_Id`)
VALUES (6026, 0, 47 /* Missile */, 0, 0, 46140 /* Superb Infused Pyreal Ingot */, 1, 'You strongly imbue the pyreal with the essence of a bow.', 46140 /* Superb Infused Pyreal Ingot */, 1, 'You strongly imbue the pyreal with the essence of a bow.', 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 0);

INSERT INTO `cook_book` (`recipe_Id`, `source_W_C_I_D`, `target_W_C_I_D`)
VALUES (6026, 19402 /* Missile Weapon Glyph */, 6331 /* Quality Pyreal Ingot */);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
DELETE FROM recipe WHERE id = 6027;

INSERT INTO `recipe` (`id`, `unknown_1`, `skill`, `difficulty`, `salvage_Type`, `success_W_C_I_D`, `success_Amount`, `success_Message`, `fail_W_C_I_D`, `fail_Amount`, `fail_Message`, `success_Destroy_Source_Chance`, `success_Destroy_Source_Amount`, `success_Destroy_Source_Message`, `success_Destroy_Target_Chance`, `success_Destroy_Target_Amount`, `success_Destroy_Target_Message`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Chance`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Amount`, `fail_Destroy_Source_Message`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Chance`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Amount`, `fail_Destroy_Target_Message`, `data_Id`)
VALUES (6027, 0, 33 /* War Magic */, 0, 0, 46141 /* Superb Infused Pyreal Ingot */, 1, 'You strongly imbue the pyreal with the essence of a wand.', 46141 /* Quality Infused Pyreal Ingot */, 1, 'You strongly imbue the pyreal with the essence of a wand.', 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 1, 1, NULL, 0);

INSERT INTO `cook_book` (`recipe_Id`, `source_W_C_I_D`, `target_W_C_I_D`)
VALUES (6027, 19410 /* Magic Glyph */, 6331 /* Quality Pyreal Ingot */);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
INSERT INTO `landblock_instance` (`guid`, `weenie_Class_Id`, `obj_Cell_Id`, `origin_X`, `origin_Y`, `origin_Z`, `angles_W`, `angles_X`, `angles_Y`, `angles_Z`, `is_Link_Child`)
VALUES (2030895107, 2498, 2429550592, 59.0085, 107.151, 297.207, 0.996323, 0, 0, -0.0856724, False); /* Silencia the Archmage */
/* @teleloc 0x90D00000 [59.008500 107.151000 297.207000] 0.996323 0.000000 0.000000 -0.085672 */

INSERT INTO `landblock_instance` (`guid`, `weenie_Class_Id`, `obj_Cell_Id`, `origin_X`, `origin_Y`, `origin_Z`, `angles_W`, `angles_X`, `angles_Y`, `angles_Z`, `is_Link_Child`)
VALUES (2030895111, 6356, 2429550592, 62.1963, 107.7, 297.21, 0.764914, 0, 0, 0.644132, True); /* Silencia's Magma Golem */
/* @teleloc 0x90D00000 [62.196300 107.700000 297.210000] 0.764914 0.000000 0.000000 0.644132 */
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
-- Current Database: `ace_world`

USE `ace_world`;

/* Weenie - Casters - Atlan Wand (46122) */
DELETE FROM weenie WHERE class_Id = 46122;

INSERT INTO `weenie` (`class_Id`, `class_Name`, `type`)
VALUES (46122, 'atlanwand', 35) /* Caster */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_int` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46122, 1, 32768) /* ItemType - Caster */
, (46122, 3, 20) /* PaletteTemplate - Silver */
, (46122, 5, 150) /* EncumbranceVal */
, (46122, 8, 10) /* Mass */
, (46122, 9, 16777216) /* ValidLocations - Held */
, (46122, 16, 1) /* ItemUseable - No */
, (46122, 19, 8000) /* Value */
, (46122, 33, 1) /* Bonded - Bonded */
, (46122, 46, 512) /* DefaultCombatStyle - Magic */
, (46122, 93, 1044) /* PhysicsState - Ethereal, IgnoreCollisions, Gravity */
, (46122, 94, 16) /* TargetType - Creature */
, (46122, 150, 103) /* HookPlacement - Hook */
, (46122, 151, 2) /* HookType - Wall */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_bool` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46122, 22, True ) /* Inscribable */
, (46122, 23, True ) /* DestroyOnSell */
, (46122, 69, False) /* IsSellable */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_float` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46122, 29, 1.08) /* WeaponDefense */
, (46122, 144, 0) /* ManaConversionMod */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_string` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46122, 1, 'Atlan Wand') /* Name */
, (46122, 16, 'This weapon seems tough to master.') /* LongDescription */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_d_i_d` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46122, 1, 33557782) /* Setup */
, (46122, 3, 536870932) /* SoundTable */
, (46122, 6, 67111919) /* PaletteBase */
, (46122, 8, 100672989) /* Icon */
, (46122, 22, 872415275) /* PhysicsEffectTable */;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
-- Current Database: `ace_world`

USE `ace_world`;

/* Weenie - Casters - Blackfire Shivering Atlan Wand (46123) */
DELETE FROM weenie WHERE class_Id = 46123;

INSERT INTO `weenie` (`class_Id`, `class_Name`, `type`)
VALUES (46123, 'blackfireshiveringatlanwand', 35) /* Caster */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_int` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46123, 1, 32768) /* ItemType - Caster */
, (46123, 3, 2) /* PaletteTemplate - Sky Blue */
, (46123, 5, 150) /* EncumbranceVal */
, (46123, 8, 10) /* Mass */
, (46123, 9, 16777216) /* ValidLocations - Held */
, (46123, 16, 1) /* ItemUseable - No */
, (46123, 18, 1) /* UiEffects - Magical */
, (46123, 19, 8000) /* Value */
, (46123, 33, 1) /* Bonded - Bonded */
, (46123, 45, 8) /* DamageType - Cold */
, (46123, 46, 512) /* DefaultCombatStyle - Magic */
, (46123, 93, 1044) /* PhysicsState - Ethereal, IgnoreCollisions, Gravity */
, (46123, 94, 16) /* TargetType - Creature */
, (46123, 106, 325) /* ItemSpellcraft */
, (46123, 107, 500) /* ItemCurMana */
, (46123, 108, 500) /* ItemMaxMana */
, (46123, 109, 200) /* ItemDifficulty */
, (46123, 114, 1) /* Attuned */
, (46123, 115, 250) /* ItemSkillLevelLimit */
, (46123, 150, 103) /* HookPlacement - Hook */
, (46123, 151, 2) /* HookType - Wall */
, (46123, 158, 2) /* WieldRequirements - Skill */
, (46123, 159, 34) /* WieldSkilltype - War Magic */
, (46123, 160, 330) /* WieldDifficulty */
, (46123, 263, 8) /* ResistanceModifierType - Cold */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_bool` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46123, 22, True ) /* Inscribable */
, (46123, 23, True ) /* DestroyOnSell */
, (46123, 69, False) /* IsSellable */
, (46123, 99, True ) /* Ivoryable */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_float` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46123, 5, -0.025) /* ManaRate */
, (46123, 29, 1.12) /* WeaponDefense */
, (46123, 144, 0.06) /* ManaConversionMod */
, (46123, 152, 1.17) /* ElementalDamageMod */
, (46123, 157, 1) /* ResistanceModifier */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_string` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46123, 1, 'Blackfire Shivering Atlan Wand') /* Name */
, (46123, 16, 'This weapon seems tough to master.') /* LongDescription */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_d_i_d` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46123, 1, 33557781) /* Setup */
, (46123, 3, 536870932) /* SoundTable */
, (46123, 6, 67111919) /* PaletteBase */
, (46123, 7, 268436395) /* ClothingBase */
, (46123, 8, 100672989) /* Icon */
, (46123, 22, 872415275) /* PhysicsEffectTable */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_spell_book` (`object_Id`, `spell`, `probability`)
VALUES (46123, 2287, 2) /* Major War Magic Aptitude*/
, (46123, 2155, 2) /* Icy Blessing */
, (46123, 2067, 2) /* Inner Calm */
, (46123, 2534, 2) /* Nuhmudira's Blessing */
, (46123, 3251, 2) /* Minor Spirit Thirst */
, (46123, 2101, 2) /* Aura of Cragstone's Will */
, (46123, 3259, 2) /* Aura of Infected Spirit Caress */;

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
-- Current Database: `ace_world`

USE `ace_world`;

/* Weenie - Casters - Major Shivering Atlan Wand (46124) */
DELETE FROM weenie WHERE class_Id = 46124;

INSERT INTO `weenie` (`class_Id`, `class_Name`, `type`)
VALUES (46124, 'majorshiveringatlanwand', 35) /* Caster */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_int` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46124, 1, 32768) /* ItemType - Caster */
, (46124, 3, 2) /* PaletteTemplate - Sky Blue */
, (46124, 5, 150) /* EncumbranceVal */
, (46124, 8, 10) /* Mass */
, (46124, 9, 16777216) /* ValidLocations - Held */
, (46124, 16, 1) /* ItemUseable - No */
, (46124, 18, 1) /* UiEffects - Magical */
, (46124, 19, 8000) /* Value */
, (46124, 33, 1) /* Bonded - Bonded */
, (46124, 45, 8) /* DamageType - Cold */
, (46124, 46, 512) /* DefaultCombatStyle - Magic */
, (46124, 93, 1044) /* PhysicsState - Ethereal, IgnoreCollisions, Gravity */
, (46124, 94, 16) /* TargetType - Creature */
, (46124, 106, 300) /* ItemSpellcraft */
, (46124, 107, 500) /* ItemCurMana */
, (46124, 108, 500) /* ItemMaxMana */
, (46124, 109, 170) /* ItemDifficulty */
, (46124, 114, 1) /* Attuned */
, (46124, 115, 250) /* ItemSkillLevelLimit */
, (46124, 150, 103) /* HookPlacement - Hook */
, (46124, 151, 2) /* HookType - Wall */
, (46124, 158, 2) /* WieldRequirements - Skill */
, (46124, 159, 34) /* WieldSkilltype - War Magic */
, (46124, 160, 310) /* WieldDifficulty */
, (46124, 263, 8) /* ResistanceModifierType - Cold */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_bool` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46124, 22, True ) /* Inscribable */
, (46124, 23, True ) /* DestroyOnSell */
, (46124, 69, False) /* IsSellable */
, (46124, 99, True ) /* Ivoryable */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_float` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46124, 5, -0.025) /* ManaRate */
, (46124, 29, 1.10) /* WeaponDefense */
, (46124, 144, 0.04) /* ManaConversionMod */
, (46124, 152, 1.14) /* ElementalDamageMod */
, (46124, 157, 1) /* ResistanceModifier */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_string` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46124, 1, 'Major Shivering Atlan Wand') /* Name */
, (46124, 16, 'This weapon seems tough to master.') /* LongDescription */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_d_i_d` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46124, 1, 33557781) /* Setup */
, (46124, 3, 536870932) /* SoundTable */
, (46124, 6, 67111919) /* PaletteBase */
, (46124, 7, 268436395) /* ClothingBase */
, (46124, 8, 100672989) /* Icon */
, (46124, 22, 872415275) /* PhysicsEffectTable */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_spell_book` (`object_Id`, `spell`, `probability`)
VALUES (46124, 2287, 2) /* Major War Magic Aptitude*/
, (46124, 2155, 2) /* Icy Blessing */
, (46124, 2067, 2) /* Inner Calm */
, (46124, 2534, 2) /* Nuhmudira's Blessing */
, (46124, 2101, 2) /* Aura of Cragstone's Will */
, (46124, 3259, 2) /* Aura of Infected Spirit Caress */;

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
-- Current Database: `ace_world`

USE `ace_world`;

/* Weenie - Casters - Minor Shivering Atlan Wand (46125) */
DELETE FROM weenie WHERE class_Id = 46125;

INSERT INTO `weenie` (`class_Id`, `class_Name`, `type`)
VALUES (46125, 'minorshiveringatlanwand', 35) /* Caster */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_int` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46125, 1, 32768) /* ItemType - Caster */
, (46125, 3, 2) /* PaletteTemplate - Sky Blue */
, (46125, 5, 150) /* EncumbranceVal */
, (46125, 8, 10) /* Mass */
, (46125, 9, 16777216) /* ValidLocations - Held */
, (46125, 16, 1) /* ItemUseable - No */
, (46125, 18, 1) /* UiEffects - Magical */
, (46125, 19, 8000) /* Value */
, (46125, 33, 1) /* Bonded - Bonded */
, (46125, 46, 512) /* DefaultCombatStyle - Magic */
, (46125, 93, 1044) /* PhysicsState - Ethereal, IgnoreCollisions, Gravity */
, (46125, 94, 16) /* TargetType - Creature */
, (46125, 106, 275) /* ItemSpellcraft */
, (46125, 107, 500) /* ItemCurMana */
, (46125, 108, 500) /* ItemMaxMana */
, (46125, 109, 100) /* ItemDifficulty */
, (46125, 114, 1) /* Attuned */
, (46125, 115, 250) /* ItemSkillLevelLimit */
, (46125, 150, 103) /* HookPlacement - Hook */
, (46125, 151, 2) /* HookType - Wall */
, (46125, 158, 2) /* WieldRequirements - Skill */
, (46125, 159, 34) /* WieldSkilltype - War Magic */
, (46125, 160, 290) /* WieldDifficulty */
, (46125, 263, 8) /* ResistanceModifierType - Cold */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_bool` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46125, 22, True ) /* Inscribable */
, (46125, 23, True ) /* DestroyOnSell */
, (46125, 69, False) /* IsSellable */
, (46125, 99, True ) /* Ivoryable */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_float` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46125, 5, -0.025) /* ManaRate */
, (46125, 29, 1.10) /* WeaponDefense */
, (46125, 144, 0.04) /* ManaConversionMod */
, (46125, 157, 1) /* ResistanceModifier */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_string` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46125, 1, 'Minor Shivering Atlan Wand') /* Name */
, (46125, 16, 'This weapon seems tough to master.') /* LongDescription */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_d_i_d` (`object_Id`, `type`, `value`)
VALUES (46125, 1, 33557782) /* Setup */
, (46125, 3, 536870932) /* SoundTable */
, (46125, 6, 67111919) /* PaletteBase */
, (46125, 7, 268436395) /* ClothingBase */
, (46125, 8, 100672989) /* Icon */
, (46125, 22, 872415275) /* PhysicsEffectTable */;

INSERT INTO `weenie_properties_spell_book` (`object_Id`, `spell`, `probability`)
VALUES (46125, 2569, 2) /* Minor War Magic Aptitude */
, (46125, 2155, 2) /* Cold Protection Other VI */
, (46125, 1041, 2) /* Focus Other VI */
, (46125, 664, 2) /* Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI */
, (46125, 1605, 2) /* Aura of Defender VI */
, (46125, 3258, 2) /* Aura of Spirit Drinker VI */;


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