- Download and install Tcl (recommended link)
- Add tcl tools to PATH. You can skip this step, but make sure you made SET "PATH=%PATH%;c:\path\to\tcl\tools" in Visual Studio Command Prompt
- Open the Visual Studio Command Prompt (Tools -> Command Line -> Developer Command Prompt)
- cd to your Projects or SDKs folder (e.g. C:\SDK)
- Clone sqlcipher (or sqlite3) repository
> git clone [email protected]:sqlcipher/sqlcipher.git`
- cd to cloned repository and make .am folder and cd to created folder
> cd sqlcipher
> mkdir .am
> cd .am
- Run amalgamation
nmake /f ../Makefile.msc sqlite3.c TOP=..
Done! Now you can use amalgamation in your project. Don`t forget add compile definitions (SQLITE_HAS_CODEC) and SSL libraries to your project, otherwise you will get regular sqlite3 functionality